Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Heart Chakra Healing

This blog post was first published in Reiki Rays Online Reiki Journal

Our Heart Chakra is located in the center of our chest 

The Heart Chakra

Do you feel stuck or trapped in a particular phase of your Life? Does your Heart break at the thought of things that might have been? Do you find it difficult to let go of past situations, people or things? Are there many regrets you have when you view your Life thus far, wishing you had done this or said that? 

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be experiencing an imbalance within your Heart Chakra.

Don’t panic! It’s easy to fix! And it only takes a little meditation (NOT medication!) and some healing Reiki energy. Add to those two things a bit of focus on your part and perhaps a lovely crystal that resonates with your Heart Chakra vibrations; and you’ve got yourself a cure for an imbalanced Anahata (the actual Sanskrit name for ‘Heart Chakra’). Anahata literally means ‘unstuck’ or ‘unhurt’, and that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you in this simple Heart Chakra meditation that I use on myself and with clients alike. 
The Heart Chakra ~ Anahata

The Meditation

1.    Find a relaxing place to lie down or sit, where you will not be interrupted. Turn off your cell phone, put the animals in a sequestered room, do what you need to do to ensure you are not interrupted. You will need at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time.
2.    Using CKR or HSZSN (or any clearing symbol of your liking) clear your space and set the intention of healing. You can use sage, incense, palo santo wood or whatever you feel is cleansing, clearing, healing and what resonates with you. Use your Intuition.
3.    Sit or lie comfortably on a chair, mat, the floor, etc.; wherever you feel most comfortable. Turn on some nondescript music, such as that which you use for a Reiki session. (If you have a favorite stone that you associate with your Heart Chakra, place that in your left hand, allowing it to rest on your palm lightly) If you are lying down, you may even place your stone on your Heart Space or sternum.  Take 3 slow deep healing breaths in through your nostrils. Make a conscious count of 3 seconds inhaling, hold your breath in for 3 seconds, and then count out as you release your breath slowly through your lips for 3 seconds. Resume breathing normally after the initial 3 breaths and follow your conscious breath in and out for a few cycles.
4.    When you are relaxed and your body is relaxed, begin to imagine your Heart Chakra. See the beautiful green energy of your Heart Chakra with its lovely pink center shimmering like a diamond. Begin to feel its energy expand, first filling your chest with it’s bright and emerald light and then expanding outwards as it envelopes your entire Being and reaches into the space around you. 
5.    As you are imagining the energy of your Heart Chakra expanding, imagine the Energy of the Creator ~ Bright White-Golden Light~ reaching down from the Universe to touch the edges of your Heart Chakra energy. See the energies intermingling and undulating with each other, as they intertwine. The healing, emerald light of your Heart Chakra & the Bright White-Golden honey Light of the Creator combining and flowing into one another and becoming one in a cosmic dance of Love, healing & flow. Once your Heart Chakra has been touched and blessed by the Creator-energy, it has been charged with unlimited vibrational energy.
6.    Allow yourself to bask in the glow of both your Heart energy and the Creator energy for as long as you wish (I don’t really time this process. I let my Intuition guide me. This meditation has taken me personally a half hour or so at times) NOTE: With my clients, I usually give them at least 10 minutes in this part of the meditation. 
7.    When you feel that your Heart Chakra has been recharged and regenerated, imagine the intertwined energies parting ways with Love & Joy. Bring your Consciousness back down into your physical body and ground your spirit to Mother Earth by focusing on being in your body for a few minutes. Take some deep breaths and ensure you’ve grounded yourself completely before opening your eyes and stretching your limbs. Close your connections to Higher Realms and seal your Sacred Space with Love, Light and Reiki Blessings!


That’s it, my dear Friends! This Heart Chakra meditation helps my clients (and me) to reconnect to our Soul Purpose and to our Heart Chakra. I always feel rejuvenated when I’ve completed this mediation.

I hope it helps you, too.

Blessings, Love & Light ~
Reiki Nurse

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Journey

Narcissists harbor deep-seated loathing for themselves ...

Narcissism: Incorrectly Overused Term

Loving who you are cannot and should not be equated with narcissism. Loving who you are is, in fact, the total opposite of narcissism. Narcissists harbor deep-seated loathing for themselves and deep down they’re unsure and have no concept of how to honest with themselves. Everything happens to them or is about them and the concept of ‘creating your own reality’ or ‘personal responsibility’ may as well be an alien language beyond comprehension. 

