Friday, January 1, 2016

Tossing Out the Old: Happy New Year 2016!

The celebration of the New Year each year on January 1st has always been such a special time for me, ever since I was a young child. The memories of having been shooed off to bed on New Year's Eve, especially on the years that it was our parent's turn to host the annual NYE party at their home, has imprinted delightful images on my Heart. On New Year's morning, my brothers, sisters and I would creep into the kitchen to feast on the leftovers of the adult NYE spread. That means that chips, dips, shrimp cocktail, onion soup, and other appetizing treats awaited our eager mouths and rumbling tummies. It was the perfect breakfast to start the New Year off right!

The New Year has always been a simple, symbolic time for cleansing and purging of all the negative energies that have accumulated throughout the preceding year. Over the years, I've developed a ritualistic burning of some of my old journals in honor of having transcended the negative, toxic memories of the past year. Sometimes, the old, dark, haunted memories of childhood steal their way into my brain, as well. Those memories are welcomed, accepted, and released during my ritualistic burning of 'old things'. Each year, the childhood memories get less and less, and the newer, less traumatic memories become light, airy ash that effortlessly float away on the breeze of Time. 

Reiki has remained a grounding force in this ritualistic process, and I simply introduced Reiki energy into my burning ritual one year by blessing the entire process, and introducing the symbol of my choice (Chokurei) into the mix via drawing it into the fire. Reiki energy is the healing energy of the Universe, and its powerful effects are far-reaching and sometimes subtle, sometimes conspicuous. No, the fire didn't spit and sputter and otherwise dance with glee when I drew the symbol into it. Reiki energy chose to be mindful of the seriousness of my process, and it simply and subtly infused my ritual with healing, loving energy. 

One of the most precious things anyone can do for oneself at the turn of a New Year is to reflect upon the past year and think about ways that certain situations could be remedied or rectified by changing his or her perspective about it. Our perceptions are what force us to look at any given situation and judge it as either 'negative' or 'positive'. In reality, nothing is good or bad. Everything simply IS. We are a race of beings (human beings) that harbors a need to compartmentalize and group things together, and our intrinsic fluidity is compromised when we begin to do so. If we simply allowed things to BE, we wouldn't have the urge to group everything and everyone together, and everyone would be happy with what they create on a daily basis. Or so I theorize. 

Our limiting thought patterns and our EGO can both be great obstacles in getting out of our own way at times. Our EGO wants to keep us stuck in social thinking patterns, no matter how unhealthy and limiting these patterns can be for us as Spiritual beings. We need to learn to discern what is good for us and what isn't so healthy for us. There are some, as the 12 Step literature and other spiritual books have pointed out who are simply constitutionally incapable of being aware of their own mind, and seeing their own part in situations. And that in and of itself is a type of affliction of Spirit. When we can not reconcile our thoughts and our actions, it's difficult to truly know who we are at the Core. 

We are all born with Love at our Core. Unconditional Love. Daily gratitude is key in the source of your Joy. Be grateful for everything you are, and everything you choose to be.

I want to wish ALL my readers a Happy, Healthy New Year in 2016! 
May your Love expand and your Energy heal ~

Reiki RN

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Wishes for my Children

My lovely children around Christmas 1987 in Las Vegas, NV
When my children were younger (and I was, too!) I wrote many songs and poems for and about them. This is one of those poems, which I penned on Christmas Eve 1994, when they were with their father and his wife at the time. 

The following poem will also be published in my upcoming book, 'Family Sin: My Journey from Victim to Victorious' to be published soon within the next year. 

Christmas Wishes for my Children 
By K. A. Rancourt
(c) 1994 WolfDancer Publishing

Although I am not with you on this holiday of cheer
you're in my thoughts and prayers, dear ones, 
as you have been all year.

The time is passing rapidly, you're growing up, I know
Always I hold you both so near ~ I'll never let you go!

The memories have been carved in gold upon my Heart, so true
Your bright wide eyes, Angel faces ~ Today, I'm missing you!

I held you both inside of me and kept you safe from harm
protected from the outside world ~ Inside me, safe and warm.

Til you decided to reveal your sweet and cherub beings ~
those tiny feet, delicate hands, and high-pitched infant screams.

How beautiful! Two miracles! Your lives inside me grew
The Spirit of the Universe sent me two Angels ~ You!

I wish I could give you the world ~ the heavens, moon, and stars
But on this day ~ and every day ~ in my Soul, here you are.

Words can not begin to show the love I feel for you
As time passes and truth unfolds it'll be revealed to you.

I held you in my arms so close to me ~ so very near
I nurtured both your precious Souls; I quieted your fears.

So, on this day of wondrous Light in my thoughts, you are here
I'll keep you with me constantly through every passing year.

(Merry Christmas to the most wonderful gifts I've ever received ~
My two beautiful children!) 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Chanukah

Reiki RN

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Thoughts

The births of my children were the happiest moments in my adult Life. When I think back on how blessed I felt at the very moment of each of my babies' births, I realize that there is no other feeling that I've experienced in my adult Life that can compare to those feelings of deep and abiding unconditional love, heartfelt joy, and perfect peace that I experienced during the entire process of my pregnancies and births of my children. 

