I’ve risen above the negativity of living a small Life on a small scale. The expansion of our Consciousness includes expansion of our Heart Chakra and energies. The Heart and the Consciousness are intricately connected as I have learned over the past few years. If I expand my Heart and allow myself to open to Unconditional Love of self and others, my Consciousness follows and vice versa.
This year, I’ve purposefully and eloquently ended connections with people who are intricately connected to and burdened with drama and negativity, people who have no boundaries when it comes to others’ business. When you allow others to insert their opinions and unsolicited advice into your personal business, you are giving them carte blanche to verbalize their opinions and judgments where they do not belong.
In order to live an authentic and beautiful Life, we need to know who we are and what we will tolerate and not tolerate as empowered spiritual beings. We are not judging we are simply letting go of those things and people that no longer align with our higher purpose.
When we let go with Love & forgiveness, (for ourselves as well as for others) we are allowing and creating space for newer and higher experiences to enter our realm.

As I fill my vessel with Light & Love of Eternal Bliss and Joy, I no longer require attachments to anything in the material world.
I Am Light. I Am Love.
I Am.
Peace, Love & Light ~
Reiki Nurse (Kat)
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