Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Wishes 2016

Christmas Moon
My children and grandchildren are priceless. There is nothing more valuable to me than each of their precious lives, their loving hearts and souls. There is nothing monetary or material that either of my children can purchase for me that I could value more than each of them. They are living extensions of my heart & soul ~ and they are precious gifts from the Creator on this Earth plane.

This time of year tends to get me thinking deeply about the value of understanding, compassion and unconditional love. Those values that I hold dear to my heart that should automatically be present in all human beings. Sometimes they get lost or misplaced, but there is something special and wonderful about this time of year that opens our hearts and souls to the wonders of Spirit.

Season of Light
I honor my children, their spouses and their children as much as I honor myself. We are all on Journey's of the Soul and whether or not we are in contact with each other, we shall continue on our individual Journey’s in this Lifetime as it should be. May the Spirit of this Season always remain a bright Light within each and every one of your hearts & Souls.

I’m wishing a very Merry Christmas to my children, grandchildren and the rest of my family & friends!

I wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas!

We are ALL Connected ~ We are ONE.

Peace, Love & Blessings!

Reiki RN

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Ascension Process & Raising our Vibrations

We are all pieces of the Whole, the Divine

The Questions ...

Have you been experiencing any of the 'symptoms' of your own awakening consciousness? Have you even given a second thought to ascension or the Ascension process? The entire awakening process is a Journey into patience, tolerance, substance, being and ... did I mention patience? 

Humanity has been processing, changing, raising our vibrations, and transmuting in a most alchemical way for centuries. But recently, in this wonderfully auspicious time on Mother Earth, we have been raising our consciousness and our vibrations, slowly and surely. More and more Souls are beginning to awaken, beginning to open to the reality of what is happening on a subtle, spiritual level. The spiritual veil between dimensions is being lifted and those who are ready are practicing and preparing for an increase in energy, vibration, consciousness, awareness and Light. 

What Exactly Does all this Mean? 

Well, for many of us it means that we are slowly, but surely 'waking up' to the fact that this plane of existence is not all there is. We are finding out that there is a deeper, more spiritual meaning for Life on this level of existence than ever we considered previously. We are 'waking up' to the spiritual ways that we were meant to always embrace~and we are realizing that LOVE is all there is. 

We are beginning to know that the Creator actually resides within each and every one of us, and that we are intrinsically a part of God. We are part of the Greater Whole and we are not subject to the old, societal paradigms that have always kept us within parameters and boundaries ~ in a box, so to speak. We are waking up to the fact that our Self, our Being is limitless and more powerful than we ever imagined. We are beginning to believe exactly what Jesus told us many thousands of years ago: "If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can
Connecting with the Divine Within
move mountains.

We are seeing that having been 'created in God's image' means so much more than any mundane explanation could verify. We are beginning to see that the veil between dimensions is indeed lifting, and that we are all co-creators with God in creating our own reality through our own projections of thoughts and words. We are starting to fully understand that how we think, what we say and what we do has a powerful and direct effect on our existence and our experiences.

Ascension Symptoms

You may be experiencing more headaches than usual. Perhaps you're having bouts with blurry vision that are disturbing to you. Maybe you're having intense ringing or buzzing in your ears, more so than ever before. You could be feeling tickling or movement on your skin~in various places~but when you look, there is nothing there. There are a multitude of signs and symptoms that you may be experiencing, and perhaps you've even told your medical provider about some of them, but they can't determine a cause. Some may prescribe medications that may or may not be exactly what your physical body needs. Our Intuition is increasing as we go through this process of Ascension, and if we listen to our body, we can determine whether or not something is going to work for us. I believe that those who suffer with RLS (restless leg syndrome) are experiencing Ascension symptoms ~ and look how much money is spent on drugs to control that! 

You can find a comprehensive list of Ascension symptoms with explanations HERE.

Just Go With It!

It's really not necessary to fight the process. If you feel that Ascension and increasing your personal vibrations is important or relevant to you, it's not something that you need to think about. The Creator gave us all 'free will' and we are all free to develop our spirituality or not. Some of us may wish to increase our vibrations on the planet, to rise above the chaos and the mundane. Others may not. Some of us may choose to meditate and become more aware of spiritual matters, some of us may not have the desire or the focus to do so. 

