Thursday, December 21, 2017

Happy Winter Solstice!

The Shortest Day of the Year & The Longest Night of the Year
 ~ Shine Your Light into the Darkness ~

Welcome in the TWO Year! 

Happy Winter Solstice, my Light-Filled Friends! 

Today is a calm energy day ~ I hope you've been chilling out at home or in Nature. That's what it's all about! 

Taking time to be by yourself and to really hear your Inner Voice (your Higher Power, Guides, Masters, Avatars, etc) speaking to you. 

It's been a calm day here in South Florida. Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Winter Solstice

Let Your Love Light Shine! 
Walk in the Light ~ 

Reiki Nurse

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Great Shift

We are living in auspicious, Light-filled times!

Auspicious Times 

We are living in auspicious times, my Light-Filled Friends!

Why do I say we are living in auspicious times? Because I believe we are. 

We’re in what some have termed the Golden Era of Light or the Great Shift. This period in linear time will bring about a Higher Consciousness that will serve to save Planet Earth and Humanity ~ and shine the Consciousness of Christ-Light upon the entire planet. 

This New World will align our Souls with the Creator’s and we will begin to realize that we are truly connected, rather than separate from each other and Source. The new Era of Light will be one in which every Being thrives, no matter social status, education, race, religion ... no matter what. 

Humanity is Awakening

We know intrinsically that 'something' is happening ...
The esoteric truths that were imprinted upon our Souls from the beginning of Time have been quashed, denied and manipulated for millennia, because to reveal the truth would be to release humanity from the bondage of control. 

We’ve been controlled by entities that have sought to control humanity and control outcomes for millennia, and we are just now breaking free from the collective trap of darkness. Everything is being exposed in this new era of truth. All the systems that were  created and built up to ‘protect’ us from ourselves are being torn down, belief by belief. The Light of Truth is piercing the veil that has only served to confuse us and hide the truth of our innate empowerment, that which connects each of us intrinsically to Source. 


Many of us have felt shifts in our own Consciousness and our own Souls, as well as shifts in the very fabric of reality in recent years. These shifts have been felt on subtle and not so subtle levels, and some of us have had the wherewithal to discuss what’s happening outright, while others have been silenced by their own Ego & by fear.

EGO wishes to keep us stuck in the old ways of thinking and does not want these changes to take place for fear of its own annihilation, which inevitably will come about when humanity figures out that EGO has been the sole cause of too many conflicts, too many wars on this planet. 

EGO has been in charge of Humanity for thousands of years, since our Matriarchal societies were shattered and destroyed by the darkness that was visited upon us by EGO (Easing God Out).

Trust the Process

Trust that everything is happening for the Greater Good
Many beings have experienced and are experiencing the process of awakening to the truth of what is for several years. Humanity has been veiled (shrouded) in paradigms that have been hailed as ‘truths’ for centuries, but the Light of Consciousness is being shone upon every conditioned belief, every falsity that has ever existed. It is during this auspicious time on our planet ~ the Golden Age ~ that all which was disseminated as truth for thousands of years will be exposed because darkness cannot survive once the Light of Truth reveals it for what it truly is.

These things are coming about currently in the current climate globally. If you stay abreast of the happenings around us with an open mind and an open heart, there is absolutely no way you can miss what is being revealed: from lies being exposed to conditioned beliefs being shattered to global protests about the mistreatment of living beings. 

Everything that is happening is timely, albeit unpredictable and sometimes laced with fear. We need only to remember that EGO is not in charge, that we are all connected to each other and to the Creator, and that LOVE is the most powerful emotion in the spectrum of emotions. 

LOVE will heal humanity. In the end, there is only Love ~ and all is being revealed with Love.

Trust the Process!

Love, Peace & Blessings to All ~
Reiki Nurse 

You can connect with Reiki Nurse and sign up to receive updates at Reiki's Mystic Circle

More to be revealed ~ 
Let YOUR Love Light Shine! 

Friday, October 20, 2017

Finding Stillness in the midst of Chaos

The 'Observing Presence' or 'Witnessing Presence' (Higher Self)
behind the mind (Ego)

The Witnessing Presence

What happens when you turn the lights off at night and lay your head down on your pillow? Does your mind begin chattering aimlessly? Are there images that flicker incessantly behind your eyelids, like someone flipping through  channels inside your mind? How does one meditate effectively with so much psychological and mental pollution flitting about? Is there an effective way to shut off the noise and allow the stillness to envelop you?

Through the years and with practice, becoming the 'witnessing presence' of our minds (egos) is possible. Many philosophies teach various versions of the witnessing presence, the 'higher self', 'consciousness', 'light body', and so on. Modern day spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle discusses the witnessing presence in his book "The Power of Now" concisely and extensively. The Witnessing Presence is our higher self, our higher consciousness whose neutrality silences the mindless, incessant chatter of our Ego-ic Mind. We can learn to simply observe our ego mind as the witnessing presence without judgment, without critique.

