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Light & Energy |
Elevation of Negativity
On November 9th, the world watched
with a mixture of horror and fear as a large portion of
America's citizens elected a blatantly hateful, misogynistic, corrupt, angry, xenophobic,
bigoted, admitted sexual deviant to the highest position in the nation.
The world watched in disbelief and utter shock as this person rose amidst the waves
(tsunamis) of civil unrest and lawlessness that pervade a once peaceful, once
God-fearing nation. The biggest supporters of this hateful demagogue are the so-called
‘evangelical Christians’, which lends to the paradigm of him being the 3rd
Anti-Christ, as Nostradamus predicted hundreds of years ago.
His ugly, dark persona represents
humanity’s collective consciousness, which is
being reflected back to us
through him like a huge mirror.
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Light |
We are being forced to see everything that we
loathe in him is exactly what we harbor within ourselves. We are the darkness
personified in the behavioral patterns of Donald Trump. ‘Christ’
simply means ‘Light’ and we are all part of the Light ~ yes, even Donald is a part of the Whole.
We are all connected to one another via the Light/Creator
and we are being urged to expose all our darkness within to the Light in order to
align ourselves with our Christ-Consciousness.
Rise of Seven Deadly Sins
During the last 18 months or so,
the entire world has witnessed with growing fear and trepidation, the rise of
the seven deadly sins in all their blatant and frightening glory: Lust, Greed,
Anger, Envy, Pride, Sloth & Covetousness. The seven deadly sins have been
elevated, praised and elected to the highest office in the United States
through this person.
Think about the types of people who are supporting the
misaligned energies of Donald Trump: There are people who claim to be aligned
with Jesus Christ: The Light of the World. How can one who supports such
hatred, such anger and self-righteousness, such xenophobia and misogyny ~ be
aligned with Jesus’ teachings? The hateful rhetoric that these people spew
is the exact antithesis of what Jesus the Christ taught us.
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We are ALL darkness & Light |
Indeed, even someone who doesn’t
believe in a Supreme Being can acknowledge that everything negative that embodies
this man’s persona is in direct and complete polar opposition to what biblical tenets have proclaimed throughout history.
We’ve all learned in religious classes that Jesus was a
gentle, reasonable voice of Love, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Peace during a
time when people felt they had no direction or representation.
That Jesus Christ brought
love and peace where previously hatred, anger and misunderstanding reigned, order where
previously disarray and chaos was prominent, tolerance where previously
people judged one another based on merit and material gain.
The mockery of America's deeply
embedded, core, humanistic values: peace, liberty, equality, love, and unity
for instance, signals the fast approaching shift in consciousness that will be
required to quell the tensions and civil unease which currently pervades the
nation and indeed, the world.
Whether you support this person's rise to power
or not, there are some undeniable reasons why he has been elevated to this
highest office, despite losing the popular vote by nearly three
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Brilliance & Light |
One reason is clear: Civil unrest.
Millions of citizens have been calling for changes within the structural
aspects of government for decades. Despite the negativity and hatred that
this person represents, Americans saw something in him that set him apart from
previous politicians. Perhaps it is the fact that he basically feels free to
spew anything he wishes, whether or not it offends entire groups of people, and
whether or not it is based in fact.
Perhaps it's because he has been able to do
anything he pleases, whether illegal, immoral or blatantly unethical and yet,
remains unaccountable for his words and his actions. Maybe it’s because his
hateful, angry rhetoric mirrors many Americans feelings precisely.
A Collective View

Collective Consciousness

Whatever the reasons behind his
rise to power, and despite America’s core values being quashed in the wake of his
election, the persona of this man's very being is a giant reflection of our
collective consciousness and our collective, unhealthy EGOs (Easing God Out).
yet, this entire process is not
about one person. It’s about the entire collective, the whole world, all of
humanity. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by blaming or shaming
one person, because it’s not about just
one person. Humanity is currently being forced to face its monstrous, collective dark
Shadows that reside within each and every one of us, no matter how pious and
spiritual. We all have the capacity
for darkness, for evil, for negativity. None
of us is exempt from both sides of the colloquial coin.
We are being called to face our own Shadow selves, our dark sides directly. Within each of us resides a darkness
that is inherent, and we are all responsible for identifying that inner evil and
facing it head on. Only then can we expose it to the Light of Christ
Consciousness. Only will the darkness within be transmuted and transformed into Light.
There are
many who will fall by the wayside during these next few years, who will succumb
to the hatred, evil, darkness and misaligned energies either by supporting the
rhetoric or by denying that it actually exists within our hearts and minds.
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Awakening |
Humanity is Awakening
This is a time to observe, pray,
meditate and remove the blinders from our eyes. This is a time to realize that
the veil of darkness is lifting and the Light is overcoming the darkness
globally. This is the end of the world as we know it, and as we’ve known it to
be. There are huge changes coming and humanity is going to experience each and
every change individually and collectively. Chaos will reign for decades as paradigms shift and transform, as people and places and things that appeared to be set in stone fall away. As entire governments fall and crumble on their weak tenets, and are erected sturdier and more effective in place of the ashes.
The Awakening of Humanity is upon
us ~ this is the last generation, so to speak. Humanity is being called to
transform the hatred in our hearts into the Light of Love, the Light of Christ.
If we choose the path of blindness, we are choosing darkness and negativity.
must consciously elevate our vibrations, elevate our Light-filled thoughts,
elevate our actions and come from the place of LOVE at our Core to which we all
have ownership: Love is all that matters! Let us realize a new world filled
with the Christ-Light, Christ-Love and Christ-Peace for all.
Humanity is raising its collective
Consciousness in order to raise the entire vibration of Mother Earth. These
truths are written upon each and every one of our Souls since the beginning of Time
as we know it.
We are One. We are Love. We are all Connected.
Remember, if you wish to connect with me via my website and/or subscribe to monthly updates, you can do so at the link below:
If you have any questions, concerns, comments or issues you wish to discuss please feel free to contact me via my website link, too. I’m always willing to listen!
Peace, Love, Light & Blessings ~
Reiki RN (Kat)