A narcissist truly loathes the person they are.  It’s a sad and toxic existence where s/he is constantly seeking the approval of others for validation of herself as a person. It’s a place of darkness, sorrow and despair. There may be a little ‘narcissist’ in every human being, actually. But self-love resolves the misaligned energies that create self-deprecation and self-delusion.

Learning to Love Yourself

I’ve learned that loving myself is not about feeling superior, better than, or more powerful than anyone else. In fact, loving who I am as a woman and a spiritual being teaches me that I am not only equal to every other sentient being on this plane of existence, I am intrinsically connected to each and every one. 

I’ve learned that loving myself means caring about what happens to me as a person, as a woman, as a living being. I’ve learned that loving who I am is knowing that I’m a flawed human being in all her glory and realizing that others’ needs are just as important as my own ~ not more important and not less important. I’ve learned that knowing how I care for myself in the present is going to benefit everyone I come into contact with because I won’t take my stress out on undeserving victims.

We're all on The Journey, The Great Path ...
Being present for myself ~ striving to stay in the present moment (which is pretty simple to do, but not really easy) ~ benefits not only my own state of mind, but every other soul’s peace of mind that I’ll come into contact with on my Journey today. Identifying my own needs and desires helps me to stay focused on the changes that need to be made within my personality (and hence, in my behaviors) as I become more aware. 

My spirit is perfect and I’m drawing from my spiritual self to manifest what it is I experience on this level. Loving myself is knowing my authentic self and what it is that ‘floats my boat’, so to speak. It’s learning to take charge of my emotions rather than allowing my emotions to be in charge.

Learning to love myself just as I am ~ accepting every flaw as well as every virtue ~ is part of my intrinsic Journey on this plane. We’re all on The Journey, the Great Path. We’re simply at different milestones, various land marks along the road. We are all connected to each other and to the Divine Consciousness, God, Allah, Jesus, Great Spirit, Being, etc. We needn’t be afraid to show the world who we truly are ~ for that bright, sparkling, radiation diamond at our very Core is who and what we truly are. We are One. We are Love. We are Connected. 

Be blessed and continue on The Journey with ease and grace ~


Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Is it Possible to Unplug From Technology Daily?

Greetings, Everyone! 

Humanity Needs a Break!

I wish to make this post as informative, yet as simple, as possible. There are so many things happening on a spiritual level that some of us can feel, but do not completely understand. I want to reach out to those of you who are frightened about the results of the recent U.S. election. It’s not as catastrophic as it might feel for you at this time. Humanity is being urged to realize that there is MORE to Life than what we see in this duality we call ‘life’ on Earth. You can contact me via my website if you wish to discuss this further.
The Sound of God 

There is so much more than what we ‘see’ just with our eyes. There is also what we can see with all of our other senses engaged. Things that are not only visualized, but sensed and felt on levels deeper than that which can explain.

Disconnect Temporarily~It IS Possible!

Our brains are on technology overload daily; which leads to information overload and essentially, psychological and mental fatigue. What would be beneficial for each of us is to take breaks away from technological devices a few times a day. By doing so, we give our bodies (and brains) the chance to recharge our own internal ‘batteries’, our own hard drives, if you will ~ and take a break from information overload on the technology highway to simply regroup.

I can hear your protests, my friends, and I understand!: “But, Reiki Nurse, how do we do that? We use computers and smart phones all day long for everything!” I use my smart phone and computer on a daily basis, too!

Here’s how I do it, my friends:

1. Make a decision to get recharged and take a break ~ from everything!
2. Schedule a time (at least 10 minutes ~ more is BETTER!) to unplug from everything!
3. Find a quiet place ~ away from everyone and everything where you will not be disturbed.
Just Let that SHIT Go! 
4. Become aware of your breathing ~ try to slow it down. Be still. Close your eyes if you wish.
5. Allow your thoughts to clear out of your mind ~ OR ~ simply acknowledge each thought that enters your awareness, but don’t entertain it ~ just let it pass by
6. This isn’t meditation, though you can make it so if you wish. It’s simply a break from the toxins of technology for a period of time in your daily routine. It’s refreshing and healthy for you!


