Showing posts with label Universal Law Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universal Law Series. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Universal Law Series: 12 The Law of Gender

12 ~ The Law of Gender

"This last of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and its feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God" 

We all have within our Souls ~ within our Spirits ~ both masculine and feminine, yin and yang, dark and light, and so on. This 12th Law of the Universal Laws could be combined with a few of the previous ones, in fact. It speaks of balancing the opposites, and integrating them into our Being. On our Individual Journey, we must learn to balance the inner and outer worlds, we must learn to live in the present moment, in the Now. 

We exist here on Earth in a dualistic Nature, and when we can integrate everything and see all in its proper perspective, we realize that All is One, and that there is no separation. The only separation that exists is the separation that we create in our own Mind. But, I digress.

This is the Law of Gender, the 12th Universal Law. This post completes the simplified version of the Universal Law Series. I hope this series has helped you to understand the 12 Universal Laws a little better. 

Unconditional Love to all, my friends ~
Reiki Nurse <3 <3

Universal Law Series: 11 The Law of Rhythm

1 ~ The Law of Rhythm
"This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness"

The premise of this Universal Law eludes me frequently, and so I honor and respect this law immensely. There comes a time on our individual Path that we need to learn and experience the art of observation, without allowing our Self to get caught up in the chaos of our environment. We need to learn to be the observer, rather than the participant. This sounds so simple, but is in fact extremely difficult to achieve. 

Eckhart Tolle speaks of letting go of 'thought' and of becoming the 'observer' or 'silent watcher' in his teachings "The Power of Now":

“Focus attention on the feeling inside you. Know that it is the pain-body. Accept that it is there. Don't think about it - don't let the feeling turn into thinking. Don't judge or analyze. Don't make an identity for yourself out of it. Stay present, and continue to be the observer of what is happening inside you. Become aware not only of the emotional pain but also of "the one who observes," the silent watcher. This is the power of the Now, the power of your own conscious presence. Then see what happens.” 
― Eckhart TolleThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Learning to become an observer of what is happening within and without you is the lesson and the essence of The Universal Law of Rhythm.  Perhaps when every human being learns to live in the Now and enjoy simply Being, the Earth will be a more peaceful and harmonious place to reside.

Blessings to All ~
Reiki Nurse

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Universal Law Series: 10 The Law of Polarity

10 ~ The Law of Polarity

"This Law states that everything is on a continuum and everything has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations"

Everything has an opposite. We have a right hemisphere of our brains, we have a left hemisphere of a our brains. We have a right side of our bodies, we have a left side of our bodies. The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite ... it states that everything has an opposite and that every opposite is equal to the original. 

If it is 3 feet from the floor up to the table, it will be 3 feet from the table down to the floor. If it is 20 miles from Palm Beach to Boca Raton, by law it is 20 miles from Boca Raton to Palm Beach. It simply can not be any other way. This is The Law of Polarity ~ the law of what is. 

If there is a negative, there is also a positive. If there is light, there is also dark. Every thing, every word, every action has an equal and opposite word or action. This is another simple universal law, and yet our human minds  tend to complicate its simplicity constantly. 

If we would simply allow ourselves to be human, to experience Life as it comes we would be so much less complicated. The Law of Polarity is that: Everything is as it should be. All simply IS. 

Blessings, Light, and Love to All ~
Reiki RN <3

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Universal Law Series: 9 The Law of Relativity

9 ~ "This Law teaches us that we all have challenges and those challenges are designed to help strengthen our Light within. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. Everything is relative."

Sometimes, I'll be lamenting about how tired my feet are, and lo and behold, I'll see a person with below the knee amputations, not just on one leg, but on both! Or I'll be complaining about an 'eye headache' and I'll run into a person who is blind and can not see anything, let alone complain about having to read too much. This law helps us to put everything into its proper perspective!

Who am I to bitch and moan about Life's little mishaps when there are hundreds ~ indeed ~ possibly hundreds of thousands of people who have it much worse than I do? How do I dare complain about sore muscles, sore feet, or sore legs when there are those who struggle to simply stand alone on a daily basis? Everything is relative, as the principle teaches us, and for every complaint we have on a daily basis, there are those in this world, in our Universe, who suffer more. 

Everything and everyone is connected, and we all have our burdens and crosses to bear, but even when we are in the deepest depths of despair, we can be certain of one thing: there is someone out there who suffers more greatly, who suffers deeper than we do. It's important to remember that simple fact in the big scheme of things. We have so much to be grateful for and it's important to remember our gratitude on a daily basis. It keeps up connected.

