Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Wishes 2016

Christmas Moon
My children and grandchildren are priceless. There is nothing more valuable to me than each of their precious lives, their loving hearts and souls. There is nothing monetary or material that either of my children can purchase for me that I could value more than each of them. They are living extensions of my heart & soul ~ and they are precious gifts from the Creator on this Earth plane.

This time of year tends to get me thinking deeply about the value of understanding, compassion and unconditional love. Those values that I hold dear to my heart that should automatically be present in all human beings. Sometimes they get lost or misplaced, but there is something special and wonderful about this time of year that opens our hearts and souls to the wonders of Spirit.

Season of Light
I honor my children, their spouses and their children as much as I honor myself. We are all on Journey's of the Soul and whether or not we are in contact with each other, we shall continue on our individual Journey’s in this Lifetime as it should be. May the Spirit of this Season always remain a bright Light within each and every one of your hearts & Souls.

I’m wishing a very Merry Christmas to my children, grandchildren and the rest of my family & friends!

I wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas!

We are ALL Connected ~ We are ONE.

Peace, Love & Blessings!

Reiki RN

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Balancing Global Energies with Reiki

Gaia Changes

The planet is fast approaching the end of one cycle and preparing to enter into a new one, and as this new cycle approaches, we are experiencing unprecedented global unease and civil unrest. Gaia seems to be erupting and responding in accordance with the current climate of unrest amongst her occupants, as earthquakes like the one in New Zealand last week decimate areas where activity previously has been suppressed. The Costa Rican News reported in an April 2015 issue that there has been a 39.8% in earthquake and volcano activity in recent years (Cite)

Our Collective Consciousness

Currently, our dark, angry Shadow collective consciousness is being reflected back at us even as we strive to raise our vibrations and the vibrations of the planet. Shifts are taking place on conscious and unconscious levels, and the most evident and prominent misaligned energies are those of greed for money and/or power, injustice, misogyny, patriarchal paradigms, racial prejudices, hatred and various imbalances on all levels. Light workers are being called to assist in helping to bring the misaligned energies of Gaia and humanity back into balance through Love, Compassion and conscious, light-filled, diligent hard work. The Feminine Principle is rising to bring back to humanity a gentler, more loving and accepting paradigm. But the dark energies of misogyny, hatred and greed are threatening to quash the Feminine Principle even as she rises. We are being called to help heal ourselves, and to assist in healing everyone who chooses to be healed at this important time. Prayer is powerful and many of us know that prayer works miracles. But simple prayers are not enough to bring our planet back into balance.

 What We Can Do

As Reiki practitioners, we know how powerful and healing energy can be and is. Reiki Energy is one of the most effective and powerful healing tools that humanity has been gifted in the last hundred years. It can and will help heal the misaligned energies that have been unleashed on our planet and on all of humanity. As Reiki practitioners, it is our duty and responsibility to begin this process of healing as soon as possible. It is imperative that we all begin forming Reiki shares and circles, and teaching Reiki to others who share in our collective vision for a stable, peaceful and loving planet. It is our responsibility to teach others to channel this powerful, healing and precious Reiki energy to humanity, to Gaia and to all sentient beings.

At this crucial time in history, we are being called forth to join with others of like Mind and to work together for the continuity of humanity and Mother Earth. We are being urged to offer our services to those who are interested in learning Reiki because it is imperative and crucial to our futures as human beings and to our planet, Gaia. Reiki Master Teachers would be doing right by humanity, by the Universe not to charge exorbitant fees for our services during this process. Rather, we can participate in the healing of humanity and the planet by accepting donations or bartering our services with others in exchange for teaching and attuning others to Reiki. It is imperative that we make Reiki energy available to ALL who are interested in learning to channel it, and if that means offering 10% of our services at no charge, then so be it. It is also imperative that we teach our Reiki students to use this powerful, healing energy to heal Mother Earth and assist in raising our own vibrations, as well as the vibrations of humanity and Gaia.

 Light Workers & Healers Unite

As light workers and healers unite around the globe to raise our vibrations and the vibrations of Mother Earth, we will also be helping ourselves and our family members and our friends in the process. Let’s make this commitment to each other, to ourselves and to humanity to begin our collective healing process. The time to begin this collective process of healing is NOW. We have never been more ready or more in need of healing than we are at this current time in the history of humanity.

Thank you Reiki Angels, Reiki Avatars, Reiki Masters and Reiki Grand Masters! We ask that all powerful, positive energies surround humanity and the entire planet at this time.

Reiki Blessings to all!