Quieting the Mind

Humans tend to over think, over analyze, over process and over exaggerate. It's an affliction of the mind, the ego. The ego is constantly threatened with annihilation, so it clings to conditioned thinking with a ferocious, white-knuckled grip. It's not easy to let go of all the extraneous garbage that clogs up our mindscape (I just made that word up ~ LOL!) and sometimes renders us immobile, because fear (anxiety) is debilitating if we allow it to be. 

Something that has helped me in the past is during the act of meditation, I'll simply allow my thoughts to come in without judging them or giving them an audience. I allow the thoughts to come into my mind, acknowledge them and don't give them any more time or energy than that. If it seems my mind is running away with my thoughts, I will bring my attention back to my breathing. I'll focus on each inhalation of breath deep into my lungs, as well as each exhalation through my lips. Calm and relaxed. Calm and relaxed. 

Simply allow your thoughts to BE
In that way, my mind becomes quiet one thought at a time. There are other ways to quiet the mind, as well. But that is the way that I've found most effective while in the midst of meditation or while preparing to meditate.

I teach meditation to those who have anxiety issues, bipolar disorder, PTSD and other mental health issues, because it helps them to relax, to expand their consciousness, and to ease their unwarranted fears and anxieties. It's a most effective remedy for those who are interested in quieting their minds naturally without using drugs, chemicals or any other extraneous or unhealthy methods.

It's taken me many years to harness the act of meditation to its most effective and fullest. But meditation has changed my Life dramatically. If you're a non-believer, one who thinks he or she cannot meditate or who thinks you cannot let go of anxiety without the use of pills, chemicals or other unhealthy means, continue doing what you've been doing, by all means.

When you're tired of living as you have been, beating your head against the brick wall over and over and expecting different results ~ perhaps you'll seek out a person who can help you learn to meditate.

The ONLY guarantee I can offer to you is this: Meditation will change your Life exponentially. The ball is in your court. Try it. You've got nothing to lose ~ except your fear. Except your anxiety.

For more information or to connect with Reiki Nurse via her website and subscribe to her monthly updates at: Reiki's Mystic Circle

Peace & Blessings ~

Reiki Nurse 


Friday, August 18, 2017

The Journey

Narcissists harbor deep-seated loathing for themselves ...

Narcissism: Incorrectly Overused Term

Loving who you are cannot and should not be equated with narcissism. Loving who you are is, in fact, the total opposite of narcissism. Narcissists harbor deep-seated loathing for themselves and deep down they’re unsure and have no concept of how to honest with themselves. Everything happens to them or is about them and the concept of ‘creating your own reality’ or ‘personal responsibility’ may as well be an alien language beyond comprehension. 

A narcissist truly loathes the person they are.  It’s a sad and toxic existence where s/he is constantly seeking the approval of others for validation of herself as a person. It’s a place of darkness, sorrow and despair. There may be a little ‘narcissist’ in every human being, actually. But self-love resolves the misaligned energies that create self-deprecation and self-delusion.

Learning to Love Yourself

I’ve learned that loving myself is not about feeling superior, better than, or more powerful than anyone else. In fact, loving who I am as a woman and a spiritual being teaches me that I am not only equal to every other sentient being on this plane of existence, I am intrinsically connected to each and every one. 

I’ve learned that loving myself means caring about what happens to me as a person, as a woman, as a living being. I’ve learned that loving who I am is knowing that I’m a flawed human being in all her glory and realizing that others’ needs are just as important as my own ~ not more important and not less important. I’ve learned that knowing how I care for myself in the present is going to benefit everyone I come into contact with because I won’t take my stress out on undeserving victims.

We're all on The Journey, The Great Path ...
Being present for myself ~ striving to stay in the present moment (which is pretty simple to do, but not really easy) ~ benefits not only my own state of mind, but every other soul’s peace of mind that I’ll come into contact with on my Journey today. Identifying my own needs and desires helps me to stay focused on the changes that need to be made within my personality (and hence, in my behaviors) as I become more aware. 

My spirit is perfect and I’m drawing from my spiritual self to manifest what it is I experience on this level. Loving myself is knowing my authentic self and what it is that ‘floats my boat’, so to speak. It’s learning to take charge of my emotions rather than allowing my emotions to be in charge.

Learning to love myself just as I am ~ accepting every flaw as well as every virtue ~ is part of my intrinsic Journey on this plane. We’re all on The Journey, the Great Path. We’re simply at different milestones, various land marks along the road. We are all connected to each other and to the Divine Consciousness, God, Allah, Jesus, Great Spirit, Being, etc. We needn’t be afraid to show the world who we truly are ~ for that bright, sparkling, radiation diamond at our very Core is who and what we truly are. We are One. We are Love. We are Connected. 