Peace, Love, and Light, my friends ~

Reiki RN 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Universal Law Series: 8 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

8 ~ "This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change."

When we begin to become Conscious of our Self, we bring focus to our Self and our divinity. We instinctively know that we are One with God and with all that is. Thus, the Energy of Being transforms and transmutes all our dysfunctional thought patters of the mind. The mind (EGO) surrenders to All that Is, to Being, to God, to Self. Any negativity, all negative thought patterns that are created by the mind are dissolved, transmuted.

When we surrender to All That Is, to Being, we are no longer captive to the dysfunctional thought
patterns created by the mind, the EGO (Edging God Out). The EGO serves to keep us prisoner of the big lies that have been perpetuated for thousands of years, the lies that have prevented us from knowing the Truth of our Selves. We are not separate or separated from God, we are One with God. We all have the power within our Selves to transmute energy, to change our lives, to change our thought patterns, to BE.

Energy never dies, we all know this on some level. Energy never dies, but it can be changed, transmuted, transformed. The power to change energy lies within our Being. This is the eighth of the Universal Laws, and when we apply these Universal principals in our every day lives, we can change our lives by changing the energy of each thought, each action. The Universal operates through a simple reversal of sorts: Change your thinking, change your Life. It's truly simple, though it is not easy.

Bright Reiki Blessings to all ~

Reiki Nurse 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Universal Law Series: 7 The Law of Attraction

7 ~ The Law of Attraction

"Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energy. That energy, in turn, attracts like energy. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies"

We come to the Universal Law that has been in the media for quite a while now: The Law of Attraction. We've seen movies about this one: "The Secret" "What the Bleep Do We Know?" etc. in recent years. This Universal Law has definitely made an impact on society with its promise to fulfill your wildest dreams. The fact of the matter is that there is so much more to it than attracting to yourself riches and material gain. 

This Universal Law is not only about the acquisition of material wealth, as has been touted ad nauseum in the past. This one is about feeling good about oneself, knowing that you are perfect even in the midst of your imperfections, knowing that everything is as it should be and feeling that you are 'good enough' no matter what. 

The first line, in quotations, sums it up quite simply: 'Negative attracts negative, and positive attracts positive' Period. It's that simple. As humans, we tend to complicate matters when we over-intellectualize and over-analyze. (the root of analyze - anal - isn't simply accidental, right?) 

A great mantra to repeat consistently that I use in my daily meditations and prayers is: "The Universe provides all that I require to live" Mantras are not only sentences that one says mindlessly over and over, but sentences that have intense meaning, and that are said with intention and meaning behind them. That old adage "We reap what we sow"? It's true! We need to truly believe that something IS, before it manifests into our reality. Sounds simple, but I've learned it's not simple. It takes work, and it takes changing the way I think about things. 

Before one can change anything, one needs to become AWARE of how he or she is thinking. We need to learn to monitor our thought processes impeccably and constantly, because it is within those thoughts that our belief system is ingrained. We must learn to undo everything that we have learned in this Lifetime that is limiting. We need to learn to become aware of our limiting beliefs, so that we can, in turn, change them. 

In my upcoming book, "Family Sin", I explain more about the thought processes and how my own thoughts are changing my reality and making my Life better and better each day. In the meantime, I'm honored that you are my readers, my friends ...

Much Love & Peace to you all ~

Reiki Nurse

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Universal Law Series: 6 The Law of Compensation

6 - The Law of Compensation: "We are compensated for each and every action we take, every deed we do. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings ..."

This Universal Law can be likened to the Karmic rule: What we give out comes back to us 10-fold. It may not be instantaneous, but it comes back at some point on our Journey. It's difficult to stay aware of our thoughts, words, and actions, but not impossible! We needn't stress out about it, just allow ourselves to be in the world and not OF the world, as Jesus taught us so many years ago.

As we practice remaining aware of our every thought, we become more attuned and in-tune with the rhythms of our own lives, and Life as it unfolds around us. As we create our circumstances with our thoughts, words, and actions, we are either adding to the energetic vibrations that surround us or subtracting from them. It truly is our choice, and Life truly is a product of our own creations.

We weave the pattern of our lives, we are responsible for our personal happiness .... or not. We are responsible for our actions, our thoughts, our words. What we add to the energy matrix of Life comes back to us, and we are compensated in turn BY the Universe. It's not impossible to become and remain aware of our own thoughts and energetic patterns, but it is difficult and it does take much work and personal introspection. We must learn to be responsible and accountable for our own words, thoughts, actions, deeds. We must take responsibility for the happiness or misery that we create and perpetuate within our being, and outside of ourselves when we are with others.

