Showing posts with label Reiki Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reiki Healing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

From 3D t0 5D ~ Challenges Reiki People Face (Part II) "Ascension 101 For Reiki Practitioners"

This article was first published in September 2019 in Reiki Rays

Mother Earth
Those of us who realize that this time period on Mother Earth is auspicious, albeit chaotic and difficult, must forge ahead and continue the work of educating, loving, healing and disseminating information. Our future is contingent on knowing what our own personal Truth is in relation to what is happening in our environment and universally. We need to realize that our own Inner Truth is written on our very Souls; and that in order to realize our own personal truths, we go through a process of cutting away the EGO-educated paradigms that have kept Humanity in bondage to societal conditioning and unhealthy thinking for thousands of years.

What are the obstacles that prevent a Soul from Awakening fully to his or her own Truth?

There are so many obstacles that listing them would probably take longer than any of us have time to write or read. But most every one of them can be sub-headed and grouped under one label: EGO. Ego has gained a bad wrap in recent years, and that is because it is the ultimate trickster of human beings.
Our mind (thinking, way of thinking, conditioning) is our EGO. No matter what some of the self-proclaimed gurus (EGOcentric false prophets) of the modern new age movement say, EGO must be transcended and tamed prior to moving along a path towards our personal Enlightenment or Awakening.
Ego has a way of tripping us up and telling us that it’s not necessary to go through any ‘steps’ to reach our fullest potential, our truest Self. Ego wants us to believe that we can ‘go it alone’ and everything will turn out peachy. No man is an island, so the saying goes and yes, we need to bounce ideas and truths off one another ~ preferably off those on a similar spiritual path. We also need to realize that the PILOT in our lives isn’t ‘me’ or ‘I’ or ‘myself’ but ‘us’ and ‘we’. We are co-pilots of our Life with our Higher Power ~ and our Higher Power is NOT and cannot be EGO!
From 3D to 5D ~ Ascension 101 for Reiki Practitioners (Part II)

So, what is this ‘shedding EGO’ step all about?

Well, it’s first realizing that my Self is simply spirit. Not only is Self simply spirit. The Self is a perfect being. We must learn to shift our thoughts from ‘doing’ to ‘being’. I like to use the phrase ‘go with the flow’ because it’s pretty much spot on when it comes to releasing EGO and simply accepting the Present moment as it presents itself.
Everything that happens in my Life is as it is. If I label it with words like ‘good’ ‘bad’ ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, I am judging the moments as they arise. If I simply allow every moment to ‘be’ I am going with the flow and the rhythm of Life. It sounds so simple as I’m typing it, but to put this concept into action takes much practice and constant Presence (awareness). I work on it daily and oftentimes I am tripped up either by being triggered by someone or something someone says, or simply because I’m human.

Healing Reiki energy helps me to soothe and heal myself, and allows me to let go for a moment or two and relax into simply ‘being’. I use a combination of CKRHSZSN and some of the Holy Fire II® Karuna symbols to continually and gently keep my physical form surrounded by Reiki Energy. Your intuition can help you in choosing which symbols to utilize throughout the day. CKR is one that is a constant in my Life and has been for many years.
Using these symbols and Reiki Energy in this way helps me to virtually live, breathe and remain aware knowing the divinity of Reiki Energy is surrounding me constantly. I am blessed beyond belief having and using Reiki during my spiritual practice and consistently throughout the day.
More often than not, I send a few symbols ahead of me to grace my work place so that during meetings, patient care and all my work-related interactions throughout the day I am blessed and protected with Reiki Energy. The two most profound grounding and protecting symbols from Karuna Holy Fire II® Reiki are Kriya and Rama.
Both can be used to clear negative energies from a room or rooms, as well as ground you and your colleagues to your environment. I manifest Rama within meeting rooms regularly. Both symbols also keep me grounded within so that when EGO creeps up and manifests during discussions in which I feel the (ego) need to be right, I instead silence myself and rethink and reword responses.
Reiki Blessings!
Peace, Love & Light!