In Conclusion

Remember, if you wish to connect with me via my website and/or subscribe to monthly updates, you can do so at the link below:

If you have any questions, concerns, comments or issues you wish to discuss please feel free to contact me via my website link, too. I’m always willing to listen!

Peace, Love, Light & Blessings ~

Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Wishes 2016

Christmas Moon
My children and grandchildren are priceless. There is nothing more valuable to me than each of their precious lives, their loving hearts and souls. There is nothing monetary or material that either of my children can purchase for me that I could value more than each of them. They are living extensions of my heart & soul ~ and they are precious gifts from the Creator on this Earth plane.

This time of year tends to get me thinking deeply about the value of understanding, compassion and unconditional love. Those values that I hold dear to my heart that should automatically be present in all human beings. Sometimes they get lost or misplaced, but there is something special and wonderful about this time of year that opens our hearts and souls to the wonders of Spirit.

Season of Light
I honor my children, their spouses and their children as much as I honor myself. We are all on Journey's of the Soul and whether or not we are in contact with each other, we shall continue on our individual Journey’s in this Lifetime as it should be. May the Spirit of this Season always remain a bright Light within each and every one of your hearts & Souls.

I’m wishing a very Merry Christmas to my children, grandchildren and the rest of my family & friends!

I wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas!

We are ALL Connected ~ We are ONE.

Peace, Love & Blessings!

Reiki RN

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Ascension Process & Raising our Vibrations

We are all pieces of the Whole, the Divine

The Questions ...

Have you been experiencing any of the 'symptoms' of your own awakening consciousness? Have you even given a second thought to ascension or the Ascension process? The entire awakening process is a Journey into patience, tolerance, substance, being and ... did I mention patience? 

Humanity has been processing, changing, raising our vibrations, and transmuting in a most alchemical way for centuries. But recently, in this wonderfully auspicious time on Mother Earth, we have been raising our consciousness and our vibrations, slowly and surely. More and more Souls are beginning to awaken, beginning to open to the reality of what is happening on a subtle, spiritual level. The spiritual veil between dimensions is being lifted and those who are ready are practicing and preparing for an increase in energy, vibration, consciousness, awareness and Light. 

What Exactly Does all this Mean? 

Well, for many of us it means that we are slowly, but surely 'waking up' to the fact that this plane of existence is not all there is. We are finding out that there is a deeper, more spiritual meaning for Life on this level of existence than ever we considered previously. We are 'waking up' to the spiritual ways that we were meant to always embrace~and we are realizing that LOVE is all there is. 

We are beginning to know that the Creator actually resides within each and every one of us, and that we are intrinsically a part of God. We are part of the Greater Whole and we are not subject to the old, societal paradigms that have always kept us within parameters and boundaries ~ in a box, so to speak. We are waking up to the fact that our Self, our Being is limitless and more powerful than we ever imagined. We are beginning to believe exactly what Jesus told us many thousands of years ago: "If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can
Connecting with the Divine Within
move mountains.

We are seeing that having been 'created in God's image' means so much more than any mundane explanation could verify. We are beginning to see that the veil between dimensions is indeed lifting, and that we are all co-creators with God in creating our own reality through our own projections of thoughts and words. We are starting to fully understand that how we think, what we say and what we do has a powerful and direct effect on our existence and our experiences.

Ascension Symptoms

You may be experiencing more headaches than usual. Perhaps you're having bouts with blurry vision that are disturbing to you. Maybe you're having intense ringing or buzzing in your ears, more so than ever before. You could be feeling tickling or movement on your skin~in various places~but when you look, there is nothing there. There are a multitude of signs and symptoms that you may be experiencing, and perhaps you've even told your medical provider about some of them, but they can't determine a cause. Some may prescribe medications that may or may not be exactly what your physical body needs. Our Intuition is increasing as we go through this process of Ascension, and if we listen to our body, we can determine whether or not something is going to work for us. I believe that those who suffer with RLS (restless leg syndrome) are experiencing Ascension symptoms ~ and look how much money is spent on drugs to control that! 

You can find a comprehensive list of Ascension symptoms with explanations HERE.

Just Go With It!

