Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

7 Spiritual Laws of Success

The following is written by Deepak Chopra, and shared here to shed light to the on-going series this blog has been publishing over the last few months, the Universal Law Series. These 7 Spiritual Laws of Success ring true for me, and I wanted to share them with my readers as soon as I read them myself! 

Peace, Love, and Light, my friends ~
Reiki Nurse

~ Author: Deepak Chopra
1) The Law of Pure Potentiality
This law is based on the fact that we are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is and will be. This law could also be called the Law of Unity, because underlying the infinite diversity of life is the unity of one all-pervasive spirit. There is no separation between you and this field of energy. One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation and non-judgment. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom and bliss.

2) The Law of Giving
This law could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange. The flow of life is nothing other than the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence. Because your body and your mind and the universe are in constant and dynamic change, stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth and affluence--or anything you want--circulating in your life. If our only intention is to hold on to our money and hoard it--since it's life energy, we will stop its circulation back into our lives as well. In order to keep that energy coming to us, we have to keep the energy circulating. Thus, the more you give, the more you will receive. The best way to put The Law of Giving into operation is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn't have to be in the form of material things; it could be a flower, a compliment or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don't cost you anything.

3) The Law of Karma (or Cause and Effect)
"Karma" is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind. There is nothing unfamiliar about the Law of Karma. Everyone had heard the expression, "What you sow is what you reap." Obviously, if we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Therefore, karma implies the action of conscious choice-making. Whether you like it or not, everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've made in the past. Unfortunately, a lot of us make choices unconsciously, and therefore we don't think they are choices--and yet, they are. If you step back for a moment and witness the choices you are making as you make those choices, then in just this act of witnessing, you take the whole process from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm. This procedure of conscious choice-making and witnessing is very empowering.You can use the Law of Karma to create money and affluence, and the flow of all good things to you, any time you want. But first, you must become consciously aware that your future is generated by the choices you are making in every moment of your life. If you do this on a regular basis, then you are making full use of this law. The more you bring your choices into the level of your conscious awareness, the more you will make those choices which are spontaneously correct--both for you and those around you.

4) The Law of Least Effort
This law is based on the fact that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love. When we learn this lesson from nature, we easily fulfill our desires. In Vedic Science, the age-old philosophy of India, this principle is known as the principle of economy of effort, or "do less and accomplish more." Ultimately, you come to the state where you do nothing and accomplish everything. This means that there is just a faint idea, and then the manifestation of the idea comes about effortlessly. What is commonly called a "miracle" is actually an expression of the Law of Least Effort. Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates--and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth. There are three components to the Law of Least Effort--three things you can do to put this principle of "do less and accomplish more" into action. The first component is acceptance. Acceptance simply means that you make a commitment: "Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur." This means I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. The second component is responsibility. This means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself. This allows you the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing. The third component to the Law of Least Effort is defenselessness. This means that you have relinquished the need to convince or persuade others of your point of view. If you relinquish this need you will in that relinquishment gain access to enormous amounts of energy that have been previously wasted.

5) The Law of Intention and Desire
This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature. A flower, a rainbow, a tree, a human body, when broken down to their essential components are energy and information. The whole universe, in its essential nature, is the movement of energy and information. The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content of your respective bodies. You can consciously change the energy and informational content of your own quantum mechanical body, and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body--your environment, your world--and cause things to manifest in it. The quality of intention on the object of attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time events to bring about the outcome intended, provided one follows the other spiritual laws of success. Intention lays the groundwork for the effortless, spontaneous, frictionless flow of pure potentiality. The only caution is that you use your intent for the benefit of mankind.

6) The Law of Detachment
This law says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result. This is a very powerful thing to do. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result, combining one-pointed intention with detachment at the same time, you will have that which you desire. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Attachment comes from poverty consciousness, because attachment is always to symbols. Detachment is synonymous with wealth consciousness, because with detachment there is freedom to create. True wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want, and with least effort. To be grounded in this experience you have to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty. In this uncertainty you will find the freedom to create anything you want.

