Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Big Changes Coming!

Manifesting our reality is going to be almost instantaneous!

The Eclipse Energies

With the waning of the last powerful New Moon last week, which brought with it some mind blowing energies and shifts to be dealt with internally (and sometimes externally) there now comes the waxing buildup to one of the most powerful Lunar Eclipses of the 21stCentury. Humanity is, in essence, about to usher in the beginnings of the New World, the New Earth. If you haven’t already begun to experience subtle changes and nuances in your psychic abilities or intuition, wait patiently. The time is very close

Powerful & Intense Energies

If you have been walking in the Light and you are open to the intrinsic connection we all share with Source, you will soon begin to experience dreams, visions and/or lucid dreams that will feel as though they are happening in real time. There are powerful, intense energies coming in with this incredible Lunar Eclipse that are going to shake some of us to our very Core! Prepare yourself for huge changes happening arbitrarily within systems that have long been neglected all over Gaia, globally and within your own communities and environments.

Something BIG is coming ~ and that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. Our internal world is about be shaken up like never before. And the results will manifest in our external world. We simply need to be aware and open to the fact that these magnificent changes are coming about during this Spiritual Summer of 2018.

Old Thought Patterns, Past Issues

This is also a time when old thought patterns and old issues are going to resurface, knocking some of us over the head like: “Hey! I’m STILL here hanging on tenaciously! Feed me! See me!” This will be a time that some of us may want to gear up to do some internal more intense inner work. Remember, that stuff isn’t going to simply disappear magically. We’ll need to work through it ~ every single bit of it in order to get to the other (Lighter) side. Seek out a professionally trained therapist with whom you feel comfortable to deal with your issues. That is the only way we get through them. No person is an island. Would a surgeon perform surgery on herself? No. Nor can an individual perform psychotherapy on him or herself. So, get to work if you're going to continue your rise to freedom of mind, thought & Spirit!

Instantaneous Manifestation

Remain aware & positive! 
This is going to be a time when manifesting your reality is going to be almost instantaneous, so remain cognizant of your thoughts during this most auspicious time. Try to ensure your thoughts and thought patterns remain positive and uplifting. Do not allow your vibrations to be lowered with the sludge of earthly matters. Remember that everything is happening according to Divine Order. Remain steadfast and true to your self ~ all is being played out in accordance with Divine Order. 

We are all connected. We are One.

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 
My first book is available NOW! Reiki's Book

Peace, Love & Light ~

Reiki Nurse

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thoughts on the New Year

An Indigo Full Moon
I'm opening to welcome a newer, more positive vibration into my Life in just a few hours! The key is to continue to think rationally, logically, and positively. I know there are some of you who enjoy poking fun at the perceived frivolity that sometimes I project outwards from my childlike Spirit, but in all fairness, if you can't laugh at yourself who the hell can you laugh at? The up and coming year will bring bright and shiny new ideas to those who dare to shine their Lights ~ and boldly go where no womyn or man has gone before. (I'm Captain Janeway!) Seriously, (although at times it's difficult to BE serious!) I'm gearing up for a 3 day stint up in rancher country. I love it up there at this time of year! Great people, great patients! So I'm a bit punchy at this time, my friends ;)

The Cosmic Flow
Anyway, let's discuss some happenings around the New Year 2015, and let me add, dear readers, that if these words tend towards generalizations, it's simply because they ARE generalized. I can't give more than one individual reading at a time, after all ...

This year is bound to bring many new beginnings for many of us, and in some very unexpected ways, too! This is going to be an auspicious year, with many changes that will appear negative initially, but will bring about changes that are positive, and will work well for most of you in the long run. The year 2015 is an 'eight' year, one of coming to understand the relationships between opposites, and why we tend to attract to ourselves those who sometimes appear to diametrically oppose our own values and morals.