This article first appeared here

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Ascension Process & Raising our Vibrations

We are all pieces of the Whole, the Divine

The Questions ...

Have you been experiencing any of the 'symptoms' of your own awakening consciousness? Have you even given a second thought to ascension or the Ascension process? The entire awakening process is a Journey into patience, tolerance, substance, being and ... did I mention patience? 

Humanity has been processing, changing, raising our vibrations, and transmuting in a most alchemical way for centuries. But recently, in this wonderfully auspicious time on Mother Earth, we have been raising our consciousness and our vibrations, slowly and surely. More and more Souls are beginning to awaken, beginning to open to the reality of what is happening on a subtle, spiritual level. The spiritual veil between dimensions is being lifted and those who are ready are practicing and preparing for an increase in energy, vibration, consciousness, awareness and Light. 

What Exactly Does all this Mean? 

Well, for many of us it means that we are slowly, but surely 'waking up' to the fact that this plane of existence is not all there is. We are finding out that there is a deeper, more spiritual meaning for Life on this level of existence than ever we considered previously. We are 'waking up' to the spiritual ways that we were meant to always embrace~and we are realizing that LOVE is all there is. 

We are beginning to know that the Creator actually resides within each and every one of us, and that we are intrinsically a part of God. We are part of the Greater Whole and we are not subject to the old, societal paradigms that have always kept us within parameters and boundaries ~ in a box, so to speak. We are waking up to the fact that our Self, our Being is limitless and more powerful than we ever imagined. We are beginning to believe exactly what Jesus told us many thousands of years ago: "If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can
Connecting with the Divine Within
move mountains.

We are seeing that having been 'created in God's image' means so much more than any mundane explanation could verify. We are beginning to see that the veil between dimensions is indeed lifting, and that we are all co-creators with God in creating our own reality through our own projections of thoughts and words. We are starting to fully understand that how we think, what we say and what we do has a powerful and direct effect on our existence and our experiences.

Ascension Symptoms

You may be experiencing more headaches than usual. Perhaps you're having bouts with blurry vision that are disturbing to you. Maybe you're having intense ringing or buzzing in your ears, more so than ever before. You could be feeling tickling or movement on your skin~in various places~but when you look, there is nothing there. There are a multitude of signs and symptoms that you may be experiencing, and perhaps you've even told your medical provider about some of them, but they can't determine a cause. Some may prescribe medications that may or may not be exactly what your physical body needs. Our Intuition is increasing as we go through this process of Ascension, and if we listen to our body, we can determine whether or not something is going to work for us. I believe that those who suffer with RLS (restless leg syndrome) are experiencing Ascension symptoms ~ and look how much money is spent on drugs to control that! 

You can find a comprehensive list of Ascension symptoms with explanations HERE.

Just Go With It!

It's really not necessary to fight the process. If you feel that Ascension and increasing your personal vibrations is important or relevant to you, it's not something that you need to think about. The Creator gave us all 'free will' and we are all free to develop our spirituality or not. Some of us may wish to increase our vibrations on the planet, to rise above the chaos and the mundane. Others may not. Some of us may choose to meditate and become more aware of spiritual matters, some of us may not have the desire or the focus to do so. 

Let your Love-Light Shine!
If you've been experiencing some of the aforementioned symptoms and signs and you wish to know more, you can start exploring on your own. We are each others' teachers, as we are all each others' students. We learn from one another constantly. There are many sites online that can help you in your quest for knowledge. 

There is also an Ascension manual, of sorts, that can help you along on your spiritual Journey. It's called: "Raise Your Vibration" by Sabrina Reber. You can find it HERE Sabrina also has a blog on which she has posted the chapters of her manual, for those of you who don't wish to own the manual. I must say, though, that having the book in hand is a wonderful feeling! Personally, I love holding a book in my hands.

Whatever you feel or think about the process of Ascension, it is my hope that you follow your own heart when it comes to your spiritual path. The spiritual path, is after all, quite individualized