The most difficult times that I have in remaining aware of what I'm thinking and saying are the times that I am surrounded with my family of origin, my close friends, and/or my spouse.

It's truly easier to interact with strangers, and remain aware of my thoughts, words, and especially of my actions when I'm with strangers. For one, my human emotions are seldom triggered by strangers and I find it easier to remain objective around those I don't share an emotional bond with. When interacting with loved ones, it is most difficult to remain objective. But I know I must remain aware in order to stay the course on my individual Journey ...

Blessings & Peace ~

Reiki Nurse

Universal Law Series: 5 The Law of Cause & Effect

5 ~ The Law of Cause & Effect
"What we put out into the Universe, how we treat others, how we treat ourselves … all have consequences. We reap what we sow. Every action has a reaction and a consequence.  What we put out we get back. It’s Karma …"

We have all heard that what we put out comes back to us tenfold, and if you haven't heard that one, you've most likely heard the expression "You reap what you sow" which is most likely derived from one of Jesus' parables about the gardner who sows his seeds in fertile soil. The Law of Cause & Effect, this 5th Universal Law which we are discussing in the Universal Law Series speaks of just that: cause and effect. 

So, you're angry at a colleague and are devising a plan to 'get back' at him or her for something they did to hurt you ... take care not to create the kind of karma that will come back and bite you in the butt! When angry with someone, it is best to allow your anger, to stay with the emotion, and work through it as best you can BEFORE taking action or speaking. 

This Universal Law is one that personally has been consistently difficult to enact. When I become aware of my anger, or of unhealthy thoughts that have been triggered by an event but may not be related to the present so much as it is the past, it is difficult to find my center again and let it go. It takes time and practice, over and over, to put our emotions to rest rather than act on them impulsively. 

It's so important for our benefit, and for the benefit of those we interact with that we really consider our words prior to speaking them. Because we are human before anything, we tend to get caught up in human emotions, we tend to react, rather than to respond when we are feeling trapped, or defensive. Sometimes, what we think we need to say is nothing more than poppycock. It is, therefore, very important to consider what it is we say, think, or do before acting on it. 

Blessings & Peace ~

Reiki Nurse

Monday, October 7, 2013

Universal Law Series: 3. The Law of Action

3 ~ The Law of Action ~

"Remember this from high school physics: Every action has an equal reaction? This law states that we are the creators of our realities. In order to manifest in our lives what we desire, we must engage in actions which support our desires.  All of our thoughts, words, dreams, and emotions must be in alignment with each other."

How many times have you said to yourself: "Oh, nothing ever changes." "It is what it is." "I always get the short end of the stick." How many of us truly understand The Law of Action? If we are the creators of our realities, we need to fully understand The Law of Action, and its consequences. 

We can say "There is abundance in the Universe" all we want to, but if our thoughts are limited, for example if we think "I can never get ahead." "I'm so broke." "I  really need to make more money." then we may as well be doing nothing at all. 

We have to remain constantly and consistently vigilante over every thought, word, and action that comes into our awareness AND our subconscious. This is about being constantly vigilante over every thought we ever think. Always. 

Each of our thoughts, words, and actions must all be in alignment one with the other at all times. As we continue to meditate and pray for understanding, and as we strive to be more aware and more fully responsible to ourselves and everyone for our own actions, words, and thoughts it does get easier. As with all the Universal Laws, this one operates at times in reversal. We must remember that action sometimes PRECEDES understanding in many Spiritual endeavors. 

Beyond simply 'thinking' or 'imagining' what it is we desire, there are steps that are required - action steps, so to speak - to reach our goals, dreams, and desires. The Law of Action requires us to take responsibility, to empower ourselves, to create and manifest our desires in the physical world. We go one step further from the steps we take with The Law of Attraction when we utilize The Law of Action: We don't simply imagine, we take action steps towards what it is we imagine and/or desire in our lives. We actually WORK to bring about (manifest) our dreams and desires into reality. 

Do these steps sound challenging to you? That's because they are challenging. In order to manifest, there is action required. Remember that each step is an action step. We are all blessed and filled with the Divine, and we are all connected!