Let your Love-Light Shine!
If you've been experiencing some of the aforementioned symptoms and signs and you wish to know more, you can start exploring on your own. We are each others' teachers, as we are all each others' students. We learn from one another constantly. There are many sites online that can help you in your quest for knowledge. 

There is also an Ascension manual, of sorts, that can help you along on your spiritual Journey. It's called: "Raise Your Vibration" by Sabrina Reber. You can find it HERE Sabrina also has a blog on which she has posted the chapters of her manual, for those of you who don't wish to own the manual. I must say, though, that having the book in hand is a wonderful feeling! Personally, I love holding a book in my hands.

Whatever you feel or think about the process of Ascension, it is my hope that you follow your own heart when it comes to your spiritual path. The spiritual path, is after all, quite individualized

Visit me at Reiki's Mystic Circle

Peace, Light & Blessings to All ~

Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Success: Mundane or Magnificent?

Quenching the Moon's thirst ...
For me, the term 'success' has never been measured in terms of material things or acquisitions or money. That is to say, even as a young adult, the term 'success' was so much more than material and mundane: It has always been a term in which I measured the quality of what I felt was Spiritual for me. How well I live my Life, how well connected I am with my Higher Power, and how much kindness (or not!) I show to others. 

As I've progressed on my Journey, I've come to understand myself on a more intimate level, and I've learned what triggers my anger, my sadness, my happiness, and my sense of inner peace. I am much more discerning now than I was 5 or even 10 years ago, and I'm more aware of how my angry words can wound another Soul. I continue to struggle with my quick-to-anger defenses. I am more aware when I am feeling defensive and more importantly, WHY, I am feeling defensive. The reason one can't change everything overnight is evident: we're on a Journey, each individualized for every individual. The Journey I'm on isn't necessarily the Journey that you are on. And we didn't develop our negative coping mechanisms overnight. It's taken many years to develop the coping mechanisms, healthy or unhealthy as they may be, that we use to navigate our lives every day. 
Our Third Eye is the Doorway to Higher Realms

Because of this, it will take years of being aware of our character flaws to change them, one by one. I tend to come to understand things at a slower rate than others, and sometimes it takes a few times of 'banging my head against a brick wall' to fully comprehend what it is that needs to be changed within my Self, my psyche to help me become a better, kinder, more loving person.

Success for me means that each morning when I open my eyes, though I may feel discombobulated and confused at times, I know that my Core is pure LOVE that radiates through my entire Being, and outward towards all of Humanity. It means that I don't get caught up in the everyday mundane, the negative, the chaos of the outer world. It means that from my Core I radiate the Love, Peace, and Truth that is who I truly am. It means that I AM, and that makes everything okay in my realm. 
Simply Believe

Success isn't about how much money I make, what kind of car I drive, how large and extravagant my home is, or whether or not I have a college degree. For me, all the material wealth in the world isn't worth anything if I am not Spiritually fulfilled, Spiritually fit and connected. If I am not connected with Nature, God and/or Goddess, Yin/Yang, my True Self, my Higher Power, all living beings ~ there is no success for me. I don't find success in the mundane, for me it is the magnificence of Being! Success is based in Spiritual practice, in Being, not in doing. 

How one feels about the term 'success' is relevant and pertinent to how he or she navigates her own Journey in this Life. Think about what success means to you. Ponder your beliefs, and if you feel that something inside of your own thinking needs tweaking, set about changing it. Remember that nothing happens overnight. Be gentle with yourself. We can't change what anyone thinks about us, or how they act. But we CAN change how we respond or react to others ~ my reactions are my personal measurements of how successful I really am, and how much further I have come on my own personal Journey of Life. 

Walk in Light, my friends ~ Think SUCCESS!
 Reiki RN

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Universal Law Series: 6 The Law of Compensation

6 - The Law of Compensation: "We are compensated for each and every action we take, every deed we do. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings ..."

This Universal Law can be likened to the Karmic rule: What we give out comes back to us 10-fold. It may not be instantaneous, but it comes back at some point on our Journey. It's difficult to stay aware of our thoughts, words, and actions, but not impossible! We needn't stress out about it, just allow ourselves to be in the world and not OF the world, as Jesus taught us so many years ago.

