The births of my children were by far the happiest two single events in my adult Life. When I think back on how blessed I felt at the very moment of each of my babies' births, I realize that there is no other feeling that I've experienced in my adult Life that compares to those feelings of deep, abiding unconditional love, heartfelt joy, and perfect peace which I experienced during the entire process of my pregnancies and the beautiful experiences of the births of my precious children.
The energy of the emotions that surrounded me during those times can not be compared to any other emotions I've experienced prior to or after their births, not even to the ecstatic feelings felt during the beginnings of a new romantic relationship.
When I'm feeling a little melancholy, I access those emotions and everything seems to brighten a bit. I wanted to share this little blurb today because it's the day before Thanksgiving Day in the United States. This is a perfect day to remember, and to feel good and well, grateful for all our people in our lives.
Even thought rifts exist in my family that may never be mended for whatever reason, I choose to continue sending loving thoughts and healing energy to surround my loved ones. And, naturally, not one day passes without my thoughts visiting and enveloping my beautiful, adult children.
That is the way of a mother, no matter how busy, old or far away we are from our babies. We cannot let go of our babies, no matter how old they are, no matter if we are estranged, no matter if situations prevent us from being by their side at any given moment.
The steadfastness of true and unconditional love simply IS, no matter time or distance, emotional or physical.
Happy Holiday to all! Give thanks always for your family.
Peace, Love, and Joy Abides
Reiki RN (Kat)