Be blessed and continue on The Journey with ease and grace ~


Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Light Revealed!

In the Beginning ...

Sometimes, this climate seems unconscionable, and so difficult to navigate for many, but it will change quickly and hopefully, peacefully. The current political/societal climate has all of us walking on eggshells, afraid of our own responses, reactions, words, etc. Interestingly, either side is fighting about or against their own opinions. The words and phrases we're spewing basically align with our own long-held, personal, conditioned beliefs. 

What if we all began to awaken to the fact that our internal belief system is not really our own? We were all raised this way or that way-and many of us get angry at the thought that others weren't raised ‘with the same values’, beliefs, political background, ethics, morals, etc. as we were. But if we were all the same - homogenous - wouldn't that feel monotonous and bland after a while? Change is our only constant in Life, and for me personally, change keeps me on my toes consistently!

Opening to Listen to One Another

We do need to be willing to listen to one another's opinions, feelings and views using our mature emotional intelligence abilities. None of us has to change his or her personal beliefs or opinions unless he/she wants to explore the deeper aspects of our individual inner workings. When doing so, it helps to have unbiased, neutral people listen to our laments. For me, it helps to have a neutral ear. 

I hear myself talking out loud to her and it's as though I'm observing myself. In that way, my Inner Guide/Higher Self (God, Jesus, Allah, Yaweh, Creator, Great Spirit, etc.) discerns truth from chaff. As I observe my self, my Self discerns the truth.

Collectively, imagine how much more empowered and connected we'd feel as citizens united against those things we abhor: anger, hatred, abuses, bigotry, negativity, chaos, war. How empowered would you feel if those around you felt the same way you did about those same issues? But then, we can stand apart from others and know that we abhor and disown all the negative behaviors without getting caught up in the resistance aspects of each one. We know intrinsically that what we resist continues to persist long and hard, making it difficult to ever come to a place of peace without our Self.

Unfortunately, some of us are incapable of letting go of the Egoic need to be 'right', and also of old conditioning. Therefore, it is difficult to be rigorously honest with our selves. Fear prevents many of us from looking deep within and bringing up those old paradigms and beliefs that no longer serve us individually or serve the greater good. Letting go is a process that takes practice, but there is freedom in knowing that anyone or anything, which no longer serves my higher purpose or the good of humanity can be let go of. 

We are More Similar than we are Different 

Humanity needs to be united for all peoples, no matter their religion, race, color, sexual orientation or other perceived differences. Indeed, for all sentient beings. All the aforementioned extraneous aspects do not and never have mattered. It is the human condition that has made these irrelevant issues relevant. 

In all the disagreeing, hatred, anger, judgment, et al, which is being cycled and recycled around our planet currently, we are not SOLVING anything. We are simply perpetuating problems if we are engaging in banter about ‘differences’. We are perpetuating the dissension if we are remaining silent, as well. Without dissension, changes can not and will not happen, nor has change ever taken place in history without periods of dissension. Logically, we are all acting insanely, yet we are refusing to see exactly how insanely we are behaving.

Today, I am changing my involvement in these processes. Today, I am willing to see that changes can and will happen amidst the dissension. Today, I am willing to BE the change I wish to see in the world. Today, I will see the Light within my brothers and sisters rather than the darkness surrounding them.

I am the beacon of Light that will shine her love on all of humanity!

Blessings ~

Reiki Nurse

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bright New Year Wishes!

Brilliant New Year Blessings!

The past year was wrought with so many lessons on a Soul level and on a subconscious level for me and for many others, that it almost seems surreal as 2016 makes way for 2017. I’m happy that the year completed on a good note and that we are all privy to NEW energies and NEW vibrations in 2017. We needn’t hold on to the sorrows or horrors of 2016, as it is all passing away as we live each moment in the presence of today ~

So, the outgoing year ~ 2016 ~ is considered a ‘9’ year, which esoterically means a year of endings, completions and closures on various levels. The New Year coming in (2017) has the energy of a ‘1’ year: New beginnings, new ventures, new energies and vibrations that we can welcome with open arms and hearts.

Let’s make it a GREAT year! My wish for everyone is peace, love, joy and prosperity of spirit in the coming year! Make it so!

For more information about energy or energies, the vibrations of numbers and other metaphysical and/or spiritual questions or concerns, please always feel free to contact me via the email on my site and/or subscribe: Reiki's Mystic Circle  I’ll respond in a timely manner to you. 

It’s a New Year once again! May your year be filled with many Blessings, Peace, Joy and LOVE!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Precious doe
Reiki Nurse