Showing posts with label changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label changes. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

From 3D to 5D ~ Challenges Reiki People Face (Part I)

This article was first published in September 2019 in Reiki Rays

One of my six siblings has been staying with me for a while. It’s been challenging, to say the least, as many of the old dysfunctional ways of seeing and doing things has arisen and been triggered during this visit. It’s not been unbearable, but it has been challenging and scary for others who witness the chaos at times.
I’ve been working on letting go of the old, dysfunctional ways of dealing with things over the past few years. This current period of time has been wonderful in that it has helped me recognize that I’m not alone in the dysfunctional ways of being, doing or communicating that were part of my old Self, part of the old way that must be released in order to move into the 5th Dimension, to shift in vibration from 3D to 5D.

My sibling is reflecting to me exactly who I am, have been and believed myself to be most of my Life in this incarnation. My sibling is reflecting my old ways of thinking, doing and communicating. Being with my sibling day after day is teaching and revealing to me what it is that I still need to work on within myself. It is helping me to become even more keenly aware so that I can change the old behaviors ~ shift my vibration up and become more aligned with my Higher and Authentic Self.
I’ve been stuck in this way of being for an entire Lifetime, perhaps for many Lifetimes, and it’s not working in the New Earth way of being any longer. It’s time to shift my consciousness up and out of the old rigid and judgmental way of being. It’s time to shift my Consciousness from the old, draconian and burdensome ways of thinking and doing, to the new, galactic and lighter way of Being. I need to realize that nothing (no thing) is permanent in this way of Being. Everything is simply as it is.
These are the lessons that many of us are facing in this time of great change and spiritual shifts. If you haven’t been experiencing these changes in your thinking or consciousness, you may be experiencing rapid changes in your personal realm, in your relationships, careers or your Life in general. It may seem that everything is moving faster and faster in your Life.
Maybe you’ve noticed that people are falling out of your Life more rapidly. Movement is happening all around. Things are changing, people are coming and going more quickly, situations are rapidly shifting. What you once thought about ‘stability’ may be breaking down more rapidly than you care to realize. And you may be resisting Life changes and clinging to the ‘old’ as though it’s a life raft in the midst of the Atlantic.
Lessons in letting go are all around us at this time on Mother Earth. Gaia is shifting and changing, and so we are caught up in her awakening. Our Mother is raising her vibrations and we have no control over anything that Mother Earth and Mother Nature puts forth. The shifts are happening all around us, if you haven’t noticed yet. Just take a look around at the increased frequencies of volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves and other extreme earth and weather conditions around us over the past 10 years or so. And whilst our Mother shakes off the old and outmoded, Humanity is aligning and awakening and preparing to follow suit.
There is movement all around us. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that ~ nor does it take a psychic to notice the shifts and subtle (and not so subtle!) changes in our own personal spaces. Movement is imperative! Reiki Energy can help soothe and heal your Soul and calm your mind when things are feeling unstable and chaotic. Reiki Energy is like a huge, weighted blanket that calms, soothes and quiets the chaos and releases the tension.
Wrap yourself in a huge does of Reiki Energy when you settle down before sleep tonight. I promise that if you’ve neglected to use Self-Reiki and Self-Healing for yourself of late, you will be pleasantly amazed at how perfect and peaceful you will sleep after serving up a huge dose of Self-Reiki.
The 2nd part of this two-part article series will be forthcoming very soon! In that portion of the article, we’ll discuss the challenges of EGO on our shifting vibrations.
Blessings, Light & Love to All ~
Reiki Nurse 
Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 

My first book is available now! Reiki's Book

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Universal Law Series: 9 The Law of Relativity

9 ~ "This Law teaches us that we all have challenges and those challenges are designed to help strengthen our Light within. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. Everything is relative."

Sometimes, I'll be lamenting about how tired my feet are, and lo and behold, I'll see a person with below the knee amputations, not just on one leg, but on both! Or I'll be complaining about an 'eye headache' and I'll run into a person who is blind and can not see anything, let alone complain about having to read too much. This law helps us to put everything into its proper perspective!