The energy of the emotions that surrounded me during those times can not be compared to any other emotions I've ever experienced in my entire Lifetime, not even to the ecstatic feelings felt during the beginnings of a new romantic relationship! When I'm feeling a little melancholy, I access those emotions and everything seems to feel better. I wanted to share this little blurb today because it's the day before Thanksgiving Day in the United States. This is a perfect day to remember and to feel good and, well, thankful for those people who are in your Life. 

Even though there are rifts that probably won't be mended in my family for whatever reasons, I continue to send loving thoughts and healing energy to my loved ones on a daily basis. No day passes without my thinking about my children. That is the way of a mother :) I simply wouldn't have it any other way. True and unconditional love never ceases to be, no matter how much distance there is, emotional or physical. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Peace, Love, and Joy Abides

Reiki RN

Saturday, October 31, 2015

REIKI MOMENTS: Turning Anger Around

There is little one can do to eradicate the emotional pain of another. It's difficult enough to navigate one's own emotional pain, let alone take on the pain of another human being. About a week or so ago, I was thinking about one of my loved one's, and about how many times over the past 8 years or so this person has intentionally lashed out for no apparent reason in an attempt to harm, hurt, or otherwise inflict pain on other members of my family or on me, personally. The hostility of this person's actions and words is usually met by the victim(s) with disbelief, shock, and persistent feelings of doubt about themselves, or about their own actions or words. That is because when my other family members are around this person, they 'walk on eggshells' so to speak, because one never knows whether something that is said or done will be misinterpreted by this person.

The victims of my loved one's hostility will usually query me insistently: "Do you think I did something wrong? Do you think I should have done this or said that instead? Why do you think (that person) is enraged with me? Why do you think (that person) has 'cut me off' again?" Unfortunately, I have no answers at all for anyone. This person's own siblings are dumbfounded, and have no idea what is going on with this person. Sadly, mental health issues run rampant in our family, and this person has been diagnosed professionally with certain mental health issues that do require medication therapy and psychotherapy. But this person continues to deny the fact that medications, in conjunction with consistent therapy, will alleviate the psychoses, pathological behaviors, paranoia, and other symptoms. Regardless of that, this post is not about mental health issues, therefore I digress.

That particular night, I was thinking about this person and about the latest debacle that this person's mind has created; and I felt the familiar burn of anger rising within my Solar Plexus. Rather than giving in to the burning rage, my heart and mind suddenly flipped ~ almost palpably ~ and I found myself within that person's mind.  Simultaneously, my Heart, Soul, and mind instantly felt and experienced that person's fear, self-loathing, doubt, and deep pain within my own being. Suddenly, I understood where all of that person's rage and lashing out comes from. Instantaneously, I felt compassion, love, and deep empathy for that person, rather than anger and rage. My Heart embraced this person in my imagination, and immediately I sent this person healing Reiki Energy overflowing with God's love and warmth. 

It was a validating and loving epiphany that rocked my world to the core. The experience was unlike any I've ever had previously. The entire experience stayed with me for days. Even now, when I think about that person, it is only with love, compassion, and understanding. (Also, some great sadness, as this person means the world to me and always has ~ even though they don't believe it themselves) The love that we are all born with ~ our Core Love, the Universal and Unconditional Love of the Divine ~ spread its wings within my Heart, Soul, and mind that night. 

My Soul soared within the fifth dimensional realm, rather than being stuck and tied completely in 2D realm. Every aspect of my Being expanded, and rather than feeling anger at my loved one for attempting to hurt me once again; my Heart and Soul holds compassionate, loving, and empathetic thoughts and feelings for that person. Reiki Energy has assisted me in lifting the veil that once shrouded this perfect and unconditional love within my Soul. Reiki Energy has facilitated many wondrous things within my Life situations thus far. I am forever grateful to the Creator, the Divine ~ and to the many Reiki Grand Masters, Reiki Angels, Reiki Avatars, and Ascended Beings ... 

Be at Peace, my friends! Love each other, and do your best to refrain from judgement of your brothers and sisters. We all have our own crosses to bear ...

Peace & Love ~ Reiki RN 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Success: Mundane or Magnificent?

Quenching the Moon's thirst ...
For me, the term 'success' has never been measured in terms of material things or acquisitions or money. That is to say, even as a young adult, the term 'success' was so much more than material and mundane: It has always been a term in which I measured the quality of what I felt was Spiritual for me. How well I live my Life, how well connected I am with my Higher Power, and how much kindness (or not!) I show to others. 

