Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2022

Family Sin: How Reiki Helped Heal my Life

 My dearest Light Souls & friends:

It has been four years since I published my first book: "Family Sin: How Reiki Helped Heal my Life" 

I'm currently working on updates. If you would like to read the first edition, please feel free to order it from Amazon or on my website.

Hoping that you're living your BEST Life & continuing your individual Journey.





Visit Reiki Nurse (Kat) on the WEB at Ascending Light Reiki

Get Reiki Nurse Kat's Book! How Reiki Helped Heal My Life

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Reiki & Emotional Release

Our thoughts are energy and our thoughts create reality

Emotional Roller Coasters

Emotional roller coasters have been described as the usual ups and downs of Life. Actually, it’s not an emotional roller coaster unless we ALLOW it to be. 

Remember, it took us many years to establish and connect to the 'social thought patterns and conditioning' that we've been imbued with throughout our Lifetimes. We were taught (conditioned) to feel, think, and do things in a way that is appropriate for the good of all humanity, or so our ancestors thought. We were conditioned to act, think, and behave in a way that is both pleasing and appropriate of us as human beings. When we allow ourselves to feel each emotion, and to contemplate each emotion individually, we are doing ourselves a huge favor.

Our Thoughts are Energy

CHANGE takes TIME ... those nasty wounds aren't going to heal overnight. It’s been years since some of them have been accessed and years more since we acquired the appropriate coping mechanisms to deal with such powerful bursts of energy. That’s what emotions are: Energy. Pure and Simple. 

Whenever you hear the term ‘emotion’ you simply need to imagine the energy behind each one. Behind the force of anger, there is a massive amount of emotional energy. Pain is the basis of the terrifying and sometimes destructive emotion of anger. Everything that can be destroyed can be constructed. That is the main point to remember: Sometimes, the DEstruction of an entity may result in the CONstruction of something more sublime. We need to learn to accept rather than judge our emotions if we are to reconcile them to simply being part of the human condition.

The Emotion of Anger

Take the emotion of anger, for instance. I allow myself to feel anger, allow the anger to BE, love and accept the anger just as it is and try not to judge it. I don't attempt to change or thwart it. I simply let it BE. Perhaps I can learn something from my own
anger: Where is it coming from? Is it part of feeling envious, ignored, second-guessed? Is it simply there because it is attempting to mask a more deep-seated painful memory? Is it a reaction to something that has been said in the moment? 

When I allow myself to process the emotional responses (energy) that my body harbors, I become even more in tune with each emotional response. Then, I use one of the powerful Reiki healing symbols to help heal it. Also, adding a positive affirmation to the mix helps immensely.

For instance, suddenly I feel anxiety and anger arising in my gut. I mentally ask myself: Where is this emotion coming from? Why is it coming up for me? If I can answer one or both questions right then and there, I’m golden. Otherwise, I simply acknowledge that I’m feeling angry or agitated or anxious, and I state to myself: “All is right in my world at this moment in time” or simply “All is right in my world” Affirmations such as these have kept me going for years and are actually a source of inspiration and freedom for me. If we learn to harness the power of positive affirmations, and combine them with powerful, healing Reiki Energy, we can change our Life!

The next time a powerful emotion is threatening to take you over, face it head on and bless it with Reiki. In blessing it and acknowledging it, you can literally change it. And by infusing Chokurei or another powerful Reiki symbol into that emotion you can change it completely into Love. Try it ~ you've nothing to lose!

Blessings, Peace & Love, my friends ~

Reiki Nurse (Kathi) 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A New Paradigm: FEAR: Facilitate Everything, Always using Reiki

This article was first published here:

A very thoughtful and poignant post about fear on my daughter’s social site page one morning catapulted me into considering my own inbred fears, and how I've overcome so many of those fears in my short Lifetime. Fear is not a stranger to anyone on this planet, and its insidious tentacles reach out to us in many ways, gripping our Souls and minds, and rooting in our psyches. Fear comes in many shapes, forms, and sizes; and it can be pervasive, invasive, and totally debilitating. 

It isn't ever easy to change our responses and/or reactions to fear, nor is it easy to identity the emotion behind fear, or become totally aware of it in any given situation. Over the years, I’ve become familiar with many acronyms for the word FEAR; such as ‘Face Everything and Recover’ and ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’, which was another tidbit that prompted me to write this article about Reiki and the term ‘fear’. Additionally, I wanted to create an acronym for our vast Reiki community to discuss fear with our clientele and each other that would have some meaning behind it: Create a new paradigm and a new acronym for the word ‘fear’. I took the word and began playing around with various other words, and came up with this acronym: ‘Facilitate Everything, Always using Reiki’. When Reiki is involved, we can be assured that any outcome will be infused with a vibration that is geared towards our highest good!

As Reiki practitioners and human beings, we must try to remember that nothing is ever truly ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘negative’ or ‘positive’. It is our perception of the illusions that our ego creates, and our EGO (Easing God Out) that labels our Life situations ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘negative’, ‘positive’, etc. We label (judge) our thoughts, situations, actions, and so on, because our ego feels a need to categorize everything, when in reality we are all one with each other, with our situations, and with our thoughts. We are a fear-based race ~ the human race ~ and sometimes others' perceptions, words, and actions can plummet us into a fear-filled vacuum from which it can be difficult to extract ourselves. Reiki can facilitate and ensure a smooth landing, so to speak, when our world appears to be turned upside down in the chaos and fear of certain Life situations.

