Showing posts with label vibrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vibrations. Show all posts

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Universal Law Series: 2. The Law of Vibration

Universal Law #2 ~ The Law of Vibration
"Basically, this is simple physics. This law states that every single thing in our universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular motions. Everything has it’s own vibrational frequency: sounds, colors, thoughts, words, even things that are not alive have a vibrational frequency.  Your vibration will attract like vibrations to you, like a magnet."
We are made up of Energy, and we attract to ourselves what we are: Like minded Souls. If we, consciously or unconsciously,  consistently put out negative vibrations, we will attract to ourselves people and things that promote negativity. Alternatively, if we are consistently aware of our thoughts and words, and choose to remain positive and think positive, we will attract to ourselves that and those who emanate positivity. It truly is as simple as that.
This Universal Law is simple, and yet as with all the Universal Laws it is paradoxical and may operate through a reversal, or sorts. It is our responsibility alone to remain aware of our every thought, our every word, and our every action. We may react, because we are Human. We may slip into negativity, because we are Human. We may act unkindly, because we are Human. This is NOT about being perfect, as perfection in our current incarnation and realm is unattainable. None of us are perfect, and nothing is perfect in this plane of Being. Perfection is our Soul, our Center, our Spirit. But we have chosen to be Human here on this plane, and no Human Being is perfect. 

The Law of Vibration allows us to vibrate (or not) at a level of Being that suits our state of Humanness at this very moment. We reflect outwardly what our Inner Self is: If we are shining brightly within our Heart and Soul Center, that Light reflects outwardly to all of Humankind. This Universal Law simply states that 'we are what we think' or 'what we 
think, we become'. 

In the hope that this clarifies Universal Law #2 for you, I leave you all with many Blessings and Light!

Until next time ~

Reiki Nurse

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Energy is Alive!

It isn't every day that an RN walks into a patient's room with the intention of using Reiki energy to facilitate healing. But then again, I'm no ordinary RN. I was led to the healing professions many, many Moons ago, when I was a child of around 4 years young. That was around the time I realized my favorite aunt and godmother was an RN, and that she selflessly gave of herself to her patients every single day!

I so wanted to be like my aunt, who, even though she struggled with her own personal demons from a childhood wrought with dark shadows, chose to become a healing professional and worked her way through school at St. Joseph's College in a small New England state way back in the early 1960's.

I'm really not sure where I'm going with this post today. I suppose I wanted to reiterate to myself ~ and to my patients ~ that I seldom do anything medically that isn't preceded with or followed by facilitation and/or dissemination of healing Reiki energy.

I know that we are made up of energy, our energy centers are scattered throughout our physical bodies, but they do not make up our physical bodies. Our ethereal body is our Spirit, our Energy Field, and it is static and ever-changing in color, vibration, and frequency! When we allow our Spirit to soar, to expand ...we allow our vibrations to rise. When we love one another, we allow our vibrations to rise. When we are kind to everyone, we allow our vibrations to rise. When we care for our Self, for others, and for Mother Earth, we allow our vibrations to rise. When we show kindness to all our sisters and brothers, and not just to those we love, we allow our vibrations to rise.

Live in Light, Peace, and Joy, my friends ~

Reiki Nurse