Reiki Nurse 

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 

My first book is available now! Reiki's Book

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Intricate Presence of Reiki


Reiki Energy is a refuge for many practitioners

Reiki Energy: A Spiritual Tool

By now, we may all be able (or willing) to agree that Reiki is a form of energy work that is described by practitioners and clients alike as healing, soothing, gentle, intelligently designed and, let’s face it, amazing! Every single day I strive to think about, meditate on or practice Reiki in my daily Life. I fall short often, but on the days that I feel spot on energetically, everything else falls into place nicely. Synchronicity. I love when it happens! 

When I’m on my game, not only do benefit, but everyone around me benefits, as well.  Those are the days I’m more aware of Presence. I often wonder how many Reiki practitioners over the years have achieved enlightenment or reached higher conscious through utilizing Reiki as part of their spiritual practice

When I was initially introduced to Reiki Energy, I held it in the highest esteem and felt Reiki was something one uses only in therapeutic settings. What I mean by that is I treated Reiki as though it was separate from me, the person. Clearly, I revered its divinely guided intelligence; yet, I seldom called upon it, unless it was for someone else’s benefit. I rarely, if ever, thought about using Reiki on a daily basis like people do with prayer, mantras, chanting or meditation.

I was virtually clueless as to how to apply Reiki using it as a spiritual tool. I did not realize that its powerful, cosmic energy could be exceptional in helping myself, my plants, my pets, my children or even my vehicles flourish.

Presently for me, Reiki Energy is like an American Express™ card: I never leave home without it. Reiki is an extension of me and has become an aspect of me in many ways. As time has passed, my energy signature has intertwined with Reiki, much like those model strands of DNA we see in science journals. Reiki energy is the powerful, gentle wizard of wellness that I carry close to my heart and soul. It’s my half-full glass of Life giving water, my lush and loving oasis in the arid, scorching desert of Life.

Reiki Evolution

How did it happen that Reiki became one of the Life saving devices I cling to on a daily basis, much like the Supreme Intelligence (God) and spirituality? How did Reiki become my companion, colleague and caregiver ~ what I like to call the 3C’s? When I was initially attuned in the 1STand 2ND degrees of Usui Shiki Ryoho, my Reiki Sensei explained Reiki energy and it’s origins to me thoroughly. 

Each Energy Center in our body correlates with
specific organs & functions
I learned about its powerful essence and was Attuned in Reiki in the old method, which is to say very little information was written down for me. My lessons were mostly ‘word of mouth’, although my Sensei did provide us with her version of ‘Cliff Notes’, which helped me immensely when I energy more frequently.
began to work with the

I sought other Reiki practitioners in my area, but at the time they were few and far between in a small town in Maine. When I did meet others with whom I could share Reiki, we’d meet once or twice with big ideas and plans to ‘start a community support group for Reiki practitioners’. Our ideas, like our meetings, dwindled over time what with Life happening all around us. I was a single mother raising my preteen children virtually alone. I also worked full time as a mental health practitioner. Free time was a luxury that at that point in my Life felt light years away.

Today, over twenty years later, my connection with Reiki healing energy is the anchor that keeps me connected to Mother Earth as I explore higher realms of Consciousness. Today, the Reiki Principles apply wholly to my every day Life. Reiki keeps me grounded and connected to Mother Earth. I’m eternally grateful that Reiki sought me out in this incarnation and connected once again with my soul.

Bright Reiki Blessings to All!

Visit me on the Web: Reiki's Mystic Circle
Check out my First Book: Reiki's Family Sin Book

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Meditation & Reiki: A Winning Combination

This article was first published on the web at this link: Reiki Rays

Preparing for Meditation
Meditation connects you to the Cosmos 

Humans tend to over-think, over-analyze, over-process and over-exaggerate. It's an affliction of the mind, the ego. The ego is constantly threatened with annihilation, so it clings to conditioned thinking with a ferocious, white-knuckled grip. It's not easy to let go of all the extraneous garbage that clogs up our mindscape and sometimes renders us immobile, because fear (anxiety) is debilitating if we allow it to be. Meditation helps us to quiet the mind

Perhaps it will take a bit of time for the quieting of our mind to come about. Prior to any meditation session, it’s helpful to calm yourself with Reiki energy first. Now that I’ve obtained the Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki Master certification, I use the powerful Kriya. But previously, I always used CKR to prepare for my meditation session.

