Showing posts with label divine light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divine light. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Light Story ~ Transitions

A Little Background 

It had been a day since I'd left my assignment at a small, acute care facility in Lake Worth, Florida. I'd left a patient I'd been working with for a few weeks, who was now awaiting his son's arrival from another state before he transitioned from this plane to the next. This patient was one of my favorites (as it sometimes goes in nursing and in Life!). In nursing, you're given a set assignment of patients when you show up for your shift on any given day. If you're working 3 12-hour shifts in a row, you essentially (and hopefully) keep the same assignment for what is termed 'continuity of care'. It's always good to get to know your patient and establish a trusting, working rapport with each other.

Anyway, on this particular day, I was assigned to a wonderful patient whom I'd worked with previously. He was a joy to work with and even though he was non-verbal due to his labored breathing, his eyes and a brief nod or shake of his head always told me more than I needed to know to keep him comfortable and as stable as possible despite his precarious condition. His status had declined over the weeks and he was currently being treated with a 'palliative care' status, as his Life on this plane was coming to an end. No matter what, this patient always had a big, toothless grin for me when I entered his room. His lovely grin would light up his entire face and his Soul shone brightly through his azure eyes.

I cared for him as I would any other patient ~ with love, kindness, and compassion. This is something we learn over the years if we are truly nurses, as nurses are meant to be: We learn to put principles before personalities; which is to say, no matter what our personal judgments may be, we learn to love and care for each patient as though they were one of our loved ones, one of our own. There is no room in nursing for preferential treatment. Our patients are our patients: They are our responsibility, and are given over to our care and trust for the time we are with them. It is our responsibility to nurture them during our shift, but above all to RESPECT them while we are entrusted to caring for them. It really isn't our place to judge our patients, no matter what.

So, I left my patients that day with a bit of melancholy, as I felt in my heart that I wouldn't see my 'favorite' patient again after my 4 days off. I knew he was not long for this world, and I didn't want to begrudge him that, as he'd been struggling to breathe for way too long.

The next night I had a dream, of sorts, in which a bright and glowing entity hovered in front of me and I heard the words: "Thank you!" announced. That was it. That was all. I instantly opened my eyes, and a familiar knowing entered my consciousness. In that instant, I knew my patient had finally been released and was free from this world. When I returned to work the following week, I found out that he'd indeed passed and it was the very night that I'd dreamed he'd come to me whispering his thanks. It's interesting how those things happen.

If we're open to miracles, we see them happening all the time.
Until next time, my friends ~ Keep it REAL.

Blessings, Peace, and Love to All ~
Reiki RN

Friday, September 12, 2014

Let Your Child-Light Shine!

Sometimes, the most precious and wonderful memories are made when we allow
ourselves to simply BE in any given moment. It really is a matter of allowing each moment to flow freely. It has taken me so long to realize that by not DOING ~ just by BEING ~ in a moment I can access every aspect of what I've labeled my 'child-light'. It's that moment, that special feeling that allows me to see everything around me as brand new, through the eyes of my Child Self. Everything appears new and wonderful, and the fascination and joy fills me with a sense of wonder and beauty that can not be described, nor can it be equalled!

Every one of us has that special Child-Light within, and many of the great spiritual teachers have spoken about it over the years. Jesus told us: "In order to seek the kingdom of God, you must become like a little child." When we allow ourselves to simply be in the moment, our child-Light shines forth brightly, and our joy expands exponentially!

Many of us catch glimpses of this child-light throughout our lives, but it seems elusive to us, and the moments may seem fleeting. We have the ability to harness that feeling, that BEING, and remain in the moment. It takes practice, but it can be done. Our EGO (Easing God Out) strives to keep us stuck in the muck and mire, making it difficult to see the trees through the forest.

Ego does not want us to simply BE, because when we catch a glimpse of being in a moment, ego has absolutely no power or place in our Life. "Ego teaches us that once we find our peace, everything will fall into place in our lives. Spirit tells us that once we find our peace, everything will fall into place" ~ Marianne Williamson teaches us this simple truth in her writings and teachings, as does Eckhart Tolle. It is our ego that complicates this simple truth.