It's really not necessary to fight the process. If you feel that Ascension and increasing your personal vibrations is important or relevant to you, it's not something that you need to think about. The Creator gave us all 'free will' and we are all free to develop our spirituality or not. Some of us may wish to increase our vibrations on the planet, to rise above the chaos and the mundane. Others may not. Some of us may choose to meditate and become more aware of spiritual matters, some of us may not have the desire or the focus to do so. 

Let your Love-Light Shine!
If you've been experiencing some of the aforementioned symptoms and signs and you wish to know more, you can start exploring on your own. We are each others' teachers, as we are all each others' students. We learn from one another constantly. There are many sites online that can help you in your quest for knowledge. 

There is also an Ascension manual, of sorts, that can help you along on your spiritual Journey. It's called: "Raise Your Vibration" by Sabrina Reber. You can find it HERE Sabrina also has a blog on which she has posted the chapters of her manual, for those of you who don't wish to own the manual. I must say, though, that having the book in hand is a wonderful feeling! Personally, I love holding a book in my hands.

Whatever you feel or think about the process of Ascension, it is my hope that you follow your own heart when it comes to your spiritual path. The spiritual path, is after all, quite individualized

Visit me at Reiki's Mystic Circle

Peace, Light & Blessings to All ~

Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Greetings, Everyone! 
Springtime blossoms brighten the landscape
It's officially Spring! With the dawning of Spring comes more light, new Life, renewed Energy! There is actually more light because we have 'sprung ahead' an hour with man-made time, but also because Spring conjures up feelings of newness and light for many of us. New Life in the form of flowers blooming, buds on trees, grass, animal babies, fishes, tadpoles, and so much more! Winter's deep slumber segues into Mother Nature's gentle awakening of new Life, new Beginnings.  When I was a child, the freshness of Spring was always a fascinating time for me. The first signs of Spring were those of multi-colored crocuses pushing up mightily through the melting snow, stretching their buds up toward the light, and lazily spreading their colorful petals open to greet the warm, golden sunshine of Spring.
Spying the red-breasted robins hopping along in search of food or materials to build their nests was another sure sign of spring, and always one that was sure to excite me in anticipation of warmer days ahead. The scents of deep, rich Maine soil infused with ages-old, nutrient-dense decayed materials like leaves, flowers and such, wafted up to assault my senses every Spring.  
Pussy Willow: an early sign of Spring in the Northeast (Photo: Hubert Steed)

Pussy willows, the most beautiful, furry little things and one of the earliest signs of Spring in Maine, grow well in damp, swampy areas. In the neighborhood I grew up in (Winslow, Maine), I'd seek out the streams, ponds and brooks that harbored beautiful pussy willow plants. The legend I recall about pussy willows ~ and I don't remember if it was one of my aunt's who told me or if I read it somewhere ~ is that pussy willows came about after some little kittens who were playing at the river's edge, were rescued from drowning by grasping the willow branches that hung down into the water. 

When I was a little kid watching Spring coming to Life every year, I'd watch the little ducklings, chicks, goslings, lambs, horses and other baby animals trotting and frolicking in fields of new grass, edging playfully away from their mothers as they awakened to their newfound independence. Springtime was always an awakening of both mind and spirit imbued with sensory pleasures that many people are oblivious to or simply don't have time to indulge in. 