When going into a meditative session, ego will attempt to disrupt us at times by creating agitation and unease. Simply allow your thoughts to come in without judging them or giving them an audience. Allow the thoughts to come in, acknowledge the thought and don't give the thought any more time or energy than that. If it seems your mind is running away with thoughts, bring your attention back to your breathing. 

Quieting the Mind

Allow your thoughts to flow in & out without judgement 

Focus on each inhalation of breath deep into the lungs, as well as each exhalation through up and through your lips. Calm and relaxed. Calm and relaxed. In that way, your mind becomes quiet one thought at a time. There are other ways to quiet the mind, as well, but the preceding explanation is simple and effective.  

Meditation can be taught to your clients who have anxiety issues, bipolar disorder, PTSD and other mental health issues. Meditation helps us to relax, to expand our consciousness, and to ease unwarranted fears and anxieties. It's a most effective remedy for those who are interested in quieting their minds naturally without using drugs, chemicals or any other extraneous or unhealthy methods.

Meditation, when practiced regularly, can change anyone’s Life dramatically. If you're a non-believer, one who thinks he or she cannot meditate or who thinks you cannot let go of anxiety without the use of pills, chemicals or other unhealthy means, continue doing what you've been doing, by all means.

When you're tired of living as you have been, beating your head against the brick wall over and over and expecting different results ~ perhaps you'll seek out a person who can help you learn to meditate effectively. 

Meditation has changed my Life exponentially. It can change anyone’s Life for the better when practiced regularly. Try it. You've got nothing to lose ~ except your fears, anxieties and agitation. 

Peace, Love & Light to all ~
Reiki Nurse 
Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 
My first book is available NOW! Reiki's Book

Friday, January 1, 2016

Tossing Out the Old: Happy New Year 2016!

The celebration of the New Year each year on January 1st has always been such a special time for me, ever since I was a young child. The memories of having been shooed off to bed on New Year's Eve, especially on the years that it was our parent's turn to host the annual NYE party at their home, has imprinted delightful images on my Heart. On New Year's morning, my brothers, sisters and I would creep into the kitchen to feast on the leftovers of the adult NYE spread. That means that chips, dips, shrimp cocktail, onion soup, and other appetizing treats awaited our eager mouths and rumbling tummies. It was the perfect breakfast to start the New Year off right!

The New Year has always been a simple, symbolic time for cleansing and purging of all the negative energies that have accumulated throughout the preceding year. Over the years, I've developed a ritualistic burning of some of my old journals in honor of having transcended the negative, toxic memories of the past year. Sometimes, the old, dark, haunted memories of childhood steal their way into my brain, as well. Those memories are welcomed, accepted, and released during my ritualistic burning of 'old things'. Each year, the childhood memories get less and less, and the newer, less traumatic memories become light, airy ash that effortlessly float away on the breeze of Time. 

Reiki has remained a grounding force in this ritualistic process, and I simply introduced Reiki energy into my burning ritual one year by blessing the entire process, and introducing the symbol of my choice (Chokurei) into the mix via drawing it into the fire. Reiki energy is the healing energy of the Universe, and its powerful effects are far-reaching and sometimes subtle, sometimes conspicuous. No, the fire didn't spit and sputter and otherwise dance with glee when I drew the symbol into it. Reiki energy chose to be mindful of the seriousness of my process, and it simply and subtly infused my ritual with healing, loving energy. 