Sometimes, these differences are healthy and cataclysmic within relationships, at other times they can become the downfall of them. If you feel yourself being pulled towards and then repelled back from a potential or existing relationship ~ if his or her feelings are running hot and cold and it's confusing to your psyche ~ Let Go! You will be closing one door, as painful as it may seem in the moment, it will serve to open new doors and thus allow a new beginning: New people, new passions, new projects, new money, new ideas ~ well, you get the picture!

We don't always know when to pull back and when not to, but if we tune in to our God-given Intuition, and listen to His voice and the voice of our Angels and Guides who are commanded by and beholden to God, we will know instinctively which move to make. It's all a matter of synchronicity between our Intuitions (Souls) and God, the Divine. New Year's 2015 will open avenues to some who are not ready to accept them, and who neither have the knowledge nor the experience to handle some of the higher vibratory frequencies that are being transmitted through the Christ-Light of the Universe. These frequencies sometimes travel sub-consciously, or psychically, and are extremely subtle in energy and vibratory frequency, although sometimes more easily detectable than the lower vibrations.

A magnetic attraction of sorts ...
When you come upon a lower vibrational Soul, you will not only 'feel' their pain in your emotional spaces, you will most likely feel it in your gut. There will be a tightness, a gut-wrenching twisting which acts as a warning that perhaps their vibrations need tweaking. Please know that being around a lower frequency for any length of time can be draining to you ONLY if you allow it to be. "Say it is so, and so it will be!" Protect your vibratory auric field before you leave the house in the morning, by surrounding yourself with a Shield of Violet Light. Meditate on the red energies of Gaia, and the Indigo blue energies of Universal Unconditional Love, and Pleiades. When these energies blend together, and rise up through your Kundalini, powerful, healing Violet Light instantaneously aligns your Chakras and clears your Auric Field completely.

Any tears, rips, holes, or other blemishes within the Auric Field are instantaneously repaired, and your Soul fills with the Christ-light of Love and forgiveness. The healing negates everything that the Egoic Pattern has created within your psyche, such as the physical desire for power, greed, possession, and other unhealthy patterns it creates to keep us stuck in the Big Lie of Illusion. Once you have protected yourself, your loved ones and pets, home, car, etc with the Violet Light you can remain confident and with Faith that nothing can harm you ~ ever.

This year, many more Souls will be choosing to depart the planet, as the Shift's intensity increases. Many of us will choose to leave the planet for many reasons, some simply because it's their choice to leave at this time. The intensity of the Shift, what it's going to require for us to raise our vibratory frequency ~ some serious Inner Work is imminent in order to raise our vibratory frequencies. We will need to shed the old, stuck energy and move beyond the dualistic nature to Higher Realms. This will not happen instantaneously, we will gradually reach Higher Levels. There's no reason to worry about how the Shift will affect you. Just be willing to change and grow, be conscious of how you act and react, become more aware of your Self and your interactions with others.

Universal Vitruvian Man Painting
One of our flaws as members of the Human Race is that we tend to 'expect' and 'attempt to control outcomes' in many given situations. If we simply allow the situation to be, while providing the basic footwork, the situation will only resolve and end up exactly how it's supposed to be. It's difficult, and yet simple, to remember that everything is always as its supposed to be, and everything ~ every situations, every relationship, every moment ~ is as illusory as it is real.

This year will be the year that breaks through the illusions of time, and in which many of us will begin to understand the concept of living in the Now. The Collective consciousness will be raised exponentially through conscious meditation individually and globally. Many of us will fine-tune our God-given abilities in 2015,  coming to understand that everything we do, say, and think will always be for the Highest Good of all. We become broader thinkers, feelers, and doers this year, and much of what we do and say will work well for our Highest Good, as well as the Highest Good of all. In the candid words of one of the most prolific song writers and poets of the 20th century, "Times they are a-changin'" ~ Bob Dylan and change things must, if we are to navigate the Great Shift with ease.

