Showing posts with label manifestation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manifestation. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Universal Law Series: 8 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

8 ~ "This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change."

When we begin to become Conscious of our Self, we bring focus to our Self and our divinity. We instinctively know that we are One with God and with all that is. Thus, the Energy of Being transforms and transmutes all our dysfunctional thought patters of the mind. The mind (EGO) surrenders to All that Is, to Being, to God, to Self. Any negativity, all negative thought patterns that are created by the mind are dissolved, transmuted.

When we surrender to All That Is, to Being, we are no longer captive to the dysfunctional thought
patterns created by the mind, the EGO (Edging God Out). The EGO serves to keep us prisoner of the big lies that have been perpetuated for thousands of years, the lies that have prevented us from knowing the Truth of our Selves. We are not separate or separated from God, we are One with God. We all have the power within our Selves to transmute energy, to change our lives, to change our thought patterns, to BE.

Energy never dies, we all know this on some level. Energy never dies, but it can be changed, transmuted, transformed. The power to change energy lies within our Being. This is the eighth of the Universal Laws, and when we apply these Universal principals in our every day lives, we can change our lives by changing the energy of each thought, each action. The Universal operates through a simple reversal of sorts: Change your thinking, change your Life. It's truly simple, though it is not easy.

Bright Reiki Blessings to all ~

Reiki Nurse 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Universal Law Series: 4. The Law of Correspondence

4 ~ The Law of Correspondence

"In our Universe, on our physical plane of existence everything has a corresponding principle attached to it. Energy, Vibration, Light, Motion … they all have corresponding principles attached. As Above, so Below …"

There is so much misunderstanding within the complexity of this Universal Law. The statement "As above, so Below" is an ubiquitous one, in that it has been quoted and parroted by many of us for eons. It's an Hermetic axiom that many of us repeat without a true understanding of its meaning. This axiom refers to two distinct concepts. The first concept it refers to is that what we experience within, we create (or manifest) without. In this way, this Universal Law ties into the preceding ones and fits correctly in its place. We are constantly creating and manifesting our own realities through the attitudes we hold true, the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take. We are only responsible for our own thoughts, words, attitudes, actions and no one else's. 

We create our lives, our futures, our presents ... we are solely responsible to ourselves. Sound convoluted? It probably is, but it all ties into the Big Picture. We must be responsible for our own reality, our own Selves. We are the Divine, the Divine is in each of us. It is our personal responsibility to finely hone our own Spiritual path, our own 'rightness' with the Divine, our own Christ-centered lives. We are responsible for the raising of our own Christ-consciousness, for our words, actions, thoughts. 

The second concept it refers to is the polarity within our Universe: that for every force, action, concept there is an equal force/action/concept, and each balances the other. There is a balance (yin/yang, feminine/masculine, light/dark, etc) within the Universe and there must be balance within ourselves, as well. Perhaps it's all much easier than it seems, and when we finally release our Earthly bodies and return to Spirit, it will all be much easier to comprehend than it is on this plane of existence. As humans, we tend to over think and over analyze everything. But that is the gist of what Universal Law #4 is in my realm. I hope this explanation hasn't further confused anyone!

Blessings to All ~

Reiki Nurse

Monday, October 7, 2013

Universal Law Series: 3. The Law of Action

3 ~ The Law of Action ~

"Remember this from high school physics: Every action has an equal reaction? This law states that we are the creators of our realities. In order to manifest in our lives what we desire, we must engage in actions which support our desires.  All of our thoughts, words, dreams, and emotions must be in alignment with each other."

How many times have you said to yourself: "Oh, nothing ever changes." "It is what it is." "I always get the short end of the stick." How many of us truly understand The Law of Action? If we are the creators of our realities, we need to fully understand The Law of Action, and its consequences. 

We can say "There is abundance in the Universe" all we want to, but if our thoughts are limited, for example if we think "I can never get ahead." "I'm so broke." "I  really need to make more money." then we may as well be doing nothing at all. 

We have to remain constantly and consistently vigilante over every thought, word, and action that comes into our awareness AND our subconscious. This is about being constantly vigilante over every thought we ever think. Always. 

Each of our thoughts, words, and actions must all be in alignment one with the other at all times. As we continue to meditate and pray for understanding, and as we strive to be more aware and more fully responsible to ourselves and everyone for our own actions, words, and thoughts it does get easier. As with all the Universal Laws, this one operates at times in reversal. We must remember that action sometimes PRECEDES understanding in many Spiritual endeavors. 

Beyond simply 'thinking' or 'imagining' what it is we desire, there are steps that are required - action steps, so to speak - to reach our goals, dreams, and desires. The Law of Action requires us to take responsibility, to empower ourselves, to create and manifest our desires in the physical world. We go one step further from the steps we take with The Law of Attraction when we utilize The Law of Action: We don't simply imagine, we take action steps towards what it is we imagine and/or desire in our lives. We actually WORK to bring about (manifest) our dreams and desires into reality. 

Do these steps sound challenging to you? That's because they are challenging. In order to manifest, there is action required. Remember that each step is an action step. We are all blessed and filled with the Divine, and we are all connected!

Blessings, Light, and Love ~

Reiki Nurse