Monday, September 3, 2018

An Enlightening Experience ...

Sending Love & Good Vibrations!

The Experience

I had an enlightening breakthrough over the past few months that I'm willing to share now that I understand it more fully. I hope that in sharing it publicly, some of the anger, hatred & rhetoric that's been plaguing all of America, and indeed, the world of late will be eased somewhat.
I woke up in the middle of night recently, tearful, anxious & almost panicked. This summer has been an intense & emotional Journey into the deepest recesses of my emotional self, past & present. The thoughts upon awakening that were taking up space in my brain at that ungodly hour were: 'What we resist, persists' & 'Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.' Both thoughts intertwined with each other & suddenly made absolute & perfect sense to me, as though a bright light shone upon them.
Abruptly, it was as though I understood everything that has been happening to me & around me over the last few years. I understood that in order to continue to move forward ~ and to not allow myself to be sucked into the vortex of rhetorical hatred, righteous anger and energy depletion that is currently plaguing the world, I absolutely need to become more tolerant of all situations.

My View of the Experience

Just as I need to accept myself and all my feelings, emotions, attitudes, behaviors & what not; I also need to accept all situations, people, places & things. I can change ONLY my own reactions, emotions and responses. Otherwise, I'm wasting my precious energy in the vortex, which is definitely not what I want to be doing. My energy is precious and I want to use it only for good to help change my world & the world around me.
This is one of the things that Humanity as a whole needs to begin to see, know & feel on a daily basis. We are all spiritual beings having human experiences, whether or not we believe in God/Goddess/Allah/Jesus or the Purple People Eater. We are here on Earth together, the Human Family, and we are sharing this planet together. 
We will not always agree on everything and it would be absolutely boring if we did, don't you think? I don't like that 'cookie cutter' experience ~ you know, the one where everything looks or acts or appears to be the same. It's just plain boring to me.
But just because we don't agree on everything, it certainly doesn't mean we need to waste precious time and energy seething in our own shit because we have differing opinions or different religious beliefs or different colored skin or different political views from others in our environment.
We can and must learn to treat each other with respect, kindness, love & decency DESPITE our differences. If we are not doing so on a daily basis, we are creating more chaos in our own lives and the lives of others. We are not supporting peace, nor are we helping to create peace within ourselves or in the world around us. 
In closing, we are not always going to agree on everything, but we can continue to treat each other with compassion, kindness, love & decency. We are, after all, all part of the same race: the HUMAN race.
Peace, Love & Light ~
Reiki Nurse 

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 

My first book is available now! Reiki's Book

Monday, August 27, 2018

Coming Out of the Dark ...

We are connecting to our Self & to Higher Realms

Opening to Receive

The Summer of 2018 has been cathartic for so many Souls who are aware of the process of Ascension, as well as for those who are not aware. Shifts have occurred in everyone's lives, either on subtle or extremely dramatic levels. We are not only learning to connect to our Self, many of us are experiencing connection with Higher Realms. Just ask around and you'll realize that people are beginning to identify that things are way more 'supernatural' than they ever believed them to be before. 

There are actually more people recognizing synchronicities than not, more people having bouts of prophetic dreams, lucid dreaming, mental telepathy, psychic awareness, increasing intuitive shifts, and other events and incidences that many of us cannot explain. 
Humanity is currently on the precipice of the point of no return. We are moving forward whether or not we wish to or realize it. 

We are ALL Experiencing These Shifts

If you stop Joe Schmoe on the street and ask him if his Life has been changing in any way during the past 6 months, you will most likely get a resounding 'yes!' That's because there are so many things occurring on levels we don't see or fully comprehend in this dualistic existence. 

Our individual awareness of reality has always been controlled and manipulated by conditioned thinking, that which we are taught as youngsters. From birth, we are taught who we are, how to act, what to think and believe, what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what isn't, and so on. All these thoughts and beliefs are based on what our biological parents' experiences were in the world, what they were taught as young children and how they were raised. 

Many of our parents broke away from their own parent's ways of thinking to find their own way, their own path. In doing so, though, they taught their children (us) their new way of thinking, which may or may not have been part of the collective consciousness and/or Light way of thinking. 

Simply Remain Open to Receiving 

So, now, as we move ever more deeply into the Light and into the Ascension process of our Souls, we find ourselves out of sorts when we need to deal with the mundane, every day Life stuff here on the planet. 

But we must remain grounded as it is important for us to do so in order to continue to connect with other Souls who may be experiencing symptoms that they don't understand or that scare them. We are all going forward and whether or not we reach the highest levels of understanding this time around is up to each individual. Just keep on keeping on! 

