Showing posts with label collective conscious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collective conscious. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Coming Out of the Dark ...

We are connecting to our Self & to Higher Realms

Opening to Receive

The Summer of 2018 has been cathartic for so many Souls who are aware of the process of Ascension, as well as for those who are not aware. Shifts have occurred in everyone's lives, either on subtle or extremely dramatic levels. We are not only learning to connect to our Self, many of us are experiencing connection with Higher Realms. Just ask around and you'll realize that people are beginning to identify that things are way more 'supernatural' than they ever believed them to be before. 

There are actually more people recognizing synchronicities than not, more people having bouts of prophetic dreams, lucid dreaming, mental telepathy, psychic awareness, increasing intuitive shifts, and other events and incidences that many of us cannot explain. 
Humanity is currently on the precipice of the point of no return. We are moving forward whether or not we wish to or realize it. 

We are ALL Experiencing These Shifts

If you stop Joe Schmoe on the street and ask him if his Life has been changing in any way during the past 6 months, you will most likely get a resounding 'yes!' That's because there are so many things occurring on levels we don't see or fully comprehend in this dualistic existence. 

Our individual awareness of reality has always been controlled and manipulated by conditioned thinking, that which we are taught as youngsters. From birth, we are taught who we are, how to act, what to think and believe, what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what isn't, and so on. All these thoughts and beliefs are based on what our biological parents' experiences were in the world, what they were taught as young children and how they were raised. 

Many of our parents broke away from their own parent's ways of thinking to find their own way, their own path. In doing so, though, they taught their children (us) their new way of thinking, which may or may not have been part of the collective consciousness and/or Light way of thinking. 

Simply Remain Open to Receiving 

So, now, as we move ever more deeply into the Light and into the Ascension process of our Souls, we find ourselves out of sorts when we need to deal with the mundane, every day Life stuff here on the planet. 

But we must remain grounded as it is important for us to do so in order to continue to connect with other Souls who may be experiencing symptoms that they don't understand or that scare them. We are all going forward and whether or not we reach the highest levels of understanding this time around is up to each individual. Just keep on keeping on! 

Peace, Love & Light to All ~
Reiki Nurse 

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to connect with me via my website:

Visit me on the WEB at Reiki's Mystic Circle 

My first book is available NOW! Reiki's Book

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Light Revealed!

In the Beginning ...

Sometimes, this climate seems unconscionable, and so difficult to navigate for many, but it will change quickly and hopefully, peacefully. The current political/societal climate has all of us walking on eggshells, afraid of our own responses, reactions, words, etc. Interestingly, either side is fighting about or against their own opinions. The words and phrases we're spewing basically align with our own long-held, personal, conditioned beliefs. 

What if we all began to awaken to the fact that our internal belief system is not really our own? We were all raised this way or that way-and many of us get angry at the thought that others weren't raised ‘with the same values’, beliefs, political background, ethics, morals, etc. as we were. But if we were all the same - homogenous - wouldn't that feel monotonous and bland after a while? Change is our only constant in Life, and for me personally, change keeps me on my toes consistently!

Opening to Listen to One Another

We do need to be willing to listen to one another's opinions, feelings and views using our mature emotional intelligence abilities. None of us has to change his or her personal beliefs or opinions unless he/she wants to explore the deeper aspects of our individual inner workings. When doing so, it helps to have unbiased, neutral people listen to our laments. For me, it helps to have a neutral ear. 

I hear myself talking out loud to her and it's as though I'm observing myself. In that way, my Inner Guide/Higher Self (God, Jesus, Allah, Yaweh, Creator, Great Spirit, etc.) discerns truth from chaff. As I observe my self, my Self discerns the truth.

Collectively, imagine how much more empowered and connected we'd feel as citizens united against those things we abhor: anger, hatred, abuses, bigotry, negativity, chaos, war. How empowered would you feel if those around you felt the same way you did about those same issues? But then, we can stand apart from others and know that we abhor and disown all the negative behaviors without getting caught up in the resistance aspects of each one. We know intrinsically that what we resist continues to persist long and hard, making it difficult to ever come to a place of peace without our Self.

Unfortunately, some of us are incapable of letting go of the Egoic need to be 'right', and also of old conditioning. Therefore, it is difficult to be rigorously honest with our selves. Fear prevents many of us from looking deep within and bringing up those old paradigms and beliefs that no longer serve us individually or serve the greater good. Letting go is a process that takes practice, but there is freedom in knowing that anyone or anything, which no longer serves my higher purpose or the good of humanity can be let go of. 

We are More Similar than we are Different 

Humanity needs to be united for all peoples, no matter their religion, race, color, sexual orientation or other perceived differences. Indeed, for all sentient beings. All the aforementioned extraneous aspects do not and never have mattered. It is the human condition that has made these irrelevant issues relevant. 

In all the disagreeing, hatred, anger, judgment, et al, which is being cycled and recycled around our planet currently, we are not SOLVING anything. We are simply perpetuating problems if we are engaging in banter about ‘differences’. We are perpetuating the dissension if we are remaining silent, as well. Without dissension, changes can not and will not happen, nor has change ever taken place in history without periods of dissension. Logically, we are all acting insanely, yet we are refusing to see exactly how insanely we are behaving.

Today, I am changing my involvement in these processes. Today, I am willing to see that changes can and will happen amidst the dissension. Today, I am willing to BE the change I wish to see in the world. Today, I will see the Light within my brothers and sisters rather than the darkness surrounding them.

I am the beacon of Light that will shine her love on all of humanity!

Blessings ~

Reiki Nurse