One of the most precious things anyone can do for oneself at the turn of a New Year is to reflect upon the past year and think about ways that certain situations could be remedied or rectified by changing his or her perspective about it. Our perceptions are what force us to look at any given situation and judge it as either 'negative' or 'positive'. In reality, nothing is good or bad. Everything simply IS. We are a race of beings (human beings) that harbors a need to compartmentalize and group things together, and our intrinsic fluidity is compromised when we begin to do so. If we simply allowed things to BE, we wouldn't have the urge to group everything and everyone together, and everyone would be happy with what they create on a daily basis. Or so I theorize. 

Our limiting thought patterns and our EGO can both be great obstacles in getting out of our own way at times. Our EGO wants to keep us stuck in social thinking patterns, no matter how unhealthy and limiting these patterns can be for us as Spiritual beings. We need to learn to discern what is good for us and what isn't so healthy for us. There are some, as the 12 Step literature and other spiritual books have pointed out who are simply constitutionally incapable of being aware of their own mind, and seeing their own part in situations. And that in and of itself is a type of affliction of Spirit. When we can not reconcile our thoughts and our actions, it's difficult to truly know who we are at the Core. 

We are all born with Love at our Core. Unconditional Love. Daily gratitude is key in the source of your Joy. Be grateful for everything you are, and everything you choose to be.

I want to wish ALL my readers a Happy, Healthy New Year in 2016! 
May your Love expand and your Energy heal ~

Reiki RN

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


This article was first posted here

When I was a little girl, there were so many things that held wonderment for me, and most of those things were found out in Nature. I would spend days alone in the woods building forts from pine boughs, talking to God, and communing with Mother Nature. Sometimes I can remember with such clarity what it was like back then, to be in the woods alone surrounded by Nature. And I remember that I’ve always been a nature lover.
The smells of the Earth, the crisp and pungent scent of pine and Earth, the sounds of dry leaves and small twigs crunching underfoot while exploring for hours on end, the sounds of twinkling brooks and birds gossiping fervently overhead in the trees. Being in the woods was a refuge for me in my young life. I always felt safer in the great outdoors, even safer than I did in my own bed. And strangely enough, I have always felt connected to the Divine, to God, since I can remember. My Soul must have understood that I chose my Life and the lessons required to learn and move forward on my Eternal Journey toward Oneness with the Universe, with the Divine. We are all on individual Journeys, and no matter which road we travel to reach the Great Path to Oneness, we know that all roads eventually lead to the same place ~ Wholeness, Connection to the Divine.

Over the last few years, my psyche, Soul, and heart have been cleared and opened to receive and to give unconditional love to those whom I come into contact with. I’m sure that there are many of you who feel this opening deep within, and can relate to what I am writing about at this moment. Clarity of thought, focus, and a keen sense of Self has come to pass for many of us over the past few years as we are hurled towards the Age of Aquarius with lightening speed. Reiki energy is one of the major tools I’ve utilized during the Ascension process. It calms me when I’m feeling discombobulated, out of touch, and anxious during high transitional periods. Reiki has helped to keep me centered and rooted in my Spirituality during some of the most emotionally chaotic periods.
At this most crucial time in the history of humanity, it is important for us as Reiki healers to strive to be our Authentic Selves. Know thyself: This was the wise counsel written above the doorway at the Temple of Delphi ~ Know Thyself. In remembering who we are, and in knowing ourselves, we can stand strong in our own counsel and inner wisdom. In that way we can help others meet their potential, find their own Inner Light, and bring the Christ-consciousness into their Being.
As Reiki practitioners, no matter what ‘level’ we are, we are consciously choosing to heal ourselves and Humanity. We are consciously choosing to bring the Light of Being into our Self and extend that Light to all those we come into contact with in our daily lives.
With gratitude to all the Reiki Angels, Reiki Grandmasters, Reiki Guides, and Reiki Beings …

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reiki Joy: How Reiki Transformed my Life

This article was previously published HERE
The Reiki Tree
When I was first introduced to Reiki energy, I was a young woman living in a small, albeit cultural city in New England. I was asked over to a friend’s home for tea, and while I was there she shared her knowledge about Reiki with me, which wasn’t very extensive at the time. She had recently been introduced to the healing energy, as well. Our discussion intrigued me at the time, and I remember thinking I must learn more about this mysterious healing energy.