We are driven by our egos, but we do not have to remain stuck in the egoic constructed realities we've created for ourselves. Ego holds tightly to most of us on this level of existence, because without our profound belief in some type of illusion, our ego tells us there is nothing. And we believe the big lies our egos force us to cling to.

At the basis of any belief that our ego has constructed, at the basis of any illusion regarding 'the way it should be' or 'the way we should act' is fear (Forget Everything And Run!). Fear requires our ego to cling to our illusory 'beliefs' and our illusory 'truths' as though there is nothing else. When we choose to step beyond our personal fears and into the Divine Truth and light, we can free ourselves from the limiting illusions that ego creates.

When we allow ourselves to shake ego off, and simply BE, we become one with the totality of Being, one with Spirit and Nature, one with each other. That is when we allow our Child-Light to shine forth, and we access that purest form of joy. Our Being is Light, our wholeness is Light, we are Light. Our egos want us to believe that we are matter. Our egos do not want us to know that we are the purest forms of Energy and Light. Our true essence is Light and Energy, NOT form (matter). When we allow our Child-Light to shine forth, we are allowing ourselves to BE.

And at that very moment, we are living in the now, in the present. We have accessed the purest form of joy, the purest form of peace, the purest form of LOVE. Our true essence ...

Peace, Love, and Joy, my friends ~

Reiki Nurse

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome, 2014: Year of Introspection

Bringing in the New Year, with its new energy and many blessings today ... It's been nearly a week since 2014 made its appearance on the horizon. Already so much has transpired for us, as no matter what we are doing, Life tends to move forward without a hitch.

As each day blends into another, and as I strive to maintain my composure in the midst of some pretty hairy situations, I realize that it's much easier to navigate Life when I'm minding my own business, and not getting too involved with others' Lives. What makes it difficult for me to remain composed, emotionally detached, and serene is being around certain members of my family. I find it difficult, at best, to navigate my family of origin without losing my temper, my sense of Inner Peace, or both. 

The particular tones of voice, certain phrases or words, and the chaotic energy of certain members of my family makes being around them disturbing, for lack of a better term. I need to recognize that these particular family members bring up triggers in me that need close monitoring and examination. There are some things within me that need healing, and each time I allow myself to be triggered by the energy of one of my family members, I need to realize that there is something deeply embedded in my being that requires healing. 

This is going to be a year of introspection, solitude, Soul- searching, and healing for so many of us on various levels. It's a number 7 year in numerology, which makes it a year in which many of us will seek the meaning behind the illusions of reality. Nothing is taken at face value, as there is always a deeper meaning to everything. This is a year of introspection, one in which it will be beneficial to our on-going Soul's growth to study, write, and spend time alone in quiet meditation and prayer, communing with our Higher Power.

Naturally, we need to continue on our individual paths and be responsible for ourselves. This is going to be a year of great strides for those of us concerned with expansion of our own Spirituality. Introspection can sometimes be a bit scary, especially when it involves recognizing and then changing those behaviors which we've been protecting for so long, behaviors that no longer serve our higher purpose, and no longer serve our position in humanity.

Welcome, 2014! It's going to be an important year in the big scheme of things. And I'm ready to move forward ... 

Light & Love, my friends!

Reiki Nurse

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Universal Laws: Simplified (A Series)

This is the first post in a series I am writing in which I will discuss the 12 Universal Laws, the 21 Sub-Laws, and other such items. Please feel free to check back, and to share a portion of, or the entire post with others. Please remember to at least give my blog mention when you share it. Thank you, my friends! 

Many of us are familiar with at least one of the Universal Laws, The Law of Attraction, which became quite popular when the documentaries "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do we Know" came out in select theaters and on DVD. What we don't know is that in order to really effect the Law of Attraction, and help it to work in our lives, we need to incorporate all 12 of the Universal Laws into our way of Life, and into our Being. 

There are multitudes of websites and modern day New Age gurus who have created businesses that promise to teach you how to put these laws into effect in your own lives, for a fee. Perhaps they can, and they will. But there is no reason why anyone should need to pay hundreds, or thousands of dollars to gain knowledge and put these principles into action when the Universe offers these principles to everyone without a price tag attached. 