7) The Law of "Dharma" or Purpose in Life
The seventh spiritual law of success is the Law of Dharma. (Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means "purpose in life.") This law says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world--and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance. There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first says that each of us is here to discover our true Self. The second component is to express our unique talents; the expression of that talent takes you into timeless awareness. The third component is service to humanity. When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will enable you to attain self-mastery. If you put your attention on these laws and practice the steps outlined above, you will see that you can manifest anything you want--all the affluence, money and success you desire. You will also see that your life becomes more joyful and abundant in every way, for these laws are also the spiritual laws of life that make living worthwhile.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Universal Law Series: 6 The Law of Compensation

6 - The Law of Compensation: "We are compensated for each and every action we take, every deed we do. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings ..."

This Universal Law can be likened to the Karmic rule: What we give out comes back to us 10-fold. It may not be instantaneous, but it comes back at some point on our Journey. It's difficult to stay aware of our thoughts, words, and actions, but not impossible! We needn't stress out about it, just allow ourselves to be in the world and not OF the world, as Jesus taught us so many years ago.

As we practice remaining aware of our every thought, we become more attuned and in-tune with the rhythms of our own lives, and Life as it unfolds around us. As we create our circumstances with our thoughts, words, and actions, we are either adding to the energetic vibrations that surround us or subtracting from them. It truly is our choice, and Life truly is a product of our own creations.

We weave the pattern of our lives, we are responsible for our personal happiness .... or not. We are responsible for our actions, our thoughts, our words. What we add to the energy matrix of Life comes back to us, and we are compensated in turn BY the Universe. It's not impossible to become and remain aware of our own thoughts and energetic patterns, but it is difficult and it does take much work and personal introspection. We must learn to be responsible and accountable for our own words, thoughts, actions, deeds. We must take responsibility for the happiness or misery that we create and perpetuate within our being, and outside of ourselves when we are with others.

The most difficult times that I have in remaining aware of what I'm thinking and saying are the times that I am surrounded with my family of origin, my close friends, and/or my spouse.

It's truly easier to interact with strangers, and remain aware of my thoughts, words, and especially of my actions when I'm with strangers. For one, my human emotions are seldom triggered by strangers and I find it easier to remain objective around those I don't share an emotional bond with. When interacting with loved ones, it is most difficult to remain objective. But I know I must remain aware in order to stay the course on my individual Journey ...

Blessings & Peace ~

Reiki Nurse

Universal Law Series: 5 The Law of Cause & Effect

5 ~ The Law of Cause & Effect
"What we put out into the Universe, how we treat others, how we treat ourselves … all have consequences. We reap what we sow. Every action has a reaction and a consequence.  What we put out we get back. It’s Karma …"

We have all heard that what we put out comes back to us tenfold, and if you haven't heard that one, you've most likely heard the expression "You reap what you sow" which is most likely derived from one of Jesus' parables about the gardner who sows his seeds in fertile soil. The Law of Cause & Effect, this 5th Universal Law which we are discussing in the Universal Law Series speaks of just that: cause and effect. 

So, you're angry at a colleague and are devising a plan to 'get back' at him or her for something they did to hurt you ... take care not to create the kind of karma that will come back and bite you in the butt! When angry with someone, it is best to allow your anger, to stay with the emotion, and work through it as best you can BEFORE taking action or speaking. 

This Universal Law is one that personally has been consistently difficult to enact. When I become aware of my anger, or of unhealthy thoughts that have been triggered by an event but may not be related to the present so much as it is the past, it is difficult to find my center again and let it go. It takes time and practice, over and over, to put our emotions to rest rather than act on them impulsively. 

It's so important for our benefit, and for the benefit of those we interact with that we really consider our words prior to speaking them. Because we are human before anything, we tend to get caught up in human emotions, we tend to react, rather than to respond when we are feeling trapped, or defensive. Sometimes, what we think we need to say is nothing more than poppycock. It is, therefore, very important to consider what it is we say, think, or do before acting on it. 

Blessings & Peace ~

Reiki Nurse