As we practice remaining aware of our every thought, we become more attuned and in-tune with the rhythms of our own lives, and Life as it unfolds around us. As we create our circumstances with our thoughts, words, and actions, we are either adding to the energetic vibrations that surround us or subtracting from them. It truly is our choice, and Life truly is a product of our own creations.

We weave the pattern of our lives, we are responsible for our personal happiness .... or not. We are responsible for our actions, our thoughts, our words. What we add to the energy matrix of Life comes back to us, and we are compensated in turn BY the Universe. It's not impossible to become and remain aware of our own thoughts and energetic patterns, but it is difficult and it does take much work and personal introspection. We must learn to be responsible and accountable for our own words, thoughts, actions, deeds. We must take responsibility for the happiness or misery that we create and perpetuate within our being, and outside of ourselves when we are with others.

The most difficult times that I have in remaining aware of what I'm thinking and saying are the times that I am surrounded with my family of origin, my close friends, and/or my spouse.

It's truly easier to interact with strangers, and remain aware of my thoughts, words, and especially of my actions when I'm with strangers. For one, my human emotions are seldom triggered by strangers and I find it easier to remain objective around those I don't share an emotional bond with. When interacting with loved ones, it is most difficult to remain objective. But I know I must remain aware in order to stay the course on my individual Journey ...

Blessings & Peace ~

Reiki Nurse

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Universal Law Series: 4. The Law of Correspondence

4 ~ The Law of Correspondence

"In our Universe, on our physical plane of existence everything has a corresponding principle attached to it. Energy, Vibration, Light, Motion … they all have corresponding principles attached. As Above, so Below …"

There is so much misunderstanding within the complexity of this Universal Law. The statement "As above, so Below" is an ubiquitous one, in that it has been quoted and parroted by many of us for eons. It's an Hermetic axiom that many of us repeat without a true understanding of its meaning. This axiom refers to two distinct concepts. The first concept it refers to is that what we experience within, we create (or manifest) without. In this way, this Universal Law ties into the preceding ones and fits correctly in its place. We are constantly creating and manifesting our own realities through the attitudes we hold true, the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take. We are only responsible for our own thoughts, words, attitudes, actions and no one else's. 

We create our lives, our futures, our presents ... we are solely responsible to ourselves. Sound convoluted? It probably is, but it all ties into the Big Picture. We must be responsible for our own reality, our own Selves. We are the Divine, the Divine is in each of us. It is our personal responsibility to finely hone our own Spiritual path, our own 'rightness' with the Divine, our own Christ-centered lives. We are responsible for the raising of our own Christ-consciousness, for our words, actions, thoughts. 

The second concept it refers to is the polarity within our Universe: that for every force, action, concept there is an equal force/action/concept, and each balances the other. There is a balance (yin/yang, feminine/masculine, light/dark, etc) within the Universe and there must be balance within ourselves, as well. Perhaps it's all much easier than it seems, and when we finally release our Earthly bodies and return to Spirit, it will all be much easier to comprehend than it is on this plane of existence. As humans, we tend to over think and over analyze everything. But that is the gist of what Universal Law #4 is in my realm. I hope this explanation hasn't further confused anyone!

Blessings to All ~

Reiki Nurse

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Changes ...

Art Work by Trista Elwell
Back in 1999, prior to the turn of the Millennium, I was suffering within a deep depressive state of unknown origin. The darkness lasted for about 9 months, and during that time I pushed myself to move forward, one step at a time.

I'd been working on my childhood issues for many years, and perhaps it was a combination of that and the everyday stressors of being a single Mom of two young people with very little income, but whatever the reason, it was a virtually debilitating depressive state in which I felt totally abandoned and unsupported by my family of origin and my friends. Perhaps that was not the case, but that is how I perceived everything at the time.

During that time, a Spiritual teacher of sorts opened my eyes to an esoteric reason for that long, drawn out depressive period in my Life. She explained: "What you may be going through is called a Spiritual Winter. Many of us go through these periods when we feel disconnected from Spirit, and from everyone. We feel depressed and withdrawn, and we isolate from society. Hang on, dear one, because at the end of dark tunnel you will be a changed being!"

Interestingly enough, following that darkness I was catapulted into the 21st Century on a bright light, and many blessings were showered on me instantaneously. It was as though a veil was lifted from my eyes, and I could see Life and situations clearly for the first time. Filled with renewed hope for the future, I went about my daily living with determination and tenacity from that day forward.

