It isn't ever easy to change our responses and/or reactions to fear, nor is it easy to identity fear and become totally aware of it. We are a fear-based race ~ the human race ~ and sometimes others' perceptions, words, and actions can plummet us into a fear-filled vacuum from which it is difficult to extract ourselves.
Our analytical minds tend to over-think our emotional responses to fear. In fact, our analytical minds tend to over-think all emotions! When we learn to live in our Heart ~ live Heart-Centered, rather than Ego-centered ~ fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions are decreased, if not banished altogether.
How do we learn to live in our Heart-Center? We simply practice living in the moment, rather than in the past or the future. Living in the moment takes a lot of practice, and as the saying goes, 'practice makes perfect'. It's commonplace to find ourselves living in the future or in the past.

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? And yet, it is not easy. It takes much more practice and mental focus than one can imagine. The good news is that with practice and diligence, we learn to live in the Now, and be present at all times. We need not live in FEAR (Face Everything And Recover!) any longer. We can be free of fear, and its constant nagging, burning pain. Our words, and our thoughts, create our realities.
Following are a few simple words, that when repeated often (and especially when our thoughts tend towards negativity!) can change our lives for the better.
"My Life is filled with Love, Peace, and Goodness"
"I flow freely with the rhythms of Life"
"I am brave and courageous"
"I live Life with ease and grace"
Try it for at least 21 days, and your Life will change!
Blessings to All ~
Reiki RN
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