Peace, Love & Light to All ~
Reiki Nurse 

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to connect with me via my website:

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 

My first book is available NOW! Reiki's Book

Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Brief Interlude from Energetic Shifts

Blood Moon courtesy of

The Energetic Shift

The cycle we've been navigating, my friends, has been tumultuous & difficult emotionally. The Great Shift from lower vibrational energies to higher is a process that has taken much effort from those of us who are here on Mother Earth at this time by choice ~ to help Humanity shift from 3D to 5D experiences. 

You may be aware of the Energetic Shifts that have been occurring this summer (if not, you can read my two previous posts first) with six planets in retrograde (Mercury was the sixth planet to enter retrograde on July 26th!) & the ensuing Blood Moon ~ the Lunar Eclipse that shed a myriad of Energies upon Humanity. It was cathartic for many, subtle for others but it was felt and experienced by all of us. 

The cosmic energies that have plagued Humanity during this shift & transmutation period have been excessive & overwhelming, at times. You may have felt depressed and out of sorts ~ I know I have, and it's not a feeling I'm accustomed to any longer in my own Life.


Blood Moon over the mountains
At this time, there are those who are helping transmute lower vibrational energies into higher vibrations specifically for the Collective Consciousness ~ we cannot attain our Christ-Consciousness without first transmuting the lower vibrations. Some of us may be feeling dragged down, exhausted, actually ~ so fatigued that we cannot seem to get out of our own way. Others may be feeling depressed, sad, out of sorts mentally & emotionally ~ take heart! It isn't anything you've done or not done. 

We are taking on an enormous amount of work in transmuting these lower vibrations and energies. Think of it like you're an alchemist: Transmuting negative into positive, lead into gold. Please ensure that you take care of yourself during this time: massages, energy work, self-Reiki, meditation, etc. It is imperative for your own peace of mind and well-being.

In a few days, I'll post about the upcoming Lionsgate event. There are huge happenings coming ~ as I posted in my previous post "Emotional Summer 2018" ~ we are in the midst of changes that will eventually be extremely auspicious for Humanity, even if they don't feel that way right now.
She cast Her silvery glow upon Mother Earth ...

Until Next time, My Friends ~ 
Peace, Love & Light to All of you 

Reiki Nurse AKA 'Kat'

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 

My first book is available NOW! Reiki's Book

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Big Changes Coming!

Manifesting our reality is going to be almost instantaneous!

The Eclipse Energies

With the waning of the last powerful New Moon last week, which brought with it some mind blowing energies and shifts to be dealt with internally (and sometimes externally) there now comes the waxing buildup to one of the most powerful Lunar Eclipses of the 21stCentury. Humanity is, in essence, about to usher in the beginnings of the New World, the New Earth. If you haven’t already begun to experience subtle changes and nuances in your psychic abilities or intuition, wait patiently. The time is very close

Powerful & Intense Energies

If you have been walking in the Light and you are open to the intrinsic connection we all share with Source, you will soon begin to experience dreams, visions and/or lucid dreams that will feel as though they are happening in real time. There are powerful, intense energies coming in with this incredible Lunar Eclipse that are going to shake some of us to our very Core! Prepare yourself for huge changes happening arbitrarily within systems that have long been neglected all over Gaia, globally and within your own communities and environments.

Something BIG is coming ~ and that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. Our internal world is about be shaken up like never before. And the results will manifest in our external world. We simply need to be aware and open to the fact that these magnificent changes are coming about during this Spiritual Summer of 2018.

Old Thought Patterns, Past Issues

This is also a time when old thought patterns and old issues are going to resurface, knocking some of us over the head like: “Hey! I’m STILL here hanging on tenaciously! Feed me! See me!” This will be a time that some of us may want to gear up to do some internal more intense inner work. Remember, that stuff isn’t going to simply disappear magically. We’ll need to work through it ~ every single bit of it in order to get to the other (Lighter) side. Seek out a professionally trained therapist with whom you feel comfortable to deal with your issues. That is the only way we get through them. No person is an island. Would a surgeon perform surgery on herself? No. Nor can an individual perform psychotherapy on him or herself. So, get to work if you're going to continue your rise to freedom of mind, thought & Spirit!

Instantaneous Manifestation

Remain aware & positive! 
This is going to be a time when manifesting your reality is going to be almost instantaneous, so remain cognizant of your thoughts during this most auspicious time. Try to ensure your thoughts and thought patterns remain positive and uplifting. Do not allow your vibrations to be lowered with the sludge of earthly matters. Remember that everything is happening according to Divine Order. Remain steadfast and true to your self ~ all is being played out in accordance with Divine Order. 

We are all connected. We are One.

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 
My first book is available NOW! Reiki's Book

Peace, Love & Light ~

Reiki Nurse

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Emotional Summer 2018

Energy is shifting, moving & regenerating 
Over the next few weeks, some of you may be feeling deeply emotional without there being a valid reason why. You might have emotional days in which you simply can't put a finger on what is bothering you. Just allow those emotions to be ~ don’t try to change or resist them. 