Let our New Year begin, my friends ~

Blessings, Light, and Love to all!
Reiki RN <3

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Change Your Life: Awakening to Our Voice Commands

"I can't do it!" "I don't like ______" "It's hard to be loving and kind" "I won't be made a fool" "I don't believe in love" 

Human Beings truly do not understand the power of the energy behind our words, or of our thoughts. Our thoughts and words can be limiting, make us powerless and hopeless, and weave a web of negativity that we do not understand. Our thoughts and words create our situations and our realities, and we don't even realize how powerful the energy of our thoughts and words truly is!
As simple and true as this concept is, human beings have been slaves to their own thoughts and words for eons without even realizing it. 

But today, in the 21st Century, Human Beings are waking up from the old paradigm, and we are seeing the amazing Truth for ourselves! We are realizing that we have the ability to create our own situations, to enhance our own lives, to create a future filled with peace, love, and happiness. It isn't an illusion or a pipe dream: it's a reality. We are brilliantly empowered and we are the creators of fulfilled, content lives when we do the inner work.

Our body will follow every command that we give to it: Negative self-talk will not only create whatever it is we are commanding, (ie. "I'm so fat" "I'm such a bum" "I'm a loser") perpetuates the negativity. If we go around telling ourselves that we will never amount to anything (or allow the negative tapes in our heads from our childhoods to continue playing in repeat mode), we are limiting the truly vast abilities of our mind. Remember, we only use 7-10% of our brains. Imagine harnessing the other 90% in a positive light! What amazing things we could accomplish if we achieved that! 

The first step in creating a Life that is amazing and beautiful is becoming aware of your thought patterns. Be still, be meditative, and observe your thoughts for a few moments. Don't judge your thoughts, just allow them to meander around for a bit as you observe each and every one of them. Are your thoughts telling you how wonderful you are? How lovely your Life is? How beautiful, kind, compassionate, honest, trustworthy, loving you are? Allow each thought to linger a moment, and don't judge it, simply observe it. Anyone can find time for themselves to do this exercise, no matter what their situation is. This exercise doesn't demand much time, just effort and willingness on your part to observe, realize, and become aware your own thought patterns. 

In becoming aware of our thoughts, we can change the energy of them. If they tend to be negative and degrading towards our Self, we can transform each one to positive and uplifting. WE are the creators. You are the only one who can change your thoughts. That is how powerful you are! By changing the energy of your thoughts, you can create a whole, new, bright and positive Life for yourself!

One of the leading obstacles in our society to creating peace within ourselves and in our lives is the unnecessary and illusory need for 'background noise'. Why do we think we need 'background noise' to pollute our environment? Switch the television off, turn the radio off, sit in complete and utter silence for 10 minutes a day, allowing your thoughts to simply be. And then observe how those 10 minutes of silence daily will change your Life, because your Life will change. 

Start changing the energy of your thoughts today ...

Peace, Love, and Light ~
Reiki RN 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Universal Law Series: 9 The Law of Relativity

9 ~ "This Law teaches us that we all have challenges and those challenges are designed to help strengthen our Light within. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. Everything is relative."

Sometimes, I'll be lamenting about how tired my feet are, and lo and behold, I'll see a person with below the knee amputations, not just on one leg, but on both! Or I'll be complaining about an 'eye headache' and I'll run into a person who is blind and can not see anything, let alone complain about having to read too much. This law helps us to put everything into its proper perspective!

Who am I to bitch and moan about Life's little mishaps when there are hundreds ~ indeed ~ possibly hundreds of thousands of people who have it much worse than I do? How do I dare complain about sore muscles, sore feet, or sore legs when there are those who struggle to simply stand alone on a daily basis? Everything is relative, as the principle teaches us, and for every complaint we have on a daily basis, there are those in this world, in our Universe, who suffer more. 

Everything and everyone is connected, and we all have our burdens and crosses to bear, but even when we are in the deepest depths of despair, we can be certain of one thing: there is someone out there who suffers more greatly, who suffers deeper than we do. It's important to remember that simple fact in the big scheme of things. We have so much to be grateful for and it's important to remember our gratitude on a daily basis. It keeps up connected.

Peace, Love, and Light, my friends ~

Reiki RN