Our analytical minds tend to over-think our emotional responses to fear. In fact, our analytical minds tend to over-think all of our emotions, rather than simply allowing us to ‘sit’ with those emotions, and observe where they will go, and/or what they will create or become. When we learn to live in our Heart Center ~ live Heart-Centered, rather than Ego-centered ~ fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions are decreased, if not banished altogether. We can utilize the power behind Reiki to clear our hearts of what we perceive as ‘negative’ emotions: anger, sadness, fear, jealousy, etc. It’s not as simple a process as my words tend to make it seem, but it is easy. It is not a concept that can actually be intellectualized, but one that can be felt, or perceived on a ‘feeling’ level. Reiki can help us to determine and discern (or sort out) our old and outmoded thought patterns, and Reiki can also help us to become more feeling-centered (heart-centered) than ego-centered. We can use Reiki healing energy to heal our past, to bless our future, and to remain in the Present. Being present allows us to heal ourselves, and in turn facilitate healing for our clients.

How do we learn to live in our Heart-Center? We simply practice living in the moment, rather than in the past or in the future. Living in the moment takes a lot of practice, and as the saying goes, 'practice makes perfect'. It's commonplace to find oneself in the future or in the past at any given moment of any day. Most of us simply cannot seem to stay present all the time, or even 10%, 20%, or more of the time! Over recent months, I’ve determined that Reiki helps me to maintain more Presence during the day, when I’m surrounded by the various energies of colleagues, strangers, family, or friends.

I’ve always felt most centered and in touch with the Divine when I am out alone in Nature, sitting quietly and simply observing what surrounds me. Excursions on my own, by my Self, allow me to connect to my Divinity within and without, and helps me to connect with my True Self, or Higher Self ~ my Spirit. In this way, I align my Soul with the Divine. Some people call this act ‘Surrender’, but I call it ‘Connecting’. I choose to see that each of us has Divinity within ourselves, and that Divine Spark is what is intricately woven into the very fabric of each organ, tissue, and cell in our physical form. Without the Divine Spark of God, nothing would be made manifest. God is the actual Life within each of us, the Essence of each of us.

When we are fearful, worried, stressed ~ we are most likely living in the Future, and worrying about something that hasn't happened, but that we fear may happen. When we are sad, depressed, angry ~ we are living in the past, remembering what someone said, did, (or didn't do!) and feeling the emotions that surrounded those circumstances. In the moment, in the Present (or the Now) there is nothing but bliss, Love, compassion, and contentment. The Present, the Now, is filled with Love, Bliss, and Serenity, because in the Present, there simply are no problems. If we continue to live in the Past, or the Future, we are not allowing ourselves to be Present. Reiki helps me anchor myself in the Present, even if for short periods or quick ‘glimpses’ of it. If we practice living in the Now, we no longer worry about the future or feel sad or angry about the past. How can we be present if we are also in the past or the future?

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? It takes much more practice and mental focus than one can imagine. The good news is that with practice and diligence, we learn to live in the Now, and be present. And using the power of Reiki to help us stay anchored in the present, we cannot go wrong! We can be free from fear, and its constant nagging, burning pain. When I awaken in the morning, I try to remember to invoke the healing power of Reiki energy, along with my Higher Power, Guides, and Angels, to facilitate my day. None of us need live in FEAR (Face Everything And Recover!) any longer, when we understand the meaning of FEAR (Facilitate Everything, Always using Reiki!) and the power behind the Universal Energy that we’ve been imbued with! Thank you Reiki Grand Masters, Reiki Angels, and Reiki Undines …   Namasté.

Reiki RN 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Reiki Facts

I was Attuned with Reiki Levels I & II in the Usui Rhoyo Tradition. My Reiki Master teacher, Vicky Walsh, was Attuned by Reiki Master John Gray, who was one of the 22 Reiki Masters of world-reknowned Reiki Master teacher,  Hawaya Takata. Therefore, I am what is considered '3rd generation' for whatever that means!

I was introduced to Reiki in the early 1990's in Portland, Maine, but did not become Attuned until January 1997. I adore Usui Reiki! It is widely available to anyone, anywhere. Usui Reiki is a practice of self-healing, and the more a practitioner uses Reiki on him- or herself, the more attuned to this healing energy he or she becomes. 

Usui Reiki is the original Reiki energy, but there have been many other forms of Reiki created and discovered in the last 50 or so years. This blog mostly refers to Usui Reiki, as that is the traditional Reiki practice I was taught and attuned in. 

The results of receiving a Reiki treatment are enhanced health and well-being. Human beings are energetic bodies, and receiving a Reiki treatment balances and soothes chaotic energy systems. A person who treats himself and others feels a renewed sense of well-being and energy. Reiki can also be projected across time and space, as energy never ceases to exist. 

Distance healing can be as effective as hands on healing, but can be performed from long distances. Reiki energy knows no boundaries and transcends time and space freely. Reiki goes where Reiki is needed, so the premise of laying hands in particular positions is moot. Although Reiki Master teachers, such as myself, will teach hand positions to students, a responsible Reiki Master teacher will also let her students know that Intuition plays a key role in hand placement.

There are five spiritual precepts for daily living that were handed down from Mikao Usui as part of the oral tradition of Reiki. These precepts are as follows:

Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.

These precepts are simplistic and if everyone tries to live by them, the world will become a more peaceful place to live. I use Reiki in the course of my days at work, while working with patients, and sometimes with colleagues. I try to treat myself to Reiki on a daily basis, as well, especially in recent months. I was always encouraged to treat myself daily (by my Reiki Master teacher) but at times I'm a slow learner! 

More about Reiki and its healing properties and energy in upcoming posts! 

Namaste, my friends ...