Blessings, Light, and Love ~

Reiki Nurse

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Universal Law Series: 2. The Law of Vibration

Universal Law #2 ~ The Law of Vibration
"Basically, this is simple physics. This law states that every single thing in our universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular motions. Everything has it’s own vibrational frequency: sounds, colors, thoughts, words, even things that are not alive have a vibrational frequency.  Your vibration will attract like vibrations to you, like a magnet."
We are made up of Energy, and we attract to ourselves what we are: Like minded Souls. If we, consciously or unconsciously,  consistently put out negative vibrations, we will attract to ourselves people and things that promote negativity. Alternatively, if we are consistently aware of our thoughts and words, and choose to remain positive and think positive, we will attract to ourselves that and those who emanate positivity. It truly is as simple as that.
This Universal Law is simple, and yet as with all the Universal Laws it is paradoxical and may operate through a reversal, or sorts. It is our responsibility alone to remain aware of our every thought, our every word, and our every action. We may react, because we are Human. We may slip into negativity, because we are Human. We may act unkindly, because we are Human. This is NOT about being perfect, as perfection in our current incarnation and realm is unattainable. None of us are perfect, and nothing is perfect in this plane of Being. Perfection is our Soul, our Center, our Spirit. But we have chosen to be Human here on this plane, and no Human Being is perfect. 

The Law of Vibration allows us to vibrate (or not) at a level of Being that suits our state of Humanness at this very moment. We reflect outwardly what our Inner Self is: If we are shining brightly within our Heart and Soul Center, that Light reflects outwardly to all of Humankind. This Universal Law simply states that 'we are what we think' or 'what we 
think, we become'. 

In the hope that this clarifies Universal Law #2 for you, I leave you all with many Blessings and Light!

Until next time ~

Reiki Nurse

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Universal Laws Series: 1. The Law of Divine Oneness

1 ~ The Law of Divine Oneness

"The Universe is not a static place. Everything is constantly changing. Everything is Energy. All we say, all we do, all we think and all we believe … every single action we take affects us and everyone else around us. In fact, everything in our environment and the Universe as a whole is affected by our words, our actions, our beliefs, our thoughts. We are all on the Energy grid, of sorts. We are connected by stands of energy. All sentient (living) beings are connected."
Each and every day that I am on this Earth plane, particularly within the past 3-5 years, I awaken and consciously remember that I am connected to each and every sentient (living) Being on this planet. I therefore have refrained from stomping on spiders, palmetto bugs, or other creepy crawly's when I happen upon them. In many Eastern philosophies, any living creature COULD likely be an ancestor's Spirit in another incarnation, and that is probably why I've often seen art or photographs in which a Buddhist monk is depicted carrying a spider outside to release it into Nature without harming it.
We are all connected to each other, and to the Divine Consciousness, whether or not we choose to believe it, want it to be, or understand this philosophy. Many of us are on a journey towards understanding this simple, yet convoluted, universal truth and law.
We are connected to the Divine, and therefore to each and every part of the Divine. Consider for a moment a matrix, if you will. The matrix is in the shape of a large circle, like the shape of the Full Moon. Circles have no beginnings and no ends. They are simply circles. Consider that what forms the circle (no beginning and no end) is a long strand of light-wire and that strand of light-wire coils endlessly within that circle which it forms. The wire is segmented, but it is connected endlessly. The circle it forms is illumined, because the light-wire is shining brightly. 
Each segment of that light-wire is a Soul, and each Soul is required to form the Whole, the Circle, the Full Moon, so to speak. The Circle is the Divine Consciousness, and we are all the little segments, or Souls, within that Divine Consciousness. We are all part of the Divine, and the Divine is within each of us. With each incarnation, we are striving to get back to the Whole, the Divine. But why are we striving to get back to the Whole, when we have always been part of the Whole (the Divine)? 
Simplified: We are the Divine, and the Divine is each of us. The Divine is within each of us, and we ARE the Divine. 
We are not powerless victims in this Life, we are not victims of 'circumstance' any more than we ALLOW ourselves to be victims. As thinking, feeling adults we have more power over our own lives than ever imagined! We ARE the Universe, the Universe is within each of us. It truly is that simple, but magnificent and awesomely fantastic! When we harm even one small, living Being, we are harming and disrupting the Whole because every living Being is connected and every single, living Being is part of the Whole.

That is truly the simplest explanation I can give about the The Law of Divine Oneness. We are all connected to each other and every living Being, and we are all parts of the Whole, the Divine. The Universe is within each of us, and we are all the Universe. When our earthly body dies, the Energy (Essence, Soul, Spirit) that we truly are rejoins the matrix in the form of Energy. The earthly body (consider it a costume) is shed, and our Authentic Self joins the Whole ~ once again, as Energy. 