As it happened, Life got in the way, and the Internet wasn’t quite as accessible back then (1990) as it is today, so I got sidetracked with every day, mundane situations; and nearly forgot about Reiki until a few years later. While attending a group meeting for work, Reiki was brought up in a conversation with another person. I remember thinking at that moment that God must be trying to tell me something, because Reiki was once again the highlight of a random conversation for me.

It was 7 years from that first encounter with Reiki ~ in January of 1997 ~ that I was Attuned in First and Second Degree Reiki in the Usui Rhoyo System of Natural Healing, or Reiki. My Reiki teacher explained to me she had been attuned by John Harvey Gray, who had been attuned by Hawaya Takata, the woman responsible for bringing Reiki to the Western World. She stated that she was considered a “2nd generation Reiki practitioner”, and that I would be “3rd generation”, for whatever that meant. She also told me that it was important to treat myself every day, as well as treating my friends and family, pets, cars, plants, etc. She told me that Reiki would go where it was meant to go, and even though she’d taught me formal hand positions, she encouraged me to use my Intuition whilst treating clients. After practicing Reiki for a few years here and there, I decided to obtain my Third Degree Attunement, my Master level in Reiki.  

For many days, perhaps even weeks after that first attunement, my hands felt hot most of the time. I dreamt of the Reiki symbols, and when I closed my eyes to meditate or to relax, the symbols danced behind my eyelids. There was a sense of peace within me, and it seemed I couldn’t get enough Reiki energy. I began seeking out other practitioners to trade sessions with, and considered forming a Reiki support group, in which practitioners of all levels could meet and share Reiki with each other. Unfortunately, I was sidetracked by Life’s demands once again, and Reiki took a back seat to raising my children as a single mother, working at a mental health facility, and balancing Life on Life’s terms. (I must mention here that I capitalize the term ‘Life’ because it is of utmost importance to me, and deserves capitalization in my eyes, as it is honored by me on a daily basis).

Fast forward fourteen years: After a traumatic, emergent, and extensive surgical procedure on my heart in 2011, I sank into a deep, dark depression. It was during that time that Reiki became the most prevalent for me than it had been in my Life thus far. It was as though I was discovering it again for the first time; and I began to eat, sleep, and breathe Reiki, treating my heart and myself nearly every day.
This Kanji represents: REIKI
At night, I would lie awake with visions of the symbols twirling and doing pirouettes in my mind’s eye, and all the while I talked to Archangel Raphael, pleading with him to heal me from the inside out. I began to use Reiki on my food, water, my vehicle, and even sent it into future situations that I would be involved in at work. Consequently, my depression lifted, and my heart and Life became filled with the Joy of Living once again. Even in the face of many tragedies that occurred during that year after my heart surgery ~ the death of my Mother-in-Law, and then two months later to the day the death of a woman I’d called ‘Ma’ since I was 11 years young ~ I remained calm and forged ahead.

No longer did I feel as though things were happening to me, but that I was strong enough to get through anything that happened around me, no matter how difficult. I felt like a new woman! The Joy of Reiki had assisted in lifting me out of the worst darkness I’d experienced in my Life: a face-to-face encounter with Death itself! Reiki has transformed my Life thus far, as I use it when I’m traveling for my profession as travel nurse, when I’m going to be in situations that I know will be stressful, when I’m meeting up with new patients and clients, and in so many other situations in my daily Life.

Reiki has transformed, and continues to transform my Life, even though I seemingly abandoned it at one time. It is almost as though Reiki was waiting for me to access it once again, simply hanging out in the background of my Life. When I needed its healing energy most, it was right there waiting for me to open to it once again.