As a child, I appreciated every sight, scent and emotion I experienced with the dawning of Spring. Those feelings alleviated me from the remnants and residuals of heavier emotions I'd grapple with. The nearly palpable fresh, muddy scent of the earth, soaked with remnants of melting snow and ice was exhilarating for me! I'd often stop and take in deep, lung-expanding breaths of fresh, clean Springtime air. The scents and sights of Spring pleasantly assaulted my senses as She gently introduced herself to me year after year. 
Daffodils and ducklings are a sure sign of Spring
Spring reminds me that Life is precious and it's something that simply mustn't be taken for granted ~ ever. In order to live Life to the fullest, we need to remember that we create our happiness as surely as we create our sorrows. That isn't to say that all situations are within our control, but that our thoughts and words can either help us through everything or hinder us while navigating Life. 
Pussy Willows in an Azure Sky (Photo: Hubert Steed)
Life will always be a series of ups and downs for any of us, because the only constant in Life is change. Change has always been and will always be. Change's agonist is Acceptance. Acceptance quells the anxiety and fear associated with Change. Acceptance is a wonderful state of living and being, in my experiences, but sometimes acceptance is easy to forget. 
When I'm resisting changes of any type, I'm unhappy, obsessed, confused, angry, and obstinate. But when I open my mind, my heart and become willing to surrender to what is, I'm more at peace, clear-thinking, happy, open/flexible, and loving/kind. Fear can make any of us seem like pretty scary monsters! I've had to see my own monster rear its ugly head, especially during my earlier years in recovery, when anger seemed like the only emotion that threatened to burst forth from that dark place inside of me. 
Words are powerful weapons, and when used in anger they can slice without mercy. The wounds my words have inflicted upon some undeserving Souls sometimes left chaos and sadness in their wake. The harm I caused others was not caused out of malice or intent, but derived from a place of painful unknowing. It was a place so deep and dark and lonely that even I was hesitant to venture into it. But in order to heal that cesspool of darkness by imbuing it with the bright and healing light of Reiki, I was required to not only access it, but to purge it completely. The ensuing battles ~ both inner and outer ~ were necessary and welcomed. I engaged in them with eyes wide open, and with a willingness to see my part in any and all situations. 

So Springtime brings up all some wonderful feelings and memories for me, and reminds me that not only is the enviroment ~ Mother Earth, Gaia ~ constantly changing, expanding, growing, dying to Herself and then rising again from the ashes, we all are. 

Many Blessings of Warmth, Light and Love, my friends!

Reiki Nurse


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Thoughts

The births of my children were the happiest moments in my adult Life. When I think back on how blessed I felt at the very moment of each of my babies' births, I realize that there is no other feeling that I've experienced in my adult Life that can compare to those feelings of deep and abiding unconditional love, heartfelt joy, and perfect peace that I experienced during the entire process of my pregnancies and births of my children. 

The energy of the emotions that surrounded me during those times can not be compared to any other emotions I've ever experienced in my entire Lifetime, not even to the ecstatic feelings felt during the beginnings of a new romantic relationship! When I'm feeling a little melancholy, I access those emotions and everything seems to feel better. I wanted to share this little blurb today because it's the day before Thanksgiving Day in the United States. This is a perfect day to remember and to feel good and, well, thankful for those people who are in your Life. 

Even though there are rifts that probably won't be mended in my family for whatever reasons, I continue to send loving thoughts and healing energy to my loved ones on a daily basis. No day passes without my thinking about my children. That is the way of a mother :) I simply wouldn't have it any other way. True and unconditional love never ceases to be, no matter how much distance there is, emotional or physical. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Peace, Love, and Joy Abides

Reiki RN

Saturday, October 31, 2015

REIKI MOMENTS: Turning Anger Around

There is little one can do to eradicate the emotional pain of another. It's difficult enough to navigate one's own emotional pain, let alone take on the pain of another human being. About a week or so ago, I was thinking about one of my loved one's, and about how many times over the past 8 years or so this person has intentionally lashed out for no apparent reason in an attempt to harm, hurt, or otherwise inflict pain on other members of my family or on me, personally. The hostility of this person's actions and words is usually met by the victim(s) with disbelief, shock, and persistent feelings of doubt about themselves, or about their own actions or words. That is because when my other family members are around this person, they 'walk on eggshells' so to speak, because one never knows whether something that is said or done will be misinterpreted by this person.

The victims of my loved one's hostility will usually query me insistently: "Do you think I did something wrong? Do you think I should have done this or said that instead? Why do you think (that person) is enraged with me? Why do you think (that person) has 'cut me off' again?" Unfortunately, I have no answers at all for anyone. This person's own siblings are dumbfounded, and have no idea what is going on with this person. Sadly, mental health issues run rampant in our family, and this person has been diagnosed professionally with certain mental health issues that do require medication therapy and psychotherapy. But this person continues to deny the fact that medications, in conjunction with consistent therapy, will alleviate the psychoses, pathological behaviors, paranoia, and other symptoms. Regardless of that, this post is not about mental health issues, therefore I digress.