Please do not think that anyone who asks for a fee to share their knowledge is a charlatan. That is absolutely NOT what I am trying to say at all. Simply be discerning in uncovering knowledge and allow your Inner Guide, your Intuition, to assist you in discerning what is right and real for you.

There are many workshops and classes that can be taken individually, and the facilitators of those workshops or classes do need to attach a fee to the classes, as it is their means of making a living. You can find classes in your hometowns, by doing web searches for them. 

The other thing I want to say is that I'm no authority on any of this subject matter. We are all on individual Journey's and I'm learning right along with everyone else! As I learn, I feel a need to share with others. This is one way we are going to raise our own Consciousness, and raise the vibrations and collective consciousness of each other and our Mother Earth. Remember, we are all students and we are all teachers! 

Now, having said that, let's get on to the 12 Universal Laws:

1 ~ The Law of Divine Oneness

The Universe is not a static place. Everything is constantly changing. Everything is Energy. All we say, all we do, all we think and all we believe … every single action we take affects us and everyone else around us. In fact, everything in our environment and the Universe as a whole is affected by our words, our actions, our beliefs, our thoughts. We are all on the Energy grid, of sorts. We are connected by stands of energy. All sentient (living) beings are connected.
2 ~ The Law of Vibration
Basically, this is simple physics. This law states that every single thing in our universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular motions. Everything has it’s own vibrational frequency: sounds, colors, our thoughts, our words, even things that are not alive have a vibrational frequency.  Your vibration will attract like vibrations to you, like a magnet.
3 ~ The Law of Action
Remember this from high school physics: Every action has an equal reaction? This law states that we are the creators of our realities. In order to manifest in our lives what we desire, we must engage in actions which support our desires.  All of our thoughts, words, dreams, and emotions must be in alignment with each other.
4 ~ The Law of Correspondence
In our Universe, on our physical plane of existence everything has a corresponding principle attached to it. Energy, Vibration, Light, Motion … they all have corresponding principles attached. As Above, so Below …
5 ~ The Law of Cause & Effect
What we put out into the Universe, how we treat others, how we treat ourselves … all have consequences. We reap what we sow. Every action has a reaction and a consequence.  What we put out we get back. It’s Karma …
6 ~ The Law of Compensation
We are compensated for each and every action we take, every deed we do. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings.
7 ~ The Law of Attraction
Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energy. That energy, in turn, attracts like energy. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
8 ~The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy 
This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.
9 ~ The Law of Relativity
This Law teaches us that we all have challenges and those challenges are designed to help strengthen our Light within. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. Everything is relative.
10 ~ The Law of Polarity
This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
11 ~ The Law of Rhythm
This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.
12 ~ The Law of Gender
This last of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and its feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God. 

Okay, so now that we have the 12 Universal Laws, what do we do with them? Good question! Well, my friends, that is where the 'series' I mentioned in the beginning comes into play. I will be posting some information, little by little, about each of the 12 laws that are posted here today, and how to get them activated and working in your life. Until then, print out the 12 Universal Laws and post them where you can see them every day. Memorize them ... I, for one, think they're quite simplistic and great tools for living. 

Oh, and please remember that no one is perfect, least of all me. We have our human stuff to deal with, character flaws, so to speak. But it's all about LOVE, people! It's all about LOVE.

In the meantime, keep your side of the street as clean as HUMANELY possible. Progress, NOT perfection ...

Live, Love, Laugh!
Reiki Nurse

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Allowing Our Light to Shine ...

The Light behind this dark cloud illuminates it from within, and even though the center is heavy and dark with pent-up moisture, the outer edges (silver lining!) are illumined. That's how it is with our Souls, our Spirits.

We have all made our mistakes, done or said things that were not aligned with our Soul's purpose, whether in the distant past, or today ... we are human and we are here on this planet to encourage and nurture our Soul's growth.  We are here to learn from our mistakes, and to guide and be guided along on our Journey to Enlightenment and Universal/Unconditional Love. We are here to learn to love ourselves, and to learn to love and care for ourselves and others. It's all about Love, people ... learning to love ourselves (not in an egocentric way, but in a heartfelt way) and learning to love each other.