Today, it’s not unusual for me to discuss Reiki with people who have no clue what energy healing is, and it has also opened many doors to discussions with my patients that might otherwise have never occurred. I realize that as far as Reiki goes, I am extremely blessed to have had that very first encounter with it 25 years ago, and now I understand that it wasn’t me who was searching for Reiki, Reiki did indeed find ME! I am so blessed and honored for that fact. Thank you, Reiki Grandmasters, Reiki Angels, Reiki Beings, and Reiki Energies.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Some Reiki Information

There is so much information about Reiki on the Internet, in libraries, in bookstores, and in other media today, it can be very confusing and sometimes daunting, even for experienced practitioners. This post is being written from my personal point of view about REIKI, how it has slowly permeated every area of my Life since I was Attuned in the late 1990's, and how it has opened new avenues for healing in my personal wellness, as well as in my clients and patients lives.

Dr. Mikao Usui
Chujiro Hayashi
Hawaya Takata
I was Attuned with Reiki Levels I & II in the Usui Rhoyo Tradition. My Reiki Master teacher, Vicky Walsh, was Attuned by Reiki Master John Gray, who was one of the first 22 Reiki Practitioners Attuned by world-reknowned Reiki teacher,  Hawaya Takata, who brought Reiki to the United States in the 1930's after being healed from a serious and potentially fatal illness in Japan with Reiki, rather than with surgery. Mrs. Takata learned and was Attuned to Reiki by Chujiro Hayashi, who had been Attuned previously by none other than Dr. Mikao Usui. Therefore, my practice with Reiki is considered '3rd generation' for whatever that means. When I teach and Attune students in the practice of Reiki, I was taught to include the 'family tree' from which I was Attuned.
John Gray
To make my long story short, I was introduced to Reiki in the early 1990's in Portland, Maine, but did not become Attuned until January 1997. I adore Usui Reiki, and any form of Energy Work, for that matter. It is widely available to anyone, anywhere. Usui Reiki is a practice of self-healing, and the more a practitioner uses Reiki on him- or herself, the more attuned to this healing energy he or she becomes. I did not understand the importance of self-Reiki until much later in my post-Reiki years, and it has helped me to blossom immensely.

Usui Reiki is the original Reiki energy, rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1920's, but there have been many other forms of Reiki discovered over the last 50 or so years. This blog mostly refers to Usui Reiki, as that is the traditional Reiki practice I was taught and attuned in. My Reiki Master teacher is also a Karuna Reiki Master, but this blog will primarily focus on Usui/Tibetan Reiki.

The results of receiving a Reiki treatment are enhanced health and well-being, among other benefits. Human beings are energetic bodies, and receiving a Reiki treatment balances and soothes chaotic energy systems, as well as balancing the Chakra system if the experienced practitioner is in tune with his or her client. A person who treats himself and others feels a renewed sense of well-being and energy, and a lightness that can not be explained, nor can it be matched. Reiki can also be projected across time and space, as energy never ceases to exist, according to physics. Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. When Reiki is projected across time and space, it is called Distant Reiki, or Distance healing.

Distance healing can be as effective as hands on healing, but can be performed from long distances. Reiki energy knows no boundaries and transcends time and space freely. Reiki goes where Reiki is needed, so the premise of laying hands in particular positions is moot, and is usually an intuitive practice. Although Reiki teachers, such as myself, will teach hand positions to students, a responsible Reiki teacher will also let his or her students know that Intuition plays a key role in hand placement.

There are five spiritual precepts for daily living that were handed down from Dr. Mikao Usui as part of the oral tradition of Reiki. These precepts are as follows:

Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.
Reiki translated from Japanese Kanji to English
These precepts are simplistic and if everyone tries to live by them, the world will become a more peaceful place to live. I use Reiki in the course of my days at work, while working with patients, and sometimes with colleagues. I strive to treat myself to Reiki on a daily basis, as well, especially in recent months. I was always encouraged to treat myself daily (by my Reiki Master teacher) but at times I'm a slow learner, and in recent years and months, as I stated previously, I've become more aware of the profound effects of self-Reiki.

More about Reiki and its healing properties and energy in upcoming posts, my dear readers.

For now, I bid you all adieu. 
Namaste, my friends ...

Reiki RN