As I've progressed on my Journey, I've come to understand myself on a more intimate level, and I've learned what triggers my anger, my sadness, my happiness, and my sense of inner peace. I am much more discerning now than I was 5 or even 10 years ago, and I'm more aware of how my angry words can wound another Soul. I continue to struggle with my quick-to-anger defenses. I am more aware when I am feeling defensive and more importantly, WHY, I am feeling defensive. The reason one can't change everything overnight is evident: we're on a Journey, each individualized for every individual. The Journey I'm on isn't necessarily the Journey that you are on. And we didn't develop our negative coping mechanisms overnight. It's taken many years to develop the coping mechanisms, healthy or unhealthy as they may be, that we use to navigate our lives every day. 
Our Third Eye is the Doorway to Higher Realms

Because of this, it will take years of being aware of our character flaws to change them, one by one. I tend to come to understand things at a slower rate than others, and sometimes it takes a few times of 'banging my head against a brick wall' to fully comprehend what it is that needs to be changed within my Self, my psyche to help me become a better, kinder, more loving person.

Success for me means that each morning when I open my eyes, though I may feel discombobulated and confused at times, I know that my Core is pure LOVE that radiates through my entire Being, and outward towards all of Humanity. It means that I don't get caught up in the everyday mundane, the negative, the chaos of the outer world. It means that from my Core I radiate the Love, Peace, and Truth that is who I truly am. It means that I AM, and that makes everything okay in my realm. 
Simply Believe

Success isn't about how much money I make, what kind of car I drive, how large and extravagant my home is, or whether or not I have a college degree. For me, all the material wealth in the world isn't worth anything if I am not Spiritually fulfilled, Spiritually fit and connected. If I am not connected with Nature, God and/or Goddess, Yin/Yang, my True Self, my Higher Power, all living beings ~ there is no success for me. I don't find success in the mundane, for me it is the magnificence of Being! Success is based in Spiritual practice, in Being, not in doing. 

How one feels about the term 'success' is relevant and pertinent to how he or she navigates her own Journey in this Life. Think about what success means to you. Ponder your beliefs, and if you feel that something inside of your own thinking needs tweaking, set about changing it. Remember that nothing happens overnight. Be gentle with yourself. We can't change what anyone thinks about us, or how they act. But we CAN change how we respond or react to others ~ my reactions are my personal measurements of how successful I really am, and how much further I have come on my own personal Journey of Life. 

Walk in Light, my friends ~ Think SUCCESS!
 Reiki RN

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Soul Ascension

Good Morning my friends! 

I'm up and ready to start my day this fine, beautiful Saturday morning in Boynton Beach, Florida! It's been quite a long week, what with the Light-ening of many personal issues affecting my personal space. I think I'm going to turn the A/C off this morning, open all the windows in my home for an hour or two, sage my home and attached garage, and get some fresh air moving through my space, to Light-en this space, and to increase the circulation of good vibrations! 

It's definitely a day that I'm going to clear away the negative vibrations that I allowed to permeate my space this week, and transmute the dark energies that I allowed in via negative words, emails, and energies. I'm going to use some powerful Reiki energy to assist me in this process of alchemy, transmuting the darkness to Light! 

Have you ever noticed the 'heaviness' that surrounds certain areas, or seems to emanate from certain people whom you come into contact with? That heavy feeling is actually lower vibrational energy, and it can be improved upon and made Light again with the process of healing the darkness within, or around, and transmuting it to Light. We are all given Free Will, and we can decide to change and increase our vibrations ~ or not. The ultimate decision of change is up to the individual.

It's an auspicious time on Mother Earth to raise our own, personal vibrations higher! Gaia herself is in the process of raising her vibratory energy, as she sloughs off all the negativities of her past; shifting her teutonic plates, erupting once-deactivated volcanoes, sweeping twisters through towns and cities all over the globe. These are the processes that Mother Earth uses to 'clean' and 'clear' the negative energies that have accumulated on her back over thousands of years, and she certainly has much to clean and clear! 

We have much to clean and clear within our own energy fields, as well, and each of us is being urged to decide whether or not we have the courage to face ourselves and make some important and intense changes. In order to do so, we need to cultivate a few skills that innately are within us: self-honesty (breaking away from denial of our own darkness!), self-assessment (brutal honesty is called for here!), and willingness to surrender to All That Is (God, Source, Allah, Jesus, etc.) The time is now, but in order to be ready for our Soul Ascension, we need to clear out all the old paradigms, all the old, negative energies that keep us stuck in duality and Egoic-mind structures. 

Are you ready to say goodbye to things and/or people who no longer serve your Highest Good? Are you ready to be brutally honest with yourself, bringing all your inadequacies and mis-qualified energy to the surface to be transmuted into Light? Are you ready to let go of the past (and the future) and live in the Present moment? 

Surrender and acceptance of what is takes practice and awareness of our own thoughts continuously. We must be willing to face (and embrace) our fears, face our addictions, and all negative aspects of ourselves and bring Light into each one to transmute them. We must learn to accept our darkness, as well as our Light in order to transcend duality and reach our highest Soul potential. We need to be willing to surrender to Divine will, and let go of our Egos in order to transcend them. 

The process of transcending Ego to gain access to our Light is outlined perfectly and succinctly in Sabrina Reber's manual for Soul Ascension, Raise Your Vibration. This manual will help you heal your dark aspects, and transmute them to Light as you raise your vibratory energy and auric field in preparation for Soul Ascension. 

Namasté & Light my friends

Reiki RN