If we mess up, hopefully we have come far enough on our journey to know that it is not only our responsibility, but our duty, to make things 'right' as soon as we realize our mistake. We are constantly learning and growing in Life. If we remain aware of our actions and words, and are as diligent with our thought patterns as we can be, we are doing the best we can. Not one of us is better or greater than another, we are all equal in the big scheme of things. The mundane does not matter, even though we are on a plane of existence that glorifies the mundane. It doesn't matter how much money we have, how many cars (or what type of car) we drive, what kind of clothes we wear, whether or not we hang with the popular crowd ... all of these things will eventually pass away, and the only thing that is left if our Core, our Being, our Soul.

It is our capacity to LOVE that is important. And no one can genuinely Love without first loving the Self. When we allow our light to shine forth, others see the Light emanating forth through our actions, through our words, through the way we treat others. If we disrespect others, in essence we are disrespecting ourselves, since all energy is connected. We are all part of the Greater Whole, we are all individuals on the Great Path, but we are all connected.

We are here to learn from each other, and to teach each other. We are all students, and we are all teachers ... and nothing happens by chance or fate. We create our experiences by choosing our thoughts, words, and actions. We need only stay aware of our thoughts to change them. Once we recognize that our thoughts are no longer serving a purpose in our growth, we can easily transmute that energy by changing the thought behind it! It sounds so simplistic, and yet it is one of the most difficult tasks to ever!

We can't change anything if we are not aware that it exists. It's important to always seek counsel within. We begin changing when we become aware of what needs to be changed, and only then. Let's begin by giving ourselves permission to become totally aware of our own thought patterns. May we all learn to Live simply, and beautifully, and peacefully ...

I allow myself to remain aware of my thought patterns, and to see the lesson in every situation.

I allow my Light to Shine as Brightly as it Was Meant to Shine!

Shine on, Everyone!

Blessings, Light, & Love ~

Reiki RN

Friday, June 7, 2013

Protecting Yourself from Negative Energies

I've decided to re-post some of my most loved and cherished posts since I started this new blog. So this day, I share with you all about how you can protect yourself from negative energies. I've updated it a bit, as well. Enjoy! 

I have been led by my Guides and the Archangels to share this beautiful card via my RSS feed this morning. It was posted on my home page by one of my many lovely contacts. To you of whom I speak, many Bright Reiki Blessings! xoxox

I am encouraged to speak my Truth about this card, as the Healing Energies of the Universe guide me. No matter who you are and no matter where you come from, this message is meant for you.

The healing energies of the Universe are open and available to YOU, today and always. The healing energies are here to assist you in healing your Heart (emotions), Mind (thoughts), and Soul (traumas) from all the harsh realities that have plagued or befallen you in this Lifetime, or any Lifetimes past.

Protect yourself from negative vibrations and those who attempt to pierce your Light Shield with negative thoughts about you, or negative words hurled at you. Even as there are boundless Light-filled, healing Energies in the Universe, there are boundless dark energies seeking to negate the Light! By protecting yourself, you are shielding yourself from those dark energies that some philosophies call 'demons' or 'shadows'.

Close your eyes, dear Ones, and imagine God (or Goddess, Allah, Jesus, Yaweh, etc.) imagine your Higher Power(s) opening His/Her hands and pouring Divine White/Golden Light down from the heavens to surround you, your beloved pets, your home, and your loved ones. Imagine that this Divine Light seeps in and around you and your loved ones, providing a Light Shield that will protect you all day from harshness, dark energies, negative people, negative thoughts, and psychic darts. Imagine that you are enveloped in this healing Divine Light as you walk, read, play, work, and go about your daily business on Mother Earth today. You are protected by Divine Light now.

Practice this exercise daily before you leave the house and upon awakening. Your Life will slowly become more tolerable, less chaotic, and much less filled with the negative drama of others ~

~ Many Bright Reiki Blessings to you All ~

Reiki Nurse