That particular night, I was thinking about this person and about the latest debacle that this person's mind has created; and I felt the familiar burn of anger rising within my Solar Plexus. Rather than giving in to the burning rage, my heart and mind suddenly flipped ~ almost palpably ~ and I found myself within that person's mind.  Simultaneously, my Heart, Soul, and mind instantly felt and experienced that person's fear, self-loathing, doubt, and deep pain within my own being. Suddenly, I understood where all of that person's rage and lashing out comes from. Instantaneously, I felt compassion, love, and deep empathy for that person, rather than anger and rage. My Heart embraced this person in my imagination, and immediately I sent this person healing Reiki Energy overflowing with God's love and warmth. 

It was a validating and loving epiphany that rocked my world to the core. The experience was unlike any I've ever had previously. The entire experience stayed with me for days. Even now, when I think about that person, it is only with love, compassion, and understanding. (Also, some great sadness, as this person means the world to me and always has ~ even though they don't believe it themselves) The love that we are all born with ~ our Core Love, the Universal and Unconditional Love of the Divine ~ spread its wings within my Heart, Soul, and mind that night. 

My Soul soared within the fifth dimensional realm, rather than being stuck and tied completely in 2D realm. Every aspect of my Being expanded, and rather than feeling anger at my loved one for attempting to hurt me once again; my Heart and Soul holds compassionate, loving, and empathetic thoughts and feelings for that person. Reiki Energy has assisted me in lifting the veil that once shrouded this perfect and unconditional love within my Soul. Reiki Energy has facilitated many wondrous things within my Life situations thus far. I am forever grateful to the Creator, the Divine ~ and to the many Reiki Grand Masters, Reiki Angels, Reiki Avatars, and Ascended Beings ... 

Be at Peace, my friends! Love each other, and do your best to refrain from judgement of your brothers and sisters. We all have our own crosses to bear ...

Peace & Love ~ Reiki RN 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Healing Professions and Integration ...

At times it's difficult to imagine me doing any other work than what it is I do, which is not only my 'job' but my Calling. I was thinking about this the other day on my drive to work, which currently is only approximately 20 minutes away (my last assignment was about an hour and a half drive each way). This assignment is another mental health R.N. assignment at a psychiatric facility in West Palm Beach. My last assignment was a telemetry/ICU one. I love variety. You could say I'm an eclectic nurse, in that regard. Anyway, I digress.

When I was a young child, perhaps no older than 4 years young,  I remember a deep and pervasive connection with Nature and all living beings. I said to any adult who took the time to ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up: "I want to be a nurse like my Aunt Nan." Aunt Nancy was my father's sister, and my Godmother. I always felt a special bond with her, and she encouraged me always to pursue my dream of being a nurse. I started young and during my senior year in high school, I took a vocational course for a few credits. When I graduated, I had a Certificate of Nursing and worked as a C.N.A. at the same small facility in my hometown that I'd procured my first job as a dietary aide.

Basically, I've always been attracted to and working in the medical field, even as a volunteer Candy Striper in my early teenage years. I knew what my calling was from a very young age, and I pursued it into adulthood. When I finally graduated from nursing school, my son wrote to me: "Congratulations on graduating nursing school, even though you've been a nurse all your Life" I paraphrased what he really wrote, but that was the gist of it. What he wrote touched my heart, but when I really thought about it, he was right.

Being a nurse, and being connected to my patients and their needs during each of my shifts is so important to me. Developing compassion for each of my patients, and getting to know each one as a person individually has always been one of my priorities as a nurse. On the days when I have time to spend with each patient getting to know them as a person, I feel most like the nurse I dreamt of being as a young child.

I simply wanted to post about some of the reasons I'm in this profession, or how I came to be in this calling. When I was a child, I was an animal healer. I was connected to horses, cats, dogs, birds, snakes, Nature, turtles ... any living thing. It seemed I'd find injured animals (mostly birds), take them in until they were able to fly away on their own again, and nurse them back to health. (Well, mother permitting, that is!)

When I was pregnant with my first child (my son), I worked as a C.N.A. (again at the very facility that I began my initial career in the medical field in my hometown!) and Aunt Nancy happened to be my Charge Nurse on the night shift. It was the early 1980's, and 'managed care' (what we in the nursing profession dubbed 'mangled care') was becoming the norm in the health care field. Corporations were taking over healthcare, and the field was changing (not necessarily for the better, mind you!). I remember my aunt saying to me one evening: "I didn't become a nurse to push a pencil" as she was endlessly charting at the desk in the nursing station. Mind you, that was pre-computers, so all the charting that was required was done by hand. I didn't understand completely what she meant by that, but as I matured ~ (and after I graduated from nursing school!) ~ I fully understood her lament! The first year I was working as an R.N.,  I wanted to turn the clock back and go back to being a C.N.A. again! I'd been a C.N.A. for more than 20 years, off and on, and becoming an R.N. was like culture shock, and extremely traumatic for me. (More about that another time).

