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A Full Moon on the horizon ... |
I’m positive that many of those experiences stem from previous incarnations as an herbalist and healer. They called people like me 'witches' back then. When they called us witch and pointed at us whilst shrieking hysterically, the term ‘witch’ became an extremely derogatory one that was used against us so that the powers that ruled the masses back then had justification in murdering us by the millions.
They hunted us down during the Inquisition tying us to trees or stakes that were planted firmly into the ground and burning us alive. They drowned us with stones and bricks tied to our legs so we sunk to the bottom of cold, murky ponds or lakes. They maimed & murdered us in so many inhuman, barbaric, and amoral ways ~ all in the name of God.
But the real reason they came after us was in an attempt to shut us down, shut us up & terminate our divine and esoteric knowledge. The esoteric knowledge that we hold dear, which has been passed along from generation to generation for eons. It has been genetically, intrinsically and verbally shared among our people for thousands, perhaps millions of years.
Lo & behold: We have returned again and again!
Millions of us! We are back during this auspicious time to help break down the social & religious conditioning, the old ways of thinking and being, and the old, outmoded paradigms. We’re here to shatter the old Draconian rules, laws & all the other rhetoric and social conditioning that simply is no longer working for humanity’s highest good.
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Every one of us is a Divine Spark & an extension of the Creator |
We are men & women with a mission ~ a mission to heal the world and allow the New Heaven and the New Earth (Higher Consciousness, Christ Consciousness) to reveal itself.
We have chosen to be here during this auspicious time to heal ourselves, to heal Our Mother (Earth) & to heal those who inhabit Her and wish to be healed.
We are here to eradicate the toxic, noxious poison of the patriarchal paradigms.
The patriarchal 'church’ does not nor has it ever wanted us to interfere with its methods of brainwashing the masses. ‘They’ wish to keep the Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine Principles quashed, clandestine, and hidden from Humanity because ‘they’ know if the truth is revealed it will be the end of time for the current paradigms. If the majority raises its collective Consciousness and LOVE prevails via knowing Divine Truth, the patriarch will no longer hold any control over Humanity.
‘They’ know that if Humanity discovers the truth, that we are all aspects of Divine Feminine & the Sacred Masculine, the Yin & Yang, the Dark & Light, we will each know our True Self. In turn, we will each become empowered with our own personal power of knowing who we are and where we stand in our divinity.
Yes, if we all continue to Awaken & Ascend, we will become both empowered & knowledgeable. When individuals become empowered & knowledgeable, they realize that fighting against each other is futile, wasted and ignorant. They begin to realize that their own individual power, when combined with others’ personal power becomes a Force, an Entity to be reckoned with.
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Self-empowerment is unstoppable! |
Then we will know our Divine Self and we will know that we are not separate entities away from the Creator(s), but intricate and important aspects of the Creator(s) .
We will know that we are not separate from each other, but intricate and important aspects of each other.
We will then be able and willing to rise up & shed Light on the darkness and the truth will be revealed to Humanity.
We will know that ’they’ kept the Truth cloaked & shrouded in darkness for millennia in order to control, manipulate and own the masses.
When that day comes, the darkness will forever be bathed and revealed in the Light.
And we will all know true freedom, peace & joy …