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Sending Love & Good Vibrations! |
The Experience
I had an enlightening breakthrough over the past few months that I'm willing to share now that I understand it more fully. I hope that in sharing it publicly, some of the anger, hatred & rhetoric that's been plaguing all of America, and indeed, the world of late will be eased somewhat.
I woke up in the middle of night recently, tearful, anxious & almost panicked. This summer has been an intense & emotional Journey into the deepest recesses of my emotional self, past & present. The thoughts upon awakening that were taking up space in my brain at that ungodly hour were: 'What we resist, persists' & 'Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.' Both thoughts intertwined with each other & suddenly made absolute & perfect sense to me, as though a bright light shone upon them.
Abruptly, it was as though I understood everything that has been happening to me & around me over the last few years. I understood that in order to continue to move forward ~ and to not allow myself to be sucked into the vortex of rhetorical hatred, righteous anger and energy depletion that is currently plaguing the world, I absolutely need to become more tolerant of all situations.
My View of the Experience
Just as I need to accept myself and all my feelings, emotions, attitudes, behaviors & what not; I also need to accept all situations, people, places & things. I can change ONLY my own reactions, emotions and responses. Otherwise, I'm wasting my precious energy in the vortex, which is definitely not what I want to be doing. My energy is precious and I want to use it only for good to help change my world & the world around me.
This is one of the things that Humanity as a whole needs to begin to see, know & feel on a daily basis. We are all spiritual beings having human experiences, whether or not we believe in God/Goddess/Allah/Jesus or the Purple People Eater. We are here on Earth together, the Human Family, and we are sharing this planet together.
We will not always agree on everything and it would be absolutely boring if we did, don't you think? I don't like that 'cookie cutter' experience ~ you know, the one where everything looks or acts or appears to be the same. It's just plain boring to me.
But just because we don't agree on everything, it certainly doesn't mean we need to waste precious time and energy seething in our own shit because we have differing opinions or different religious beliefs or different colored skin or different political views from others in our environment.
We can and must learn to treat each other with respect, kindness, love & decency DESPITE our differences. If we are not doing so on a daily basis, we are creating more chaos in our own lives and the lives of others. We are not supporting peace, nor are we helping to create peace within ourselves or in the world around us.
In closing, we are not always going to agree on everything, but we can continue to treat each other with compassion, kindness, love & decency. We are, after all, all part of the same race: the HUMAN race.
Peace, Love & Light ~
Reiki Nurse