Until next time, my friends ~

Walk in the Light of Love ...

Reiki Nurse 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Universal Laws: Simplified (A Series)

This is the first post in a series I am writing in which I will discuss the 12 Universal Laws, the 21 Sub-Laws, and other such items. Please feel free to check back, and to share a portion of, or the entire post with others. Please remember to at least give my blog mention when you share it. Thank you, my friends! 

Many of us are familiar with at least one of the Universal Laws, The Law of Attraction, which became quite popular when the documentaries "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do we Know" came out in select theaters and on DVD. What we don't know is that in order to really effect the Law of Attraction, and help it to work in our lives, we need to incorporate all 12 of the Universal Laws into our way of Life, and into our Being. 

There are multitudes of websites and modern day New Age gurus who have created businesses that promise to teach you how to put these laws into effect in your own lives, for a fee. Perhaps they can, and they will. But there is no reason why anyone should need to pay hundreds, or thousands of dollars to gain knowledge and put these principles into action when the Universe offers these principles to everyone without a price tag attached. 

Please do not think that anyone who asks for a fee to share their knowledge is a charlatan. That is absolutely NOT what I am trying to say at all. Simply be discerning in uncovering knowledge and allow your Inner Guide, your Intuition, to assist you in discerning what is right and real for you.

There are many workshops and classes that can be taken individually, and the facilitators of those workshops or classes do need to attach a fee to the classes, as it is their means of making a living. You can find classes in your hometowns, by doing web searches for them. 

The other thing I want to say is that I'm no authority on any of this subject matter. We are all on individual Journey's and I'm learning right along with everyone else! As I learn, I feel a need to share with others. This is one way we are going to raise our own Consciousness, and raise the vibrations and collective consciousness of each other and our Mother Earth. Remember, we are all students and we are all teachers! 

Now, having said that, let's get on to the 12 Universal Laws:

1 ~ The Law of Divine Oneness

The Universe is not a static place. Everything is constantly changing. Everything is Energy. All we say, all we do, all we think and all we believe … every single action we take affects us and everyone else around us. In fact, everything in our environment and the Universe as a whole is affected by our words, our actions, our beliefs, our thoughts. We are all on the Energy grid, of sorts. We are connected by stands of energy. All sentient (living) beings are connected.
2 ~ The Law of Vibration
Basically, this is simple physics. This law states that every single thing in our universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular motions. Everything has it’s own vibrational frequency: sounds, colors, our thoughts, our words, even things that are not alive have a vibrational frequency.  Your vibration will attract like vibrations to you, like a magnet.
3 ~ The Law of Action
Remember this from high school physics: Every action has an equal reaction? This law states that we are the creators of our realities. In order to manifest in our lives what we desire, we must engage in actions which support our desires.  All of our thoughts, words, dreams, and emotions must be in alignment with each other.
4 ~ The Law of Correspondence
In our Universe, on our physical plane of existence everything has a corresponding principle attached to it. Energy, Vibration, Light, Motion … they all have corresponding principles attached. As Above, so Below …
5 ~ The Law of Cause & Effect
What we put out into the Universe, how we treat others, how we treat ourselves … all have consequences. We reap what we sow. Every action has a reaction and a consequence.  What we put out we get back. It’s Karma …
6 ~ The Law of Compensation
We are compensated for each and every action we take, every deed we do. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings.
7 ~ The Law of Attraction
Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energy. That energy, in turn, attracts like energy. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
8 ~The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy 
This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.
9 ~ The Law of Relativity
This Law teaches us that we all have challenges and those challenges are designed to help strengthen our Light within. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. Everything is relative.
10 ~ The Law of Polarity
This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
11 ~ The Law of Rhythm
This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.
12 ~ The Law of Gender
This last of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and its feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God. 

Okay, so now that we have the 12 Universal Laws, what do we do with them? Good question! Well, my friends, that is where the 'series' I mentioned in the beginning comes into play. I will be posting some information, little by little, about each of the 12 laws that are posted here today, and how to get them activated and working in your life. Until then, print out the 12 Universal Laws and post them where you can see them every day. Memorize them ... I, for one, think they're quite simplistic and great tools for living. 

Oh, and please remember that no one is perfect, least of all me. We have our human stuff to deal with, character flaws, so to speak. But it's all about LOVE, people! It's all about LOVE.

In the meantime, keep your side of the street as clean as HUMANELY possible. Progress, NOT perfection ...

Live, Love, Laugh!
Reiki Nurse