Nursing is like second nature to me. It's innate, it's my Calling. It's my Profession. It is never, nor has it ever been, just a job. Being a nurse is certainly not about the money, nor is it about anything other than healing and health. Since I've been a nurse, I've become more conscious of my own health and well-being. I was a Reiki Master/Teacher and LMT (licensed massage therapist) before I was a nurse, but for some reason I wasn't as conscious of my health as I am now. Nursing has opened my Mind, my Heart, and my Soul (body-mind-spirit) to Life, to health, and to the flow of energy daily. I'm more conscious of the flow of energy between living beings, more adept at sensing things, more Intuitive now than I've ever been! It's as though my own being, the healer in me, was waiting for the exact moment when I became professionally licensed as a registered nurse. It's as though I was always meant to be a nurse. (I was!) It's as though I was always a nurse, I just needed that piece of paper to appropriately and professionally practice.

Integrating these professions: nursing, massage, and Reiki has become a focus for me. Someday, all three will be equally important in my Life and in my profession. I continually feel an urgent need to integrate the medical and the alternative or complementary medicine. I know it's coming. Perhaps, it's already here ...

Thanks for letting me ramble on, my friends :)

Blessings, Light, and Love ~

Reiki RN

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Universal Law Series: 7 The Law of Attraction

7 ~ The Law of Attraction

"Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energy. That energy, in turn, attracts like energy. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies"

We come to the Universal Law that has been in the media for quite a while now: The Law of Attraction. We've seen movies about this one: "The Secret" "What the Bleep Do We Know?" etc. in recent years. This Universal Law has definitely made an impact on society with its promise to fulfill your wildest dreams. The fact of the matter is that there is so much more to it than attracting to yourself riches and material gain. 

This Universal Law is not only about the acquisition of material wealth, as has been touted ad nauseum in the past. This one is about feeling good about oneself, knowing that you are perfect even in the midst of your imperfections, knowing that everything is as it should be and feeling that you are 'good enough' no matter what. 

The first line, in quotations, sums it up quite simply: 'Negative attracts negative, and positive attracts positive' Period. It's that simple. As humans, we tend to complicate matters when we over-intellectualize and over-analyze. (the root of analyze - anal - isn't simply accidental, right?) 

A great mantra to repeat consistently that I use in my daily meditations and prayers is: "The Universe provides all that I require to live" Mantras are not only sentences that one says mindlessly over and over, but sentences that have intense meaning, and that are said with intention and meaning behind them. That old adage "We reap what we sow"? It's true! We need to truly believe that something IS, before it manifests into our reality. Sounds simple, but I've learned it's not simple. It takes work, and it takes changing the way I think about things. 

Before one can change anything, one needs to become AWARE of how he or she is thinking. We need to learn to monitor our thought processes impeccably and constantly, because it is within those thoughts that our belief system is ingrained. We must learn to undo everything that we have learned in this Lifetime that is limiting. We need to learn to become aware of our limiting beliefs, so that we can, in turn, change them. 

In my upcoming book, "Family Sin", I explain more about the thought processes and how my own thoughts are changing my reality and making my Life better and better each day. In the meantime, I'm honored that you are my readers, my friends ...

Much Love & Peace to you all ~

Reiki Nurse

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Changes ...

Art Work by Trista Elwell
Back in 1999, prior to the turn of the Millennium, I was suffering within a deep depressive state of unknown origin. The darkness lasted for about 9 months, and during that time I pushed myself to move forward, one step at a time.

I'd been working on my childhood issues for many years, and perhaps it was a combination of that and the everyday stressors of being a single Mom of two young people with very little income, but whatever the reason, it was a virtually debilitating depressive state in which I felt totally abandoned and unsupported by my family of origin and my friends. Perhaps that was not the case, but that is how I perceived everything at the time.