Who am I to bitch and moan about Life's little mishaps when there are hundreds ~ indeed ~ possibly hundreds of thousands of people who have it much worse than I do? How do I dare complain about sore muscles, sore feet, or sore legs when there are those who struggle to simply stand alone on a daily basis? Everything is relative, as the principle teaches us, and for every complaint we have on a daily basis, there are those in this world, in our Universe, who suffer more. 

Everything and everyone is connected, and we all have our burdens and crosses to bear, but even when we are in the deepest depths of despair, we can be certain of one thing: there is someone out there who suffers more greatly, who suffers deeper than we do. It's important to remember that simple fact in the big scheme of things. We have so much to be grateful for and it's important to remember our gratitude on a daily basis. It keeps up connected.

Peace, Love, and Light, my friends ~

Reiki RN 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Universal Laws Series: 1. The Law of Divine Oneness

1 ~ The Law of Divine Oneness

"The Universe is not a static place. Everything is constantly changing. Everything is Energy. All we say, all we do, all we think and all we believe … every single action we take affects us and everyone else around us. In fact, everything in our environment and the Universe as a whole is affected by our words, our actions, our beliefs, our thoughts. We are all on the Energy grid, of sorts. We are connected by stands of energy. All sentient (living) beings are connected."
Each and every day that I am on this Earth plane, particularly within the past 3-5 years, I awaken and consciously remember that I am connected to each and every sentient (living) Being on this planet. I therefore have refrained from stomping on spiders, palmetto bugs, or other creepy crawly's when I happen upon them. In many Eastern philosophies, any living creature COULD likely be an ancestor's Spirit in another incarnation, and that is probably why I've often seen art or photographs in which a Buddhist monk is depicted carrying a spider outside to release it into Nature without harming it.
We are all connected to each other, and to the Divine Consciousness, whether or not we choose to believe it, want it to be, or understand this philosophy. Many of us are on a journey towards understanding this simple, yet convoluted, universal truth and law.
We are connected to the Divine, and therefore to each and every part of the Divine. Consider for a moment a matrix, if you will. The matrix is in the shape of a large circle, like the shape of the Full Moon. Circles have no beginnings and no ends. They are simply circles. Consider that what forms the circle (no beginning and no end) is a long strand of light-wire and that strand of light-wire coils endlessly within that circle which it forms. The wire is segmented, but it is connected endlessly. The circle it forms is illumined, because the light-wire is shining brightly. 
Each segment of that light-wire is a Soul, and each Soul is required to form the Whole, the Circle, the Full Moon, so to speak. The Circle is the Divine Consciousness, and we are all the little segments, or Souls, within that Divine Consciousness. We are all part of the Divine, and the Divine is within each of us. With each incarnation, we are striving to get back to the Whole, the Divine. But why are we striving to get back to the Whole, when we have always been part of the Whole (the Divine)? 
Simplified: We are the Divine, and the Divine is each of us. The Divine is within each of us, and we ARE the Divine. 
We are not powerless victims in this Life, we are not victims of 'circumstance' any more than we ALLOW ourselves to be victims. As thinking, feeling adults we have more power over our own lives than ever imagined! We ARE the Universe, the Universe is within each of us. It truly is that simple, but magnificent and awesomely fantastic! When we harm even one small, living Being, we are harming and disrupting the Whole because every living Being is connected and every single, living Being is part of the Whole.

That is truly the simplest explanation I can give about the The Law of Divine Oneness. We are all connected to each other and every living Being, and we are all parts of the Whole, the Divine. The Universe is within each of us, and we are all the Universe. When our earthly body dies, the Energy (Essence, Soul, Spirit) that we truly are rejoins the matrix in the form of Energy. The earthly body (consider it a costume) is shed, and our Authentic Self joins the Whole ~ once again, as Energy. 

Until next time, my friends ~

Walk in the Light of Love ...

Reiki Nurse