Visit me at Reiki's Mystic Circle

Peace, Light & Blessings to All ~

Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Greetings, Everyone! 
Springtime blossoms brighten the landscape
It's officially Spring! With the dawning of Spring comes more light, new Life, renewed Energy! There is actually more light because we have 'sprung ahead' an hour with man-made time, but also because Spring conjures up feelings of newness and light for many of us. New Life in the form of flowers blooming, buds on trees, grass, animal babies, fishes, tadpoles, and so much more! Winter's deep slumber segues into Mother Nature's gentle awakening of new Life, new Beginnings.  When I was a child, the freshness of Spring was always a fascinating time for me. The first signs of Spring were those of multi-colored crocuses pushing up mightily through the melting snow, stretching their buds up toward the light, and lazily spreading their colorful petals open to greet the warm, golden sunshine of Spring.
Spying the red-breasted robins hopping along in search of food or materials to build their nests was another sure sign of spring, and always one that was sure to excite me in anticipation of warmer days ahead. The scents of deep, rich Maine soil infused with ages-old, nutrient-dense decayed materials like leaves, flowers and such, wafted up to assault my senses every Spring.  
Pussy Willow: an early sign of Spring in the Northeast (Photo: Hubert Steed)

Pussy willows, the most beautiful, furry little things and one of the earliest signs of Spring in Maine, grow well in damp, swampy areas. In the neighborhood I grew up in (Winslow, Maine), I'd seek out the streams, ponds and brooks that harbored beautiful pussy willow plants. The legend I recall about pussy willows ~ and I don't remember if it was one of my aunt's who told me or if I read it somewhere ~ is that pussy willows came about after some little kittens who were playing at the river's edge, were rescued from drowning by grasping the willow branches that hung down into the water. 

When I was a little kid watching Spring coming to Life every year, I'd watch the little ducklings, chicks, goslings, lambs, horses and other baby animals trotting and frolicking in fields of new grass, edging playfully away from their mothers as they awakened to their newfound independence. Springtime was always an awakening of both mind and spirit imbued with sensory pleasures that many people are oblivious to or simply don't have time to indulge in. 

As a child, I appreciated every sight, scent and emotion I experienced with the dawning of Spring. Those feelings alleviated me from the remnants and residuals of heavier emotions I'd grapple with. The nearly palpable fresh, muddy scent of the earth, soaked with remnants of melting snow and ice was exhilarating for me! I'd often stop and take in deep, lung-expanding breaths of fresh, clean Springtime air. The scents and sights of Spring pleasantly assaulted my senses as She gently introduced herself to me year after year. 
Daffodils and ducklings are a sure sign of Spring
Spring reminds me that Life is precious and it's something that simply mustn't be taken for granted ~ ever. In order to live Life to the fullest, we need to remember that we create our happiness as surely as we create our sorrows. That isn't to say that all situations are within our control, but that our thoughts and words can either help us through everything or hinder us while navigating Life. 
Pussy Willows in an Azure Sky (Photo: Hubert Steed)
Life will always be a series of ups and downs for any of us, because the only constant in Life is change. Change has always been and will always be. Change's agonist is Acceptance. Acceptance quells the anxiety and fear associated with Change. Acceptance is a wonderful state of living and being, in my experiences, but sometimes acceptance is easy to forget. 
When I'm resisting changes of any type, I'm unhappy, obsessed, confused, angry, and obstinate. But when I open my mind, my heart and become willing to surrender to what is, I'm more at peace, clear-thinking, happy, open/flexible, and loving/kind. Fear can make any of us seem like pretty scary monsters! I've had to see my own monster rear its ugly head, especially during my earlier years in recovery, when anger seemed like the only emotion that threatened to burst forth from that dark place inside of me. 
Words are powerful weapons, and when used in anger they can slice without mercy. The wounds my words have inflicted upon some undeserving Souls sometimes left chaos and sadness in their wake. The harm I caused others was not caused out of malice or intent, but derived from a place of painful unknowing. It was a place so deep and dark and lonely that even I was hesitant to venture into it. But in order to heal that cesspool of darkness by imbuing it with the bright and healing light of Reiki, I was required to not only access it, but to purge it completely. The ensuing battles ~ both inner and outer ~ were necessary and welcomed. I engaged in them with eyes wide open, and with a willingness to see my part in any and all situations. 

So Springtime brings up all some wonderful feelings and memories for me, and reminds me that not only is the enviroment ~ Mother Earth, Gaia ~ constantly changing, expanding, growing, dying to Herself and then rising again from the ashes, we all are. 

Many Blessings of Warmth, Light and Love, my friends!

Reiki Nurse


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Rampant, Meandering Thoughts ...

Greetings, My Friends!
Is Life a struggle or do we make it a struggle? If we're 100% responsible for our actions, words and thoughts, then Life is ONLY a struggle if we set it up to be, right?

It's amazing how little we know to be true about ourselves as humans. We tend toward categorizing people and creating sub-categories to the sub-categories. But how well do each of our individual Souls know truly who we are? And how well do we show our true, authentic selves to others?

"And what of individuality and our intrinsic need to be unique?", the Student inquired of the Teacher.