During that time, a Spiritual teacher of sorts opened my eyes to an esoteric reason for that long, drawn out depressive period in my Life. She explained: "What you may be going through is called a Spiritual Winter. Many of us go through these periods when we feel disconnected from Spirit, and from everyone. We feel depressed and withdrawn, and we isolate from society. Hang on, dear one, because at the end of dark tunnel you will be a changed being!"

Interestingly enough, following that darkness I was catapulted into the 21st Century on a bright light, and many blessings were showered on me instantaneously. It was as though a veil was lifted from my eyes, and I could see Life and situations clearly for the first time. Filled with renewed hope for the future, I went about my daily living with determination and tenacity from that day forward.

Flash forward to 14 years later: I have a good relationship that I've been in for nearly 11 years,  a new profession (my Life's dream!), a new Life, renewed faith in the Divine that resides within all of us and in the Universe, and a new paradigm. Most importantly, I love and respect myself more than ever in this Lifetime, and I strive day to day to make myself better by looking introspectively continually. Everything has changed for me in a few short years, and I've come into my Authentic Self at last. I do not allow the attitudes and perceptions of others to affect me to the point of self-denigration, nor do I allow others' psychic darts or negativity to permeate my Being any longer.

In an attempt to make the world - my world, my children's world - a better place for all to reside in, I strive to make myself a better person, to change within myself that which does not correlate with goodness, light, and love, and to let go of that which does not serve the higher good of all beings in my Life. I make firm decisions to disengage from those who attempt to create negative dramas and instill fear and uncertainty, and I strive to love compassionately those whose opinions and beliefs diametrically oppose my own.

After all, it's all about Love and Compassion, is it not?

Remember: Only YOU can make it a GREAT day! Make it a GREAT DAY!

Until next time ~
<3 <3 <3

Thursday, July 25, 2013

We are All 'Wounded Healers'

When I happened upon a profound statement this morning, I chose to expand on the thought. The statement simply proclaimed: "We are all wounded healers." 

We are all here on this Planet at this particular time for a reason. We may not be fully aware of the reasons yet, but that does not detract from the fact that we are here.

So many of us have issues and situations that occurred in our pasts which we have 'come to grips' with and moved forward from, and yet there are also many of us who have not chosen to let go and move forward. These are simply sad, lost Souls whom we come into contact with every day, and who are stuck in the past due to their own fears of letting go. These sad souls have chosen to hold on to the negative, remaining victims of the past and hence victims to the darkness, to the veiled Light. How sad for those who choose to remain in a place of negativity, pain, and darkness during this Golden Age, this auspicious Era of Light, Unconditional Love, and Blessings! It is for these lost souls that we are here. We are here to help assist and guide the lost souls towards the Light, with gentle reminders that living in the past and holding on to the negative is not conducive to living positively and freer. 

We are "The Wounded Healers" ...

It is true. We are all Wounded Healers. None of us can proclaim that we have never hurt, neglected, abused, or wronged another soul in some way. None of us can say that we have never experienced disappointment, sadness, fear, anger, or any other negative emotion. It is simply an aspect of the human condition that we all have experienced disappointments and setbacks. We are all on individual paths, and our personal journey is unique, that is true. But we have all traveled along our paths and stumbled, fallen, and gotten up again only to continue moving forward. We may have been the ones who lost our tempers, struck out in anger, hurt others, or been the creator of someone else's pain. 

Fortunately,  we know the old adage 'to err is human, to forgive, Divine'. Not only do we know it, we LIVE it ... our Soul essence embodies these words. We have hurt others, we have neglected others, sometimes we have hurt or neglected those we love the most in this Life. But we are HUMAN, and we need to learn to forgive. We need to learn to forgive not only others who have wronged us, but most importantly ourselves, when we have wronged others. Without forgiving oneself, one can not move forward on his or her individual path.

We are all Wounded Healers. We are here to learn from our pasts, our mistakes, our errors, ourselves, and each other. We are here to teach and guide each other. The individual path is one that can not be shared, but the Great Path leads to the Whole. The Oneness. Each individual path leads to the Great Path. We are all on individual journey's that will eventually merge with the One. The Whole. We are light beings traveling alone, and yet we are all connected despite the one-ness. All living Beings are One. All Energy is One. All is One. 

And we are all Wounded Healers ...

Blessings and Light, my friends ...

Reiki Nurse