Flash forward to 14 years later: I have a good relationship that I've been in for nearly 11 years,  a new profession (my Life's dream!), a new Life, renewed faith in the Divine that resides within all of us and in the Universe, and a new paradigm. Most importantly, I love and respect myself more than ever in this Lifetime, and I strive day to day to make myself better by looking introspectively continually. Everything has changed for me in a few short years, and I've come into my Authentic Self at last. I do not allow the attitudes and perceptions of others to affect me to the point of self-denigration, nor do I allow others' psychic darts or negativity to permeate my Being any longer.

In an attempt to make the world - my world, my children's world - a better place for all to reside in, I strive to make myself a better person, to change within myself that which does not correlate with goodness, light, and love, and to let go of that which does not serve the higher good of all beings in my Life. I make firm decisions to disengage from those who attempt to create negative dramas and instill fear and uncertainty, and I strive to love compassionately those whose opinions and beliefs diametrically oppose my own.

After all, it's all about Love and Compassion, is it not?

Remember: Only YOU can make it a GREAT day! Make it a GREAT DAY!

Until next time ~
<3 <3 <3

Monday, September 30, 2013

An Open Post Regarding Death ...

"It's okay to let go now. It's okay to go to the Light. Just follow the Light ... Go in peace. Go in Love."

Did you know that a person's hearing mechanism is the last thing to go, prior to death? When you are talking softly to a dying person, they can allegedly hear your every word. I've done that with a few of my patients, whom I knew were on the threshold of transition ...

As a practitioner in the field of Western medicine, it is not often that I have witnessed a person who is simply allowed to transition into the next state of Being. The choice is up to the patient; or in some cases, to his family members if he hasn't had the chance to outline what he wants to happen when his time approaches. A person can choose to be considered a 'DNR', which means he will be allowed to die peacefully, without any interventions.

But in many cases, there are codes called, and practitioners scrambling to perform CPR, start IV's, and defibrillate ... There are emergent medicines injected, bolus IV fluids administered, and other treatments implemented, designed to keep a person's body alive in the face of death. We are in the business of keeping a person alive, no matter that 'alive' may simply mean just that: breathing, or allowing a ventilator to breath for the person. What kind of quality does clinging to 'life' really bring to the person who lay motionless in a hospital bed, unaware of what is happening around her?

Here in the Western world, we are usually unwilling to accept the death of our physical bodies. We will scramble to save a life that has absolutely no quality left to it. We will insist our loved ones - who are simply existing, hovering between this world and the next, but not really living at all be made to endure having their chests compressed rapidly, because we are afraid to simply allow the dying process to happen. We will hold on to our loved ones because we are so fearful about letting them go, so fearful of releasing them from the bondage of this reality. It's really not about THEM at all, it's about our need to have them in our Life, even if that means they are simply existing and only because a machine is breathing for them.

I was visited by a patient in a dream not long ago, whom I had cared for in hospital while he was
dying. I'd always spoken to him quietly, and compassionately, as he lay dying. He always acknowledged me when I was talking to him, by opening his eyes and looking at me. At times, he would manage a wan, tired smile, but he was on a ventilator, and could not communicate. He consistently appeared to be struggling for oxygen, even though the continuous pulse oximeter read that his blood was 98% saturated with oxygen. One night, on one of my days off, after I'd cared lovingly for him for two days in a row,  I dreamed he came to me. In my dream, my patient was surrounded by bright, shining light and he said only two words to me: "Thank you." That was all.

I awakened with a start, knowing that he'd been released from this reality at last, and that he'd finally transitioned.  I wasn't scared ... I was happy for him. He was free. I'm a firm believer in the advances of technology and science, and I also believe firmly in Spirit. I believe the two are intertwined, and I also believe that when our bodies die, our essence (or Soul, or Spirit) continues to live on. Our Souls are energy ... and as physics states unequivocally, energy does not die. It can change, but it does not die. It continues on and on ... indefinitely.

Why does it seem that the entire Western world fears this perfectly natural transition from one reality to the next? Do you fear the transition? Do you fear death? Why, or why not? Fear is simply a lack of faith. What is there to look forward to if one has no faith in life after death?

These are some questions to consider ...

Until next time ~
Peace & Blessings Abound