The Teacher answered, saying: "All of you are truly unique. If only you knew how different one from the other you are, you may feel awed and inspired, perhaps even overwhelmed. On the outer layer, most everyone  looks the same, but inside is a different story." 

The Teacher paused, spreading her arms wide and indicating the vast, wondrous landscape before them. Then, slowly, she continued saying: "See the trees, for example. Although they have different names and all look slightly different, they all have roots, branches, and leaves. So it is with your humanness. But deep within, even though we all have Souls, every Soul is unique and different~a piece of a puzzle yet to be assembled."

"But what of the things of the Earth? The material things. What of our riches, gemstones and minerals?" the Student inquired.

The Teacher answered, saying: "Enjoy what is bestowed upon you in this incarnation and cherish every moment, but take heed not to cling too tightly lest it be swept away in the blink of an eye. The fruits of your labors are many and should be enjoyed. Always take heed to share your good fortune, knowing full well that nothing of this Earth shall pass on with you to the next phase, only your Soul lessons."

Later in the evening, the Student had another question for the Teacher. "What is our purpose on this plane, Teacher?"

The Teacher answered: "Each of you has different reasons for being on this plane of existence at this time. But you are all here to learn at least one very important Soul Lesson specifically designed by you and your Teachers on the level of Spirit. Eventually, you will come to know what that lesson is. Ask the Creator to reveal it to you in your meditations. Continue on with your Soul studies and be open to hearing your Creator who will guide you on your individual Paths." 

Peace & Blessings to All ~

Reiki RN

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Reiki & Emotional Release

Our thoughts are energy and our thoughts create reality

Emotional Roller Coasters

Emotional roller coasters have been described as the usual ups and downs of Life. Actually, it’s not an emotional roller coaster unless we ALLOW it to be. 

Remember, it took us many years to establish and connect to the 'social thought patterns and conditioning' that we've been imbued with throughout our Lifetimes. We were taught (conditioned) to feel, think, and do things in a way that is appropriate for the good of all humanity, or so our ancestors thought. We were conditioned to act, think, and behave in a way that is both pleasing and appropriate of us as human beings. When we allow ourselves to feel each emotion, and to contemplate each emotion individually, we are doing ourselves a huge favor.

Our Thoughts are Energy

CHANGE takes TIME ... those nasty wounds aren't going to heal overnight. It’s been years since some of them have been accessed and years more since we acquired the appropriate coping mechanisms to deal with such powerful bursts of energy. That’s what emotions are: Energy. Pure and Simple. 

Whenever you hear the term ‘emotion’ you simply need to imagine the energy behind each one. Behind the force of anger, there is a massive amount of emotional energy. Pain is the basis of the terrifying and sometimes destructive emotion of anger. Everything that can be destroyed can be constructed. That is the main point to remember: Sometimes, the DEstruction of an entity may result in the CONstruction of something more sublime. We need to learn to accept rather than judge our emotions if we are to reconcile them to simply being part of the human condition.

The Emotion of Anger

Take the emotion of anger, for instance. I allow myself to feel anger, allow the anger to BE, love and accept the anger just as it is and try not to judge it. I don't attempt to change or thwart it. I simply let it BE. Perhaps I can learn something from my own
anger: Where is it coming from? Is it part of feeling envious, ignored, second-guessed? Is it simply there because it is attempting to mask a more deep-seated painful memory? Is it a reaction to something that has been said in the moment? 

When I allow myself to process the emotional responses (energy) that my body harbors, I become even more in tune with each emotional response. Then, I use one of the powerful Reiki healing symbols to help heal it. Also, adding a positive affirmation to the mix helps immensely.

For instance, suddenly I feel anxiety and anger arising in my gut. I mentally ask myself: Where is this emotion coming from? Why is it coming up for me? If I can answer one or both questions right then and there, I’m golden. Otherwise, I simply acknowledge that I’m feeling angry or agitated or anxious, and I state to myself: “All is right in my world at this moment in time” or simply “All is right in my world” Affirmations such as these have kept me going for years and are actually a source of inspiration and freedom for me. If we learn to harness the power of positive affirmations, and combine them with powerful, healing Reiki Energy, we can change our Life!

The next time a powerful emotion is threatening to take you over, face it head on and bless it with Reiki. In blessing it and acknowledging it, you can literally change it. And by infusing Chokurei or another powerful Reiki symbol into that emotion you can change it completely into Love. Try it ~ you've nothing to lose!

Blessings, Peace & Love, my friends ~

Reiki Nurse (Kathi)