Cosmos is Infinite 
Practice being with the myriad of emotions that are plaguing you. There are major shifts in Energy happening that are not so subtle at this time. We simply need to allow them to be, navigate through them and move forward. Besides the fact that six planets are in retrograde this Summer, we are moving more deeply into the Ascension process, collectively and individually. If past situations and/or emotions of things that you thought you'd worked through already come up this summer, surrender to them. This is going to be the Summer of Reflection for many of us on Mother Earth.  Allow your emotions to come up without resistance and simply move through them ~ the process is timely and necessary to move into the next phase of Ascension of your own individual Higher Self. 

Self-care is paramount during this time no matter what it is or how you go about it. Spend time alone at the sea or in the forest or in the mountains. Meditate and bring more Light into and around your physical body. Send your glowing, pink Heart Light to your loved ones and imagine them being bathed in the Unconditional Love of its glow. This is the Summer of Self-Reflection and Introspection and it's going to be Life changing for many of us on our Journey. 

Please feel free to comment on any of my posts, ask me questions or share your own experiences, strengths, hopes or dreams with us in the comments section. I'd love to hear from any of you

With Much Love, Peace & Many Blessings

Reiki Nurse 

Visit me at Reiki's Mystic Circle
Check out my New Reiki Book Family Sin

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Intricate Presence of Reiki


Reiki Energy is a refuge for many practitioners

Reiki Energy: A Spiritual Tool

By now, we may all be able (or willing) to agree that Reiki is a form of energy work that is described by practitioners and clients alike as healing, soothing, gentle, intelligently designed and, let’s face it, amazing! Every single day I strive to think about, meditate on or practice Reiki in my daily Life. I fall short often, but on the days that I feel spot on energetically, everything else falls into place nicely. Synchronicity. I love when it happens! 

When I’m on my game, not only do benefit, but everyone around me benefits, as well.  Those are the days I’m more aware of Presence. I often wonder how many Reiki practitioners over the years have achieved enlightenment or reached higher conscious through utilizing Reiki as part of their spiritual practice

When I was initially introduced to Reiki Energy, I held it in the highest esteem and felt Reiki was something one uses only in therapeutic settings. What I mean by that is I treated Reiki as though it was separate from me, the person. Clearly, I revered its divinely guided intelligence; yet, I seldom called upon it, unless it was for someone else’s benefit. I rarely, if ever, thought about using Reiki on a daily basis like people do with prayer, mantras, chanting or meditation.

I was virtually clueless as to how to apply Reiki using it as a spiritual tool. I did not realize that its powerful, cosmic energy could be exceptional in helping myself, my plants, my pets, my children or even my vehicles flourish.

Presently for me, Reiki Energy is like an American Express™ card: I never leave home without it. Reiki is an extension of me and has become an aspect of me in many ways. As time has passed, my energy signature has intertwined with Reiki, much like those model strands of DNA we see in science journals. Reiki energy is the powerful, gentle wizard of wellness that I carry close to my heart and soul. It’s my half-full glass of Life giving water, my lush and loving oasis in the arid, scorching desert of Life.

Reiki Evolution

How did it happen that Reiki became one of the Life saving devices I cling to on a daily basis, much like the Supreme Intelligence (God) and spirituality? How did Reiki become my companion, colleague and caregiver ~ what I like to call the 3C’s? When I was initially attuned in the 1STand 2ND degrees of Usui Shiki Ryoho, my Reiki Sensei explained Reiki energy and it’s origins to me thoroughly. 

Each Energy Center in our body correlates with
specific organs & functions
I learned about its powerful essence and was Attuned in Reiki in the old method, which is to say very little information was written down for me. My lessons were mostly ‘word of mouth’, although my Sensei did provide us with her version of ‘Cliff Notes’, which helped me immensely when I energy more frequently.
began to work with the

I sought other Reiki practitioners in my area, but at the time they were few and far between in a small town in Maine. When I did meet others with whom I could share Reiki, we’d meet once or twice with big ideas and plans to ‘start a community support group for Reiki practitioners’. Our ideas, like our meetings, dwindled over time what with Life happening all around us. I was a single mother raising my preteen children virtually alone. I also worked full time as a mental health practitioner. Free time was a luxury that at that point in my Life felt light years away.

Today, over twenty years later, my connection with Reiki healing energy is the anchor that keeps me connected to Mother Earth as I explore higher realms of Consciousness. Today, the Reiki Principles apply wholly to my every day Life. Reiki keeps me grounded and connected to Mother Earth. I’m eternally grateful that Reiki sought me out in this incarnation and connected once again with my soul.

Bright Reiki Blessings to All!

Visit me on the Web: Reiki's Mystic Circle
Check out